About which doctors should monitor a patient during the rehabilitation period after a stroke

A cerebral stroke is a dangerous neurological disease that can lead to negative consequences: loss of performance, inability to recover, and even death. This is why it is so important to find a reputable specialist who will organize stroke treatment. The disease is a sudden disruption of blood circulation in the brain, in which the death of nerve cells occurs.


Most often, the first stroke occurs and can manifest itself between the ages of 40-50 years - the older the person, the more likely the danger. Possible causes of cerebral stroke are certain risk factors and the presence of certain diseases:

  • heart disease;
  • excessive blood pressure;
  • high cholesterol and obesity;
  • alcohol and smoking abuse;
  • diabetes;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • aneurysms (formations) of cerebral vessels.

About which doctors should monitor a patient during the rehabilitation period after a stroke

The Medservice clinic operates a rehabilitation program for patients who have suffered a stroke. At the same time, two narrow specialists participate in the program, but depending on the situation, it, of course, can involve other rehabilitation specialists: a physical therapy doctor, a doctor or a secondary education specialist - a massage therapist, speech therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses. That is, we do not exclude this, but it depends primarily on how the population responds. The problem really exists, and it lay on the surface. We want to try to do something in this area.

What results can be achieved with proper monitoring after a stroke?

— Taking into account the modern level of cardiology and neurology, various drugs, approaches, additional research methods, among the syndromes that accompany patients: various kinds of violations of the coordinating function of the cerebellum, vestibular apparatus, subcortical disorders (phenomena a la Parkinson’s syndrome) — we have all of this have their own answers. And all this can be rehabilitated in principle if you start taking appropriate medications on time, which will target the affected areas, those functions that the brain has lost at the moment, as well as doing physical therapy, following the regime.

Something can always be improved. Improve quality of life, restore ability to work. A person who is 90% restored can already return to work. He is not indicated to register for a disability group; he will continue to work, but at the same time taking certain secondary preventive treatment.

Another thing is that there are, of course, certain problems that we will face. And we know that these are again the same unoperated hemorrhagic strokes, hematomas, which significantly complicates recovery. Then - the presence of other diseases that reduce the body's potential. These are all chronic diseases of a serious nature, including oncology. And brain oncology as well.

Therefore, in this situation, the prognosis for recovery will be determined precisely by the presence of any foci and whether the primary tumor focus has been removed. But still some results can be achieved. And plasticity is high in the first 3-4 months. Further, during the late recovery period, despite the fact that at this moment it is still possible to restore body function, if the patient is not treated, this leads to the gradual development of various long-term syndromes after a stroke.

The same Parkinson's syndrome, dementia can occur, popularly known as “senility” (various kinds of intellectual impairments, including lack of self-care, memory loss, and so on). This accompanies a stroke after about six months and begins to quietly gradually manifest itself if the patient has not received proper attention. Two main syndromes. Not to mention simply that the phenomena that the patient has experienced may simply take hold and not disappear, which will lead him to a disability group or to loss of work.

Sergey Buldakov, a neurologist at the Medservice clinic, talks about how and who should be involved in stroke rehabilitation


Signs of a stroke most often appear late at night or early in the morning. It is necessary to call emergency assistance as soon as possible. Delay in dealing with stroke symptoms is prohibited, as it can lead to the most dire consequences. In order to quickly help a victim of a dangerous disease, it is worth knowing exactly what a stroke patient looks like:

  • a sharp and very severe headache appears;
  • facial expressions change, the face looks unnatural;
  • muscle paralysis and numbness, inability to move the limbs are detected;
  • severe speech impairment, inability to understand text and articulate;
  • sudden deterioration of vision;
  • the gait becomes uncertain and shaky, coordination of movements is impaired.

Stroke and its types

A cerebral stroke is a disease when an acute circulatory disorder occurs in one of the areas of the circulatory system of the brain - it occurs when a blood vessel in the brain becomes blocked or ruptures. This leads to disruption of brain function and damage to organ tissue.

According to official statistics in Russia:

People suffer from stroke every year more than 400,000 people
People get strokes every day St. Petersburg 50 – 80 people

Moscow 100 - 120 people

Full recovery after a cerebral stroke 8-10% people
Limited ability to work 56% people
Disability 20 people

* Data from official statistics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the epidemiology of cerebrovascular diseases.

It is possible to regain the skills of self-care and independent movement if you engage in rehabilitation after a stroke - contact specialists in time.

There are two types of stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic cerebral stroke.

Ischemic cerebral stroke

Ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction) usually occurs when, for various reasons, the blood supply to an area of ​​the brain is sharply limited or stopped.

Predisposing factors for the development of stroke are:

  • ischemic pathology of the heart muscle (coronary heart disease);
  • hypertonic disease;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • atrial fibrillation (irregular heart rhythm);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • disorders of the blood coagulation system;
  • abnormalities in the development of cerebral vessels.

Hemorrhagic cerebral stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke of the brain is understood as a disease resulting from the rupture of an intracerebral vessel and the penetration of blood into the substance of the brain (non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage). In order not to use a complex term, it is often also characterized as a type of stroke with cerebral hemorrhage.

Hemorrhagic stroke can occur when blood pressure rises much higher than normal. Sometimes this disease is caused by severe anxiety, a nervous situation or excessive physical effort.

Symptoms of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes

What symptoms a person will experience after an impact depends on the affected area. The more centers are affected, the more varied the “manifestations” of a stroke will be.

Care system - patronage, rehabilitation after stroke, nurses in St. Petersburg - photo 1988

First of all, the patient will show signs of high blood and intracranial pressure. This can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • severe headache that is not relieved by usual remedies;
  • heaviness in the head, feeling of fullness, especially in the temporal region;
  • darkening and double vision, a feeling as if everything is “floating in a fog”;
  • purple complexion;
  • hearing loss and tinnitus;
  • staggering, slurred speech;
  • unusual agitation occurs, tremors in the hands, convulsions;
  • vomit.

These symptoms demonstrate that a stroke has occurred, other symptoms will begin to appear a few minutes later.

External signs of hemorrhagic stroke

brighter, by these special manifestations it can be distinguished from other species:

  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • chaotic movements followed by paralysis, sometimes with convulsions;
  • severe disturbance of consciousness up to loss;
  • the face turns deep purple;
  • arteries in the neck and forehead swell;
  • perspiration on the forehead and deviation of the eyeballs to the side;
  • difficulty breathing.

Ischemic stroke

manifests itself more gradually - the more time passes, the more signs can be seen:

  • loss of sensitivity occurs: numbness, loss of mobility of individual muscles or limbs;
  • disorientation;
  • incoherent speech;
  • articulation disorder;
  • loss in space and time;
  • incoherent movements;
  • understanding of the meaning of speech disappears;
  • acute disturbances of heart rhythm and breathing;
  • asymmetry of facial expressions;
  • visual and hearing impairment;
  • paralysis of one half of the body.

Stroke treatment: what do we offer?

In order to completely eliminate a cerebral stroke, treatment must be carried out under the supervision of highly professional doctors. Specialization of our doctors:

  • Ischemic stroke of the brain, the treatment of which is quite successful even in very complex cases when one side of the body is paralyzed.
  • Hemorrhagic stroke is a disease whose course is not accompanied by paralysis, but nevertheless requires an immediate response from doctors. The slightest delay or lack of professionalism can lead to disability, so do not experiment - call us immediately.

Upon entering our clinic, the patient immediately undergoes simple and perfusion computed tomography, as well as tomography of the neck vessels. The drug treatment for stroke depends on the results of the examination. Also, if necessary, invasive diagnostic angiography is performed, which will determine the location and size of the blood clot. Also, during the procedure, the blocked artery can be cleared mechanically.

In each specific case, depending on what kind of stroke is diagnosed, the cost of treatment may vary. The recovery plan is developed individually.

If a cerebral stroke is diagnosed, treatment may include:

  • Drug therapy that will expand the lumen in the vessel and allow blood to flow freely.
  • Surgery, including anatomical bypass, arotid endarterectomy of cerebral vessels, or installation of stent grafts in the carotid artery.
  • Physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatment after a stroke will allow you to gain the opportunity to lead a full life. Exercise therapy specialists work with each patient according to an individually developed program for getting rid of the consequences of a stroke, which makes treatment even faster and more effective.

We cannot always predict the development of the situation, but we can say one thing for sure - stroke treatment in the hospital is carried out by doctors who make every effort to achieve a high result. We work to ensure that you live a full life.

Reasons for the development of the disease

There are several reasons that act as risk factors and significantly increase the likelihood of developing the disease. Among them:

  • Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure. Brain vessels cannot withstand constant pressure, lose elasticity, and the risk of rupture increases.
  • High cholesterol levels. The appearance of plaques on the walls of blood vessels also negatively affects their properties.
  • Elderly age. The condition of blood vessels worsens with age.
  • Heart diseases. This category includes heart rhythm disturbances and the formation of blood clots.
  • Diabetes. With this disease, the structure of the walls of blood vessels changes, the tissues become thinner and become fragile.
  • Aneurysm in the brain. With the formation of an aneurysm, the walls of the vessel become thinner, increasing the risk of their rupture.
  • Bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol negatively affect blood vessels, jeopardize their integrity, and also provoke pressure surges.
  • Obesity, unhealthy diet. This leads to increased cholesterol levels.
  • Impaired blood clotting. Clots form in the blood, which can clog blood vessels.
  • Carotid artery stenosis.


Treatment is aimed at restoring the functions of the cardiovascular system, breathing, and relieving cerebral edema. Depending on the complications that arise, therapy is adjusted. After an ischemic stroke, blood flow in the affected area is restored with the use of antiplatelet agents, neuroprotectors and anticoagulants. Nootropic drugs, antioxidants, and vitamin complexes are used. For hemorrhagic stroke, angioprotectors are used, but surgery is considered the most effective option.

Get diagnosed with the consequences of a stroke at Clinic No. 1

  • Neurologist appointment
  • MRI
  • CT
  • Ultrasound of brain and neck vessels
  • ECG
  • Angiography
  • Holter monitoring

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