Consultation with a psychologist: paranoid-epileptoid personality type

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Psychopathy, or personality disorder, manifests itself in the form of persistent disturbances in character and behavior. They arise from birth or form in a child in early childhood and persist throughout the rest of his life. Such deviations lead to maladjustment in relationships with people. The pathology can be caused by many factors, but their significance varies for each patient. Treatment of psychopathy in Moscow is carried out at Dr. Isaev’s clinic by the best specialists.

Statistics say that approximately 10% of the world's population suffers from some degree of psychopathy. This is indicated by international studies conducted in many countries. Asthenic, hysterical and emotionally labile forms of the disease are more common in women, while other types are most typical for men. Often one patient has a combination of several personality disorders at the same time.

Psychopathy signs

Treatment of psychopathy should begin with a diagnosis. An experienced doctor first of all pays attention to the signs of this disease. The main symptoms of this disorder are:

  • indifference to the feelings of others;
  • rejection of social norms of behavior;
  • failure to fulfill duties and requirements;
  • the desire to fulfill one's desires, even through violence;
  • difficulty in forming relationships with people;
  • lack of feelings of guilt and analysis of mistakes;
  • Blaming others for your failures.

Features of the manifestation and treatment of psychopathy depend on its type. According to one of the classifications, it is:

  • asthenic;
  • psychasthenic;
  • schizoid;
  • paranoid;
  • epileptoid;
  • cycloid;
  • unstable;
  • antisocial;
  • psychopaths are constitutionally stupid.

Asthenic psychopathy

People with this deviation are characterized by increased shyness, indecisiveness, and poor adaptability to new conditions. They have a high sensitivity to mental stimuli and physical stress. Such individuals exhibit strong reactivity in response to the sight of blood, temperature changes, and tactlessness of people. They often have various problems in the functioning of the autonomic system and tend to focus on their sensations.


Treatment of psychopathy in psychasthenics using psychotherapy involves teaching patients normal self-esteem and gaining confidence. Such people manifest themselves with constant doubts. They are shy, but at the same time very proud and touchy. They love to engage in introspection, self-control, and adore abstract logical constructs that are not applicable in life. Any change in work, place of residence, and other aspects is accompanied by an increase in anxiety. They are very pedantic, disciplined and annoying. Psychasthenics cannot occupy management positions, but they can be excellent assistant managers.


Representatives of this disorder are characterized by high sensitivity towards themselves and their problems and absolute indifference to the misfortune of others. All actions of such a person are aimed at satisfying himself, but without the desire for fame or money (although there are exceptions). Schizoids are often people of art; in life they are called originals, eccentrics. They are persistent in achieving their goals and are ready to help starving children in Africa, but at the same time they will calmly look at the experiences of their own mother.


A feature of this change in personality is the formation of an extremely valuable idea in a person by the age of 20-25. These ideas are based (unlike delusional ones) on reality, but at the same time facts and events are assessed subjectively, based on their own point of view (jealousy, hypochondria, etc.) . Treatment of psychopathy in this case is not effective if only medication is used.

They are distinguished by rancor, touchiness, and a desire for self-affirmation. Their character traits often lead to conflict situations with others. They often fight for justice, which is expressed in the constant writing of complaints, going to authorities, and participating in court proceedings.


Epileptoids are characterized by an explosive nature, anger and excitability. Their reaction often does not correspond to the strength of the irritation. But then they quickly move away and even regret their incontinence. They are difficult to get along with in the family and work collective, vindictive, pedantic and overly neat. At the same time, they exhibit sweetness, the ability to flatter, and the use of diminutive words in conversation.

Epileptoid psychopaths either love or hate; for them there is no moderation in feelings. But the peculiarities of their character and behavior haunt neither friends nor enemies. Some patients have a tendency to alcoholism, drugs, and vagrancy. Among people of this type there are often perverts, gamblers or murderers. Therefore, the treatment of mental disorders in these patients should be entrusted exclusively to experienced specialists.


