Sleep deprivation - advice from a mouse

Treatment of depression in Moscow - individually adapted programs. We use special psychotherapeutic techniques in combination with restorative medicine techniques. The cure is fairly quick and does not involve the use of potent or addictive drugs. Includes individual selection of methods of psychotherapy, biotherapy and lifestyle changes in each specific case. We use the body's hidden reserves, which determines our effective therapy.

Modern hospital replacement techniques using active neurometabolic therapy provide a quick and sustainable effect. Brain Clinic does not use ineffective or ineffective methods of treating depression.

If depression begins to envelop a person, it begins to seem that this dark streak will never end. That happiness and joy of life do not exist for you in the world. Depression reduces the quality of life so much that the person himself begins to help the disease in suppressing his own will and attitude. The sensations of life become dull and a person can no longer fail to see joyful moments.

However, we know that even the most severe depression can be treated. We prove this every day, helping people return happiness and a sense of joy every day to their souls. Researching treatment options for depression will help you decide which approach is right for you. And we will help you individually adapt and properly carry out treatment for depression. Together we will definitely defeat this disease.

Why Our Depression Treatment Always Works

Treatment of depression in Moscow at Brain Clinic has its own characteristics. We take into account the individual parameters of a person and the usual rhythm of a person’s life. The clinic’s specialists use hospital-replacing methods of restorative medicine that are able to treat depression as quickly and effectively as possible. We take into account all factors influencing the duration of therapy and reduce the time as much as possible.

Brain Clinic doctors have extensive positive experience in treating depression in Moscow. We take into account not only the features of metabolic processes, physiology and structure of the nervous system, but also the features of the human environment. We take into account the influence of the social structure in which the patient is located, which is very important to obtain a quality effect. Our doctors will be able to correctly determine the true cause of a depressive episode. We tailor the therapeutic program individually. This allows you to completely protect the recovery process of nervous activity and eliminates the negative impact on the body.

Our treatment is based not only on obtaining a quick effect, but also on the long-term effect of therapeutic influence.

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We help in the most severe cases, even if previous treatment did not help. Treatment at the clinic is guaranteed on an anonymous basis.

Treatment of depression in the clinic

Based on current evidence, we argue that depression is not an underlying disease; it is a symptom that indicates that your nervous system requires specialist help. We cure depression by viewing it as a temporarily damaged part of the whole organism, which helps to cope with this temporary illness. That is why we put full-fledged diagnostics at the forefront. We consider depression in the context of the integrity and individuality of the body as a single system. Correct and accurate diagnostics combined with a wealth of experience and fundamental knowledge give us the opportunity to select individual programs. As a result, treatment of depression in our clinic is always effective.

The final result depends on the completeness and correctness of diagnostic manipulations, as well as on experience. Intermediate periods of improvement do not always indicate correct treatment for depression.

Brain Clinic doctors have extensive experience in treating depression of various types. First of all, our therapy is aimed at maximizing the safety of the methods used for the human body.


Treatment for depression at Brain Clinic is provided on an anonymous basis. All personal data is securely protected.

Treatment of depression in the clinic is carried out using the most modern hospital-based methods of restorative medicine. We try to traumatize a person’s psychological state as little as possible with therapeutic measures. The priority of our doctors’ work is to restore the temporary imbalance of the nervous system and its performance, and not the usual removal of symptoms.

When not to use sleep deprivation

The decision on the advisability of using the technology in question should be made exclusively by a specialist. It is not recommended to use this procedure if there is a need to travel long distances, as well as for people engaged in activities that require increased concentration. These measures are explained by the fact that the human brain is not able to concentrate when there is severe general fatigue. Therefore, in order to avoid possible complications for the psyche, it is recommended to refrain from using such measures.

It is also prohibited to use artificial sleep refusal when taking medications with a sedative effect. The principle of action of these drugs is based on complete relaxation of the body in order to achieve peace. The procedure itself involves exposure to various irritants in order to combat drowsiness. That is why experts strongly discourage the use of sedatives during treatment.

Attention should also be paid to the fact that such potent methods, which can affect mental health, are prohibited from being used in the presence of mental disorders. Experts say that the state of violent insanity requires the use of potent drugs, so it is impossible to predict in advance the impact of the therapy method in question.

Refusal to sleep is not recommended during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, since the lack of proper rest can negatively affect both the development of the baby and the amount of milk produced. Such experiments with one’s own health can lead to the fact that the child will have to be forced to transfer to artificial feeding, thereby depriving him of the full amount of useful elements entering the body along with mother’s milk.

Sleep deprivation is used in the treatment of certain types of depression, especially with elements of apathy

Treatment of depression in Moscow

In the capital, life is always more stressful and intense. This is why we often encounter very “exotic” manifestations of mental and psychological spectrum disorders. In Moscow, more often than in other regions, various forms of hidden depression occur. This is due not only to the busy rhythm of life, but also to the “floating” diet, work and rest. In this regard, treatment of depression in Moscow has a number of very important features, without which any therapy will be ineffective or ineffective.

One of the most difficult tasks of a doctor when treating depression in Moscow is organizing comprehensive medical care in the conditions of a metropolis, its rhythm of life and establishing an accurate diagnosis in the shortest possible time (in the early stages of the disease). With regard to depression, the situation is complicated by the fact that the picture of the disease can be very different from the classic form. Many scientists believe that improved living conditions, the disappearance of many serious diseases, and the use of powerful drugs have led in recent decades to the emergence of erased or mixed forms of the disease. Treatment of depression in Moscow began to require new forms of approach, obtaining quick results.

Many metropolitan doctors, in their clinical practice, encounter patients with disorders of bodily sensations. This can be expressed by pain, numbness, goosebumps, etc. Patients undergo a large number of unnecessary examinations, visit all kinds of specialists, and take