How to master the hypnotic gaze - description of the technique, exercises to develop the skill

One great German philosopher said; “If you look into the depths of the abyss for a long time, the abyss will begin to look at you.”

The gaze of a real shaman or sorcerer attracts with its animal magnetism, drawing you into its emptiness with something mysterious and incomprehensible.

Today, my beloved reader, you and I will reveal not only the mystery of the hypnotic gaze of these strange people, but we will also learn to master this gaze ourselves, putting it into practice in difficult life situations.

The mystery of the hypnotic gaze, what is its secret?

The look of each person contains a reflection of the inner world, emotional state and philosophical beliefs, as well as the position of the eyebrows, smile, pupils give your eyes a certain meaning, which is perceived by the interlocutor.

For this reason, a person with an iron will and strong character looks mysterious and intimidating from the outside, and emotional and mentally unstable impressionable people become victims of street scammers.

The key to a hypnotic gaze lies precisely in the internal emotional state, the position of the lips, eyebrows and pupils at the time of the conversation.

Why develop eye hypnosis

A hypnotic gaze is a characteristic feature of a strong person. After all, inner confidence is a trigger that enhances influence on people.

It is important to know: even a talented and experienced hypnotherapist will not be able to put a person into trance who does not want it. This happens, in particular, if a person feels false, has doubts, and does not trust. However, hypnosis is an effective mechanism, and people who know how to use it can bring a lot of good to both their own and others’ lives.

To hypnotize a person, in addition to a special look, they also use: monotonous speech, monotonous movements of the pendulum, touch. For a deep trance, all these techniques are often required at the same time, but for simple manipulations it is quite enough to be able to hypnotize people with your gaze.

This approach is effective in the following situations:

  • for prompt correction of human behavior;
  • if hypnosis is carried out without the consent of the hypnotized person;
  • with superficial suggestion without induction into a trance.

Anyone can learn this method, but it is easier for people who are charismatic and attractive to master it. True, intellectually and emotionally developed individuals with ordinary appearance are capable of achieving serious success in hypnosis. The lack of attractiveness in this case often introduces an element of surprise into the process, which enhances the hypnotic effect.

Train your eyes with exercises you can do at home. In such classes, the following are important: practice, methodicality, and patience. The longer the training, the more stable the skill and the easier it is to subsequently influence people. By the way, this skill is also used in NLP and is used for personal growth and getting rid of complexes.

Stimulation of performance using hypnosis

With the help of hypnosis, you can stimulate a person’s performance when circumstances force him to work without sleep for 2-3 days. This has been confirmed by numerous experiments. During the experiments, just 7 minutes of hypnotic suggestion per day relieved the previous accumulated fatigue, caused the appearance of vigor, freshness, and caused a desire to continue working. Here is the full text of such a stimulating suggestion, given by L.P. Grimak in the book “Modeling human states in hypnosis”: “...Now in a deep hypnotic state you very quickly free yourself from previous fatigue. Your brain, your nerves, your muscles are completely relaxed. Fatigue disappears and dissipates. You don't feel any anxiety. Complete peace and complete rest. There is no trace of fatigue left. You have forgotten the previous fatigue. Fatigue disappeared, dissolved. You are now very well rested. The nerve cells of the brain have completely restored their energy and functionality. You begin to feel an extraordinary surge of strength and vigor. There is a strong desire to work, act, solve operational problems, and feel the pressure. The head became very fresh, light, the muscles were vigorous and obedient, the mood was joyful and upbeat. This state of high performance will become even more pronounced after I fully awaken you. It will last throughout the entire period of active continuous work, you will not get tired. High performance will be evident throughout this period. There is no fatigue. Hypnosis greatly activated the reserves of your body, your nervous system. Therefore, there is no fatigue, there will not be any. There is vigor and high performance. Hypnosis consolidated this state for the entire period of subsequent wakefulness. It will become more and more pronounced as I bring you out of hypnosis, and will become obvious and very persistent during the waking period.” Then, by counting from three to one, the subject was brought out of the hypnotic state and continued to work in continuous activity for another day. According to the verbal report of the operators, mental stimulation completely relieved the feeling of fatigue, the desire to sleep and increased performance, which remained at a high level until the end of the next day. During the suggestion session, the subject changed literally before our eyes. Within 2-3 minutes. the pallor of the face was replaced by a normal pink shade of the skin, the expression of extreme fatigue on the face disappeared. The subject woke up, as a rule, with a satisfied smile, lively, cheerful.”