Hysterical psychopathy manifests itself in the desire to certainly attract attention. With such a personality type, any effect designed to demonstrate appearance, emotions, and stories about one’s own unusual adventures is important. Some hysterics may attribute to themselves high-profile crimes that they did not actually commit. People of this type often play some role, imitating one or another personality.

When admitted to the hospital, treatment of psychopathy in a hysteroid becomes more difficult, since he can very reliably simulate the illnesses of his neighbors in the ward. It is also characterized by contradictory judgments, alternating sympathy and antipathy.

Cycloid psychopathy

Cycloids are divided into several groups. The first (hypothymic) are constantly in a sad mood, pessimistic, characterized by gloom and reluctance to communicate. They show diligence and accuracy in their work, but always expect failure. They are driven by a constant feeling of their own inferiority. In this case, in addition to general methods, treatment for depression may be required.

Hyperthymic cycloids, unlike hypothymic ones, are constantly in a state of animation, good mood, active and optimistic. They love communication and long conversations, full of different ideas. Negative traits of this type are a tendency towards adventurism and inconsistency. They often lie and do not fulfill obligations and promises. Emotionally unstable cycloids are constantly subject to mood swings. Such periods can last for hours, days and even weeks.

Unstable psychopathy

These people are constantly exposed to other people's influence. They are very suggestible, and their whole life is shaped by random circumstances. They are the ones who most often end up in a circle and become addicted to drugs and alcohol. At work they are unnecessary and undisciplined. They constantly need supervision and, in good conditions, can work normally and lead a healthy, active life. Treatment of psychopathy in Moscow for this group of people is easy due to their suggestibility. The main thing for a doctor in this situation is to become a significant person for his patient.


Antisocial psychopaths are characterized by moral defects. They do not feel their duty towards society and cannot feel affection for others. These people are indifferent to praise or blame and are unable to live peacefully with other people because they do not follow generally accepted rules. Many antisocial psychopaths torture animals as children and treat their parents with indifference.

Constitutionally stupid psychopaths

Unlike mental retardation and other children with congenital mental disabilities, constitutionally stupid psychopaths learn easily and get high grades. But in practice they are not able to apply their knowledge. They cannot take initiative, use patterns in conversation, are very suggestible, tend to obey the opinion of the majority and carefully follow fashion. They are conservative by nature and do not like innovation. They are distinguished by high self-esteem and often utter pompous, complex phrases that do not have any meaning.

Symptoms during childhood

Parents should pay attention to the following behavior patterns. At first, the child is too diligent in tidying up the room, putting all the toys in their places. Then he shows excessive nervousness, outbursts of anger, which may seem like ordinary resentment. The manifestation of cruelty towards animals and domestic plants deserves special attention.

The child is capable of defending his own position too fiercely, actively arguing with adults. This should not be confused with the completely natural “I myself” crisis, which blossoms at the age of three. Remember that competent correction of a child’s behavior will help him in adulthood.

Causes of psychopathy

Treatment of psychopathy requires understanding the causes of its occurrence. This personality disorder occurs as a result of improper formation of will and emotions. Many scientists are inclined to believe that this deviation should be considered not so much as a separate disease, but as a feature of severe character traits due to pathology of the nervous system. The reasons may be:

  • birth injury;
  • difficult pregnancy;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • alcoholism or drug addiction of parents at the time of conception and gestation;
  • physical, mental or sexual abuse;
  • encephalitis suffered at an early age.

The formation of a psychopathic personality is facilitated by two extremes in education. The first option is when a child in the family feels like a king. All his whims and desires are fulfilled, he is not given independence and the opportunity to take responsibility for something. Character pathology also occurs in a family where a son or daughter is constantly scolded, humiliated, mocked, and their shortcomings are constantly emphasized.

Epileptoid personality type: characteristics of these people, their conflicting and harmonious character traits

According to qualified specialists, epileptoids do not need medical and psychological help. Outbursts of anger do not require treatment; it is much better to work on correcting behavior and remember the importance of social adaptation. To level out the condition, harmony of calm is recommended.

