купить керамическую плитку Потребители все чаще отдают предпочтение керамическому граниту. Для изготовления такого материала используется высококачественная глина в сочетании с кварцевым песком и минеральными пигментами. В интерьере керамогранитная плитка демонстрирует множество положительных качеств:

Nasvay: the effect of the drug, types and consequences of taking it

Many people believe that cure marijuana addiction can be taken at any time at the request of a person, since the plant is classified as a “soft” drug. This opinion is wrong. Studies have shown that its use is addictive. Often this addiction leads to a transition to harder drugs. There is also marijuana withdrawal syndrome. This article contains information about how to understand that there is an addiction and about treatment methods.

Finding motivation to quit smoking

Motivation is the most effective and correct solution that allows you to achieve a positive result in absolutely any business.
The fight against smoking is no exception. Before fighting a bad habit, every smoker must decide on a key motivation that will shine as a guiding star throughout his difficult journey. It is very important for health to quit smoking; the pros and cons of this struggle will be discussed further.

The main motivating postulates include the following positive advantages of living without smoking:

Increase in life expectancy by an average of 10 years

Harmful substances contained in tobacco products have a negative impact on human health. Numerous studies indicate that the life of a smoker is on average 10 years shorter than that of a non-smoker.

Did you really think you were smoking tobacco?

Harmful substances contained in tobacco products

If a person has been abusing nicotine for more than 20 years, then there is a high probability that he is at risk for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This can be easily verified using IR.

IC is a smoker’s index, which can be calculated using the formula:

IR = KS*SK/20


  • IR smoker index;
  • KS is the number of cigarettes a person smokes in 24 hours;
  • SK - smoking experience (in years);
  • If IC > 10, then the person is at high risk of developing COPD.
  • Fresh and healthy appearance

Starting to work on himself and his habits, each person finds his own individual incentive to quit smoking, thanks to which he can move forward to victory. Therefore, the choice of driving force must be conscious and thoughtful.

What are the disadvantages of the fight against smoking? There is none of them. The temporary test of willpower may dampen the mood a little, but the results are worth the patience.

Treatment prices:

ServicePrice, rub)
Types of therapies
Standard detoxification therapy3 500 ₽
Double Detox Therapy6 000 ₽
Enhanced Detoxification Therapy7 500 ₽
Maximum detoxification therapy9 500 ₽
Quick sobering up at home7 500 ₽
Hospital at home 1 day22 000 ₽
Advanced hospitalization15 000 ₽
Treatment in hospital
Economy chamber (6 beds)2 000 ₽
Standard room (4 beds)3 000 ₽
Increased comfort (2 seater)5 500 ₽
VIP chamber (1 person)12 500 ₽
Individual post 24/75 000 ₽
Medical and social rehabilitation 21 days140 000 ₽
ServicePrice, rub)
Initial consultation with a narcologistfor free
Consultation with a psychologist3 000 ₽
Psychiatrist consultation5 000 ₽
Coding at home Torpedo7 500 ₽
Express output and encoding (doublet)13 500 ₽
Coding using the Dovzhenko method12 000 ₽
Hypnosis classic session13 000 ₽
Ericksonian hypnosis session (NLP)8 000 ₽
Coding method Torpedo5 500 ₽
Double block8 000 ₽
Esperal injection for 1 year9 900 ₽
Tetlong for 3 months10 500 ₽
Esperal gel for 1 year15 000 ₽
Selincro course of therapy12 500 ₽
Implantation of Disulfiram for 1 year18 000 ₽
Vivitrol injection for 1 month26 000 ₽
Naltrexone stitching for 3 months35 000 ₽
Neuroimplantation Prodetoxon for 6 months47 500 ₽
Narcopsychotherapy session50 000 ₽
Neutralization of encodingspecify
Psychodiagnostics / pathological diagnostics7 500 ₽
Psychotherapy session5 000 ₽
Family psychotherapy6 000 ₽
Outpatient rehabilitation in Moscow33 000 ₽


Article prepared by an expert

Terekhova Anna Vladimirovna

psychologist-consultant on socio-psychological work with addicted clients and their families. More than 9 years of experience.