Exercises to develop the hypnotic gaze

At the beginning of training, you need to choose a simple exercise and repeat it until noticeable results appear.
Of course, you can’t master a skill well in a week. However, with effort, you can significantly develop hypnotic abilities. It is advisable to start with the exercise that seems most simple to the future hypnotist. It is important to exercise regularly and for a long time. The most useful at the initial level of mastering methods are exercises aimed at strengthening the eye muscles, as well as the ability to make the eyes shine and express emotions.

The skills gained are somewhat similar to acting skills. Training occurs gradually and, gaining skill, the future hypnotist will change his behavior and improve his communication skills. There is no need to accelerate the development of a skill. One person will master the exercises in a few weeks, another will need six months, but both of them will later learn hypnosis.


So, let's move on to the most important thing, namely the question of how to learn hypnosis.

The simplest method is the hypnotic gaze method.

It can be used in cases where you need something from another person, for example, his consent to something

Initially, practice concentrating your attention while contemplating something; I described this method in detail about meditation. Also train your gaze in front of a mirror.

When you feel confident in your abilities, try it in practice.

To do this, it is important to position yourself approximately 30 cm from the interlocutor and carefully look at the bridge of his nose, just above the eyes. During communication, repeat his postures and gestures, but not too intrusively, but as if by chance, thus adapting to him

Your speech should be calm, quiet and slightly monotonous. When you notice that your interlocutor is relaxing and his reactions are slowing down, you can start a conversation about what you need from him. The main thing is to do without the “not” part in circulation. For example: “I’m sure you can help me...”

The next technique is called "Overload"

It is actively used by gypsies and scammers. You may find it useful to practice, or use in an emergency when you are asked for an answer that you cannot give. It is very easy to perform; judging by the name, you should overload your consciousness. A person is able to comprehend a sentence that consists of seven words; if the limit is exceeded, he simply loses the thread of the conversation and the meaning of what was said, trying to mentally return to the beginning of the phrase in order to still understand what it is about. When you notice that your interlocutor is completely confused, insert the necessary suggestions into your quick text.

The method is easy to learn and practice, it is basic - “5-4-3-2-1”

To complete this you will need a volunteer. He sits comfortably in his chair and listens to you carefully. First, you need to give him those suggestions that are obvious and confirmed. For example, that it is snowing outside now, and the hum of passing cars can be heard in the room. These immediately testable statements help establish trust between you.

Then, to reinforce it, pay attention to sounds that usually accompany us, but we do not track them, for example, the ticking of a clock. After this, start using statements about his internal state, for example, that at the moment he is calm

When contact is established, which is called rapport, you can move directly to the cycles themselves:

  • Tell him 4 real phrases, that is, what he really sees at the moment (you, the window, curtains or closet in front of his eyes), and a fifth phrase with a suggestive meaning (that is, what you want to inspire him).
  • Next, say 4 phrases about his physical, motor sensations (that warmth is felt throughout the body, every muscle relaxes, he feels how his eyelids get heavy, etc.), and the fifth about the internal state of calm.
  • Now three phrases about real perception, and two about the internal state.
  • Two real sentences, and three suggestions.
  • And the last cycle, in which you use one sentence of a real nature, and four aimed at sensations. After this, you can begin to speak only suggestions.

Coming out of hypnosis

It is important to get out of the state of hypnosis; to do this, after completing the actions you should say: “Now I will wake you up, I will count from 5 to 1, and you will gradually come out of the trance state. When you open your eyes, you will feel full of strength and energy, as if you were sleeping soundly and sweetly.”

It may happen that the subject, after waking up, experiences nausea or heaviness in the body. To eliminate these consequences, it is necessary to hypnotize him back, only to give instructions about improving his well-being. Or, there are times when a patient or volunteer simply falls asleep. Do not disturb him in this case, and do not be scared, let him satisfy his physiological needs, and after waking up, ask questions about what happened to him during the session

Pay attention to what wording pops up in his speech, and next time, use them to enhance the suggestibility effect.