  • Epileptoids need to find an activity in which their skills of accuracy and pedantry will be useful.
  • Empathy can be formed in youth by imitating the behavior of authoritative figures, for example, heroes of works, sports idols, and so on.
  • It is necessary to create priorities, strict rules and always adhere to them.

Thus, despite the non-standard nature of epileptoids, such individuals do not need full-fledged therapeutic courses. If all actions are taken in a timely manner to correct behavior, the person will become calmer and more restrained, and the main signs of the psychotype described above will be less pronounced.

Epileptoid type of personality accentuation (lecture)

Epileptoid (excitable) personality type is one of the types of character accentuations or personality disorder, bordering on epileptoid psychopathy.

This accentuation got its name due to the similarity of psychological characteristics and behavior with the changes caused by epilepsy. However, the epileptoid type of accentuation still does not make a person an epileptoid psychopath.

In general, this is a borderline type of character development, lying on the side of the norm.

The epileptoid personality type is an extremely interesting phenomenon in modern psychology. Representatives of this type of character have made a special contribution to the development of human culture.

Epileptoid psychopathy is a unique combination of explosiveness, impulsiveness, a tendency to pathological pedantry and conflict.

Epileptoids are envious and vindictive, they are distinguished by a certain slowness of mind and particular slowness in work.

Epileptoid accentuation is a sum of clearly defined character traits that are within normal limits, but give a person a certain vulnerability to specific mental stress. Character accentuation should not be perceived as a disease.

Excitable or explosive psychopathy is a distortion of character, which in the case of an epileptoid manifests itself in outbreaks of unmotivated sudden aggression; angry melancholy and the need to incite a conflict with someone can weigh heavily on the individual. Such manifestations cannot be classified as a disease. However, such tendencies greatly impair some social aspects.

Epileptoid psychological accentuation of character is a complex system of definitions and characteristics of the personality of an epileptoid. Let's consider the main positions:

  • Love for nourishing and tasty food;
  • Sound sleep and difficulty waking up;
  • Expressed sexuality against the background of a complete absence of shyness;
  • People are extremely pedantic and careful.

The epileptoid nature of human psychology leaves an imprint on his appearance. As a rule, such people have a squat figure. The head is rounded, seems slightly pressed into the shoulders. The torso is quite massive, complemented by strong but short limbs.

Epileptoid psychopathy and epilepsy are characterized by common features. With a thorough study of each specific case, it is sometimes possible to identify the presence of harmful factors affecting the psyche during pregnancy or at an early age. There is an opinion that psychopathy of the explosive type is a compensatory reaction to shallow lesions of the brain tissue of an organic nature.

In psychology, the epileptoid personality type is considered difficult due to its characteristics. Experts characterize an epileptoid as an excitable, tense, authoritarian person prone to mood swings. The most famous among them are Stalin and Marshal Zhukov.

The basic emotion of the type is anger, so it is difficult to communicate with it. The bad thing is that to relieve his irritation, he looks for an object among those around him. If someone can stop communicating with such a psychotype, then loved ones have to endure his affective outbursts, pedantry, and meticulous adherence to the rules. To make life next to him comfortable, you need to know his advantages and disadvantages.

Important! An epileptoid, as a personality type, is quite difficult to understand, but anyone who learns about his reliability, efficiency, and ability to make friends can build a harmonious relationship with him.

It is believed that people with epileptoid accentuation do not require medical and psychological help. There is no need to treat outbursts of anger; it is more useful to correct behavior patterns, that is, to carry out social adaptation. Creating a harmonious environment is of great importance for leveling the condition.

From this position, the following recommendations for behavior correction are effective:

  • Support in finding a field of activity in which his accuracy and pedantry will find worthy use;
  • The formation of empathy in childhood and adolescence will be helped by imitation of the behavior of significant people, the example of literary heroes, and sports idols.
  • A system of priorities and rules within them that the epileptoid will follow is desirable.

Psychologists believe that it is possible to develop the correct behavioral strategy if we take into account the characteristics of this psychotype.