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Choosing a way to stop smoking

After finding the necessary motivation to fight smoking, you need to effectively choose the period during which you will quit your addiction. Each person must decide for himself whether he will quit smoking gradually or abruptly.

Abrupt smoking cessation

Smokers whose history of addiction does not exceed 5-8 years can try to quit smoking abruptly. Nicotine addiction is formed at the physical level, but in a short period of time it cannot take root, and therefore “newbies” will not be tormented by painful symptoms associated with quitting smoking. Only psychological cravings will have to be worked on intensively.

A sharp refusal requires a demonstration of strong will. Under no circumstances should you break down, since even half a cigarette will return the smoker to his previous course, and it will be almost impossible to overcome the habit in the near future.

Anyone who quit smoking will notice a positive trend in their well-being within 10-14 days.

Gradual cessation of smoking

A gradual cessation of smoking is perfect for those who have a long history of nicotine addiction. The body, which is accustomed to the fact that nicotine enters it every day, needs some adaptation period. It is necessary so that the functioning of internal organs is gradually improved without the participation of nicotine additives.

A gradual fight against tobacco smoking must be carried out in several stages:

In the beginning, you need to switch from heavy cigarettes to lighter ones. But in this case, you must definitely set a daily norm for yourself, and in no case go beyond what is permitted. Gradually, the body will begin to get used to moderate doses of nicotine, and after 2 weeks it will be possible to move on to the second stage of the fight.

The second step in the fight against smoking is to reduce the amount of smoke you consume. The first mark must be made on cigarettes. To do this, you need to divide the cigarette into 3 parts by eye. On each smoke break you can only “consume” 2 parts of a cigarette. You should not smoke more than the mark allows. After a couple of weeks, you can put a mark on half of the cigarette. You must adhere to these conditions for another 14 days.

The third stage is devoted to reducing the number of cigarettes smoked. Every day for every 7-10 days you need to reduce your cigarette consumption by 1 piece. The smoker endures the first weeks more comfortably, but when it comes to the realization that the number of cigarettes consumed has decreased by half, great panic and a desire to break the rule may arise. Under no circumstances should you succumb to this temptation. After 2-3 months, you can learn to be content with just two cigarettes every 24 hours, which are smoked only up to ½ length.

The final stage of the fight against nicotine addiction is characterized by consuming only 1 cigarette over 24 hours. The smoker will already begin to realize that the struggle is almost over, and in it he remains the winner.

Addiction to nasvay

Dependence on the nasvay tobacco mixture develops a little slower than on harder drugs. But nevertheless, addiction is observed after 5-6 uses, and it is quite strong. Since the substance stimulates the brain receptors responsible for the production of dopamine (the hormone of joy), the body gradually begins to require more and more of the drug. Withdrawal after stopping use can last up to two months, during which the person becomes aggressive and is bothered by muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, pressure surges and other unpleasant phenomena.

To give up smoking

To quit smoking, you first need to alternate days of smoking with days of quitting cigarettes.

To quit smoking, you first need to alternate days of smoking with days of quitting cigarettes. Over time, the realization will come that you can live without smoking. Without smoking it is very easy to drink coffee in the morning. You don't have to wake up at night to inhale smoke. After a couple of weeks of this regime, you can put an end to nicotine addiction. To do this, you need to throw away all the cigarettes, lighters, and ashtrays in the house and start living without poisoning your body.

Getting rid of mental addiction to smoking

In order to make quitting smoking easier, primarily psychologically, it is necessary to determine the reasons why you want to light a cigarette. A special magazine can help in this matter.