Increased concentration

When a person is interested in how to master the hypnotic gaze, training will be required to strengthen concentration.

They are carried out like this:

  1. A circle with a diameter of 8-10 cm is drawn on paper. The sheet is attached to the wall at eye level.
  2. The future hypnotist moves to the other end of the room, to such a distance that the circle seems the size of a coin.
  3. You need to look at the circle without blinking for 1 minute. All this time it is important to maintain calm, concentration, and clarity of thinking.

Afterwards, they take a break for 1-2 minutes and slightly change their position in space, for example, take 1-2 steps to the side. Having changed his location, the future hypnotist looks in front of him for 30-40 seconds, and then sharply turns his eyes to the drawn circle. It is worth knowing that you cannot turn your head at this moment; it is important to train your eyes. Conduct training 5-6 times every day for 3-4 weeks.

Sparkle in the eyes

People who are unsure of themselves, as well as tired and sick people, have no sparkle in their eyes.
They usually have serious difficulty if they try to influence others. The sparkle in the eyes enhances the natural charm, which, in turn, facilitates the hypnotic effect. Considering the improvement in appearance that these activities lead to, they are especially useful for women. The exercise requires imagination, and you also need to choose an animal that evokes sympathy in the student. It’s good if the animal has characteristics that cause admiration. For example, wisdom is in a snake, strength is in a lion, and friendliness is in a dolphin.

Having chosen an animal, you need to imitate its gaze in front of the mirror for about 10-25 minutes every day. During training, it is important to concentrate and discard extraneous thoughts. These actions will allow you to develop a hypnotic gaze later.

Usually, it takes 3-4 days to master the style of one animal, then you should switch to another animal. It is desirable that the animals chosen be different in character. For example, today they imitate a bloodthirsty crocodile, and a few days later - a lazy cat. The more animals you can imitate, the wider the range of emotions that can be used when communicating becomes.

Is it safe

Recently, a lot of information has appeared in the media about how to hypnotize people. In addition, advertisements about the treatment of nicotine and alcohol addiction using hypnosis are often broadcast on TV. There is also information that this method can be used to cure psoriasis and bronchial asthma. Should we believe such bold promises? Could the alternative treatment cause harm to the patient?

Hypnosis can indeed be used by a hypnotherapist to treat some types of diseases, but they mainly belong to the group of psychosomatic disorders. The desired result can only be achieved when the sessions are conducted by an experienced hypnologist. Otherwise, the patient's health can only be harmed.

Of course, hypnosis is an ideal tool for influencing the subconscious; different people may be more or less susceptible to it. The literature describes cases where it is almost impossible to put a person into a hypnotic state. There will be no therapeutic effect from such treatment.

As for the safety of sessions, it also 100% depends on the qualifications of the hypnologist

If a person has medical indications for hypnosis, then he is recommended to pay attention to reviews of patients who have undergone this procedure with a specific specialist

There must be continuous eye-to-eye contact during the session.

Emotional message

A novice hypnotist must be able to convey and understand emotions without words.
A volunteer assistant is needed for this activity. During hypnotic gaze training, two people face each other and make eye contact. The first is trying to convey emotions, the second is to guess them. You cannot help yourself with facial expressions or words. For convenience, during training, the first person silently pronounces the name of the emotion that is conveyed, for example: joy, surprise, disappointment. As with other exercises, it is important to remain calm and focused during the process. After making 2-3 approaches, students change roles. It is advisable to train daily. The skill is considered mastered when the number of correctly guessed emotions exceeds 70%.

Singular point

This is a very important exercise that allows you to make a major breakthrough in the study of suggestion. The future hypnotist should look in front of the mirror at the point located between the eyebrows on his face. This place is also called the third eye. It is not known for certain why concentration on this point increases the power of suggestion. However, this happens, and these activities cannot be ignored.

Continue training for as long as possible: until your eyes get tired. Later, you should develop the habit of looking at the space between your eyebrows when talking to other people. It is important to know that in ordinary life you cannot look at people closely. By doing this, you can cause aggression in your interlocutors, especially men.

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