Treatment of psychopathy in men

In men, treatment for psychopathy is carried out in the same way as in women. But it should be understood that this deviation has special manifestations in the stronger sex. Love and empathy are not characteristic of these individuals, but to get what they want, they can play with feelings and use others. Those who find themselves in close relationships with them often suffer and receive psychological trauma.

Quite often, treatment of psychopathy in men has to be carried out forcibly, by court order, since almost not a single patient admits to his problems and is considered to be completely healthy. Therefore, it is important for relatives to talk to the person and convince him to undergo therapy. Doctors have not yet come up with a way to influence the cause and pathogenesis of the deviation. But some improvement in character, adaptation and family relationships can be achieved with the help of sedatives and work with a psychotherapist. This type of treatment for personality disorder requires a sufficient number of sessions to achieve a positive result.

Symptoms in adolescents and adults

Teenagers may suffer from mood swings, which include unexplained sadness and irritability. They want to wreak havoc on any suitable object. If symptoms develop for too long, you may experience their transformation into extremely negative character traits. Epileptoids in adolescence show too violent emotions. Gradually, irritation accumulates to spill out as a result of the most innocent reason.

Already in adulthood, a person shows irritability, anger, and experiences mood swings. Psychologists say that adult epileptoids are distinguished by an extreme degree of selfishness, tension in the process of activity, persistence and rancor (see How to forgive an insult).

Among the negative traits we can mention unhealthy pedantry and pettiness, which is why people with this personality type are extremely unbearable in communication. They actively seek marriage to enjoy family life, but can be nagging about disorder. The most harmonious relationship will develop between an epileptoid and a sanguine person, who will not get stuck in worries or grievances after the words of a loved one. It is important to understand that loved ones must soften the tension of the epileptoid. He, in turn, will feel grateful that they managed to keep him from getting into negative situations.

In progress

People with this personality type are distinguished by increased patience and perseverance. They are able to achieve all their goals (see How successful people became successful) thanks to their character. They like to act within strictly defined boundaries and lead other people. You can safely choose the profession of a military man, accountant and analyst. You can achieve success thanks to the presence of order in actions, systematicity.

Treatment of psychopathy in women

Treatment of psychopathy in Moscow for women at Dr. Isaev’s clinic involves using an integrated approach using medications. They are usually recommended to eliminate angry outbursts and relieve depression if the patient is in the stage of decompensation. In mild cases, you can get by with psychotherapy alone; cognitive-behavioral therapy is chosen; it allows you to analyze the wrong attitude towards events and people, and change your reaction to stressful and ordinary situations.

The following drugs are used:

  • neuroleptics;
  • behavior correctors;
  • tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants (most often serotonin reuptake inhibitors).

A friendly atmosphere is created around the patient, occupational therapy is provided and assistance is provided for social adaptation. Sometimes hypnosis and auto-training, ordinary conversations, and family therapy are used to improve relationships with loved ones.

Preventive and therapeutic methods

The compensatory stage of the psychopathic state does not require any therapeutic measures. Much more important is to identify disturbing factors in childhood and adolescence. To do this, parents must raise their child correctly from a moral point of view with the presence of certain prohibitions, avoiding permissiveness. For teenagers who are difficult in this regard, assistance is provided in adapting to the social order, and appropriate jobs are provided depending on the person’s level of intelligence.

If we talk about the use of medications, they are used depending on the pathological reactions that most often occur in patients. If a person is emotionally inadequate, then they are treated with antidepressants ; hysterics and angry manifestations in behavior are amenable to the influence of neuroleptics. Significant deviations in behavior are corrected with the appropriate sonapax and neuleptil.

Preparations with a mild stimulating effect on a plant basis are used, for example, Chinese lemongrass, Leuzea, ginseng, lure, eleutherococcus. To determine the appropriate treatment method, it is worth trying to take the epileptoid psychopath to a doctor. With timely use of medications, the prognosis for the course of the disease is determined to be favorable.

Treatment of epileptoid psychopathy

Treatment of psychopathy in epileptoids consists of an individual approach to each patient and the use of all modern methods of providing assistance. As with other personality disorders, medications are used in combination with psychotherapy techniques. It can be in the form:

  • gathering a group of people with similar problems;
  • individual conversations with a specialist;
  • working with relatives.

A person learns to manage his emotions, especially anger, and communicate with loved ones and strangers. Permanent employment is a prerequisite for this type of psychopathy; without this, the patient’s condition worsens significantly.

The prognosis for this disease is more favorable if the attacks are caused by negative experiences. In this case, treating stress along with cognitive behavioral psychotherapy will help. The work of an experienced specialist will help achieve good results, and it is possible to achieve depsychotization.

Epileptoid personality type: characteristics of these people, their conflicting and harmonious character traits

Epileptoid psychopathy combines explosiveness, impulsiveness, conflict, mood swings with pedantry, thoroughness, slow-wittedness, and rancor. The epileptoid is envious, slow at work, and tends to get stuck on little things.

People with epileptoid personality disorder (psychopathy) can accumulate irritation for a long time, and then at the most unexpected moment it results in a stream of curses and even aggressive actions.

Epileptoid accentuation of character has signs inherent in people with a manic desire for impeccable order, for example, so that chairs stand on a ruler, and keys hang only in the key holder. Similar demands are made on the behavior of others. The epileptoid closely monitors their actions; if they do not, in his opinion, correspond to the established order, he will definitely make a remark. The important thing is that the epileptoid is a housewife and loves order not only in things, but also in relationships between people, so he, as a rule, has a strong family.

For your information. To avoid misunderstandings, others should take into account that the main characteristic of this psychotype is the creation of an ideal world around oneself and its zealous maintenance.

Speaking about the features of the epileptoid type, it is necessary to highlight a symptom that interferes with the life of not only himself, but also those around him. This is inhibition, which periodically alternates with outbursts of anger towards the one who caused this feeling.

It is advisable for others to take into account the characteristics of the epileptoid type in order to create a comfortable relationship with him

Other signs of an epileptoid nature:

  • Perseverance to the point of tediousness, which makes such people perfectionists. Because of this, they are indispensable in the profession, as they are able to pull even an unpromising project into a leading position;
  • Denial of change, indecisiveness when moving at work and at home, since ideal order has already been created in the old place;
  • A negative attitude towards criticism, therefore there is a desire for a career in order to avoid submission;
  • Unwillingness to compromise, firmness of position, even if conditions worsen;
  • Ambition, the desire for public approval, therefore all epileptoids are professionals in their field.

Important! The cause of anger can be an object that has a long-term effect on an impressionable epileptoid, for example, scattered things, loud music. Negative emotions accumulate and result in a nervous breakdown.

The epileptoid psychotype is expressed in excessive excitability and a tendency to provoke conflict situations. Such people often have an athletic-dysplastic body. We are talking about slow, emotionless individuals who are not prone to sentimental and tender feelings.

The following features are characteristic of an epileptoid:

  • The main task of epileptoids is to create an ideal world around themselves and constantly maintain complete order in it.
  • They are very irritated by the behavior of others if it differs from their life idea.
  • Such individuals carefully monitor the actions of other people and strive to criticize actions that are not similar to their opinion.

Epileptoid accentuation creates an inhibited person who, with a certain periodicity, falls into angry and aggressive states and is even ready to harm the irritant. When it is possible to restrain oneself, the person moves on to a detailed analysis of the behavior of others and constantly points out their mistakes and inaccuracies.

In most cases, the key irritant is a situation or person that has been the cause of anxiety or restless feelings for a long period. Moreover, quite harmless things like loud laughter, incorrectly placed things, music, and so on can cause anger. As a result, emotions spill out, which leads to a nervous breakdown with insults, obscene language and even beatings.

The epileptoid is ready to do everything possible to prove that he is right, regardless of the circumstances. They are not inclined to discuss and compromise, demand approval and obey, and when such a person interacts with authority, he behaves extremely politely and compliantly so that the opponent gains trust and begins to respect.

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