Consequences of smoking marijuana

Long-term exposure causes a decrease in intelligence and memory. Serious mental disorders are observed. This can eventually lead to the development of schizophrenia. Among the reasons that encourage you to quit smoking marijuana are the appearance of arrhythmia and nutritional disorders of myocardial tissue. The liver suffers, as it accumulates toxic substances. The capabilities of the reproductive system in men are also reduced. Lung tissue is damaged as a result of smoking. Often such people suffer from bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases. A serious consequence is the occurrence of cancer.

Smoker's Journal

Keeping a journal will help you become more attuned to your impulses and actions. A few weeks before you quit smoking, you should start a journal in which you will enter information about each cigarette you use. Every time you need to pay attention to what prompted you to reach for tobacco products in your pocket.

Also, the following data must be entered into the log:

  • You need to rate the strength of your desire from 1 to 20 (the higher the score, the stronger the desire to smoke)
  • What activity were you doing at that moment?
  • What people were nearby when you felt the urge to smoke?
  • It is necessary to characterize your well-being (good mood or bad, whether something hurts or not, and so on).
  • What sensation did you experience when the cigarette was finally smoked?
  • Thanks to such a magazine, it will be easy to find out why a person reaches for a cigarette. What feelings is he trying to suppress in himself at this moment?

Types of nasvay

Tobacco has many varieties. Its recipe differs in each region of Asia, but the effect is the same.

Uzbek nasvay

A classic recipe for a tobacco mixture, where intoxicating herbs can be added to enhance the effect on the psyche.

Black nasvay

Black nasvay differs only in the amount of ash in its composition.

Green nasvay

Standard color of powder or granules. Most often it is the green version that is sold.

Nasvay granules

The granulated drug is completely ready for use. Let us remind you that the composition of each ball is a lottery.

Powder nasvay

Dry nasvay requires additional preparation. Sold less frequently than the finished granular form.

Psychological reasons for smoking

Sports instead of cigarettes

Sport is an excellent stimulator of the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness and joy.

Coping with stress, depression, loneliness, fear and anxiety are the most common reasons why a person reaches for a cigarette again and again. If you have a bad day at work, it begins to seem that a cigarette is your only friend and support. At such moments, it is very important to realize that there are the most effective and safest ways to get rid of unpleasant sensations and experiences.

These include:

Doing physical exercise. Sport is an excellent stimulator of the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness and joy. A deficiency of these substances leads a person to depressive moods and apathy. During physical exercise, adrenaline is also produced, which helps get rid of accumulated negative emotions in the everyday hustle and bustle. The hormone serotonin, which is also characteristic of physical activity, helps relieve stress, restores sleep and improves mood.

Meditation based on relaxation and breathing exercises. This is a real rest for the soul and body, helping to achieve mental relaxation.

“How did you quit smoking? “- do not hesitate to ask this question to those who were able to overcome nicotine illness. If there are those around you who have escaped the cigarette trap, listen carefully to the advice of experienced people. This will only be a huge plus in the battle against addiction.

You can start getting involved in anti-smoking training. Today there are a large number of books, hypnotic sessions, and so on.

Anti-smoking training

Benefits of the training:

  • Training can help a person control his body and muscles.
  • The training will help you concentrate your attention on the processes necessary for a person, which will allow you not to be distracted by thoughts about a cigarette in the future.
  • The training will help strengthen in the subconscious the idea of ​​​​the desire to fight the addiction
  • The training will help you feel like a non-smoker.

How to avoid a relapse and not start smoking again

“I quit smoking - what next? How not to start smoking again? is a question that worries everyone. Many people who have ever quit smoking have experienced relapse. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all how long you lived without a cigarette. Some broke down and lost their positions as non-smokers after just a week of non-smoking, while others returned to this addiction after a year. Therefore, to avoid this, you need to follow some rules:

Food and cigarette. Many smokers know how “tasty” it is to take a puff of smoke after a pleasant dinner.

Advice: Advice: the principle of substitution is an excellent “magic wand” in the fight against nicotine addiction. Instead of the usual cigarette after a meal, you need to accustom yourself to eating some delicious fruit desserts, small chocolate bars, nuts or chewing candies.

Hypnotherapy course

One hypnosis session lasts from half an hour to an hour. The duration of the session depends on the patient’s condition and the attitudes that need to be dictated to the subconscious. The general course of treatment is drawn up based on work with a psychoanalyst.

A medical examination allows you to assess the condition of a smoker. If he suffers from chronic or other diseases, drug therapy is carried out in parallel.

When the session ends, the patient is in a relaxed, lethargic state, so immediately after the procedure he needs rest (half an hour or an hour to regain strength). The patient undergoing therapy should be extremely frank with the attending physician. If the procedure causes him fear or strange thoughts, this is a reason to review the course of treatment.

Who is hypnotherapy indicated for?

Each therapy session is a process of gradual mental recovery. For this reason, people with severe disabilities are at risk. Schizophrenia or obsessive states (suicidal tendencies, split personality) are direct contraindications for the use of therapeutic hypnotherapy. If the patient feels discomfort or cannot overcome fear, other treatment methods are found.

Who benefits from hypnotherapy:

  • for those who have decided to finally get rid of addiction - determination is an additional force for the work of hypnotherapy;
  • for heavy smokers - they cannot quit the bad habit on their own;
  • for weak-willed people - ordinary persuasion and ultimatums do not work on them.

The smoker must independently express a desire to undergo treatment. Half of the treatment depends on his attitude and the speed of rehabilitation depends entirely. Hypnotherapy is needed for people who have difficulty communicating (they cannot ask for help, so their addiction develops faster and has a greater impact on their health).

How smokers recover

Dependent people begin to smoke against the background of one or more stressful situations. Adults, teenagers and children can become addicted to tobacco. Addiction has no clear gender or status division. In modern society, anyone can do this.

Due to the constant environment of problems that the smoker is trying to get rid of, the addiction may return. To quit smoking, the patient needs to recover properly after treatment. To do this, after undergoing hypnotherapy, the patient continues to visit the psychoanalyst’s office. He must figure out how to occupy his free time from smoking.

It is important to find an activity that can calm you down or give you the necessary rest. New hobbies will help you forget a bad habit. If tobacco helped fight stress, relaxation activities are looked for. This is yoga, meditation, running - any useful and distracting activity. They distract and focus the patient’s attention on healthy habits. Support from loved ones during treatment and rehabilitation will help you quit smoking forever.

Apples instead of cigarettes

Alcohol and cigarette. Staying without cigarettes while intoxicated is much more difficult. It is alcoholic drinks that lead people to a breakdown to the greatest extent, and all previous work to get rid of addiction is canceled in an instant.

Advice: the best solution in this situation would be to completely abstain from alcohol, but if this is not feasible, then you should drink it only in places where smoking is not allowed. Just like with food, you can replace a cigarette in such a situation with nuts, chips, or simply hold a match or a cocktail straw in your mouth.

How long does nasvay stay in the body?

Like any drug, nasvay remains in the body for a long time. Toxic substances, such as mercury or arsenic, can even accumulate and remain in tissues for years.

How long does nasvay stay in the blood?

After consuming nasvayt, a blood test will show its presence within 6-8 hours after administration, if we are talking about a single dose. In cases of long-term drug addiction, residues of the substance will remain in the blood for about a week.

How long does nasvay last in urine?

One-time use - the remains of nasvay can be detected within about a week. Regular use - detection time from a month to 3.

Alcohol and cigarette

Staying without cigarettes while intoxicated is much more difficult.

Smoking friends. It is very difficult to stay away from cigarettes when the former smoker has no control over other people's decisions. If there are those at work, at home or in the company of friends who are unable to quit smoking, then the chances of experiencing a relapse increase many times over.

Advice: do not hide your struggle with addiction from your friends. While at work, you shouldn’t run into the smoking area during your break just to chat with your colleagues. You shouldn’t arrange a training session to test your willpower. It is best to find another activity or talk to those who do not have this bad habit.

Hypnotherapy for prevention

The main difference between hypnotherapy and psychotherapy is that after hypnosis, no matter how natural the correct attitude may seem, it is not a consequence of introspection.

After a trance, a person understands that his habit is harmful and meaningless, so he gives it up. But over time, the attitude may become distorted - the consciousness ponders what is happening, not finding grounds for the correct thought, and begins to change it.

Psychoanalysis completely eradicates the cause of addiction. After completing the course, the percentage of smokers who returned to the bad habit is 2-3 times less than after hypnotherapy.

How to prevent negative changes:

  • undergo preventive hypnotherapy courses;
  • listen to your desires and thoughts;
  • arrange your life (the more interesting it is, the less temptation there is to return to bad habits);
  • increase stress resistance (no stress factor, no need to use cigarettes to calm down).

There should be no reproaches or nagging from family and friends. Everything a person does is for his health, and if he loses proper motivation, he needs help, not reprimand.

The effectiveness of the technique

The effectiveness of any technique depends on the qualifications of specialists, the desire of the patient, and initial factors (how a person makes contact, how strong his defense is). The interaction between the doctor and the patient and their open dialogue guarantee a stable result.

Most of the responsibility always lies with the addict. If he doesn't try to help himself, no one else will help him quit smoking. Completing rehabilitation, living a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your own health is the best prevention of addiction and the key to the effectiveness of hypnotherapy.

Smoking company

It is very difficult to stay away from cigarettes when the former smoker has no control over other people's decisions.

The fight against smoking is necessary for those who care about their health, who care about their own lives and the well-being of loved ones. “When I quit smoking, I began to sleep better, run faster, and taste my favorite chocolate, now I don’t smoke and I feel good,” is written in one of the diaries of a former smoker. Isn't this wonderful?

“How to quit smoking cigarettes at 40, 50, 60 years old? This is not real!” - most often you can hear such speeches from adults. But these are just excuses and fear of the unknown, of a new, unknown life without tobacco. Age doesn't matter. If a person has a goal, he will succeed.

Don't be afraid to face difficulties. If you fail to quit smoking on the first try, there is no need to despair. If you take all your will into your fist and want something very badly, the result will definitely come.

Why is it difficult to quit smoking

Cigarettes are often a psychological addiction. Alcohol actively disrupts the biochemical processes of the body; a person cannot stop drinking without physical suffering. Nicotine does not have such a strong effect on metabolism. The main problem is formed by the brain. Addicts think: “I like smoking, I can quit at any time, as soon as I’m ready.” No progress.

Hypnosis for smoking is often considered a panacea. Many people listen to reviews from people who have overcome a bad habit through hypnotherapy. True, after the treatment session there is a lot of work to be done - this is on the patient’s conscience.

The cigarette is tightly fused with all the life processes of the smoker. In the morning I got up, smoked, before getting into the car I smoked, after lunch I smoked, in the evening I had a glass of wine - a sacred thing. The cigarette becomes a constant factor organizing life. For this reason, when an addict is in the process of quitting, it becomes difficult for him to live. Habitual rituals are changing; even holding a cigarette in your hands is a habit; your hands will constantly lack something.

The patient thinks that by trusting hypnosis against smoking, he will immediately forget about cigarettes. Hypnosis treatment for tobacco smoking can indeed eliminate physical cravings for nicotine, but there is a psychological component.

Numerous reviews of those who have experienced the effects of hypnosis from smoking say that you need to skillfully sublimate the absence of a bad habit. Many people begin to eat heavily, which is why they gain weight after they stop being smokers. The right thing to do is to find a favorite activity to get rid of discomfort even in your thoughts. This could be buying a pool membership or running regularly in the morning.

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