Debunking myths: why is a woman more selfish than a man?

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How selfishness manifests itself in men and women - this is the second article in the series “Male and Female Psychology”. Article 1 - Differences between a man and a woman Article 2 - [you are here] - How selfishness manifests itself in men and women Article 3 - Male and female paths of destiny

In the previous article, we talked about the fact that a man and a woman are two different worlds that differ not only physiologically and psychologically, but also in reaction and behavior, which makes interaction very difficult.

For a better understanding of what is behind the behavior of men and women, what subconscious and conscious motives drive it, it is important to consider how selfishness manifests itself in men and women, and how it differs.

For those who are interested in the psychology of relationships, we recommend reading the book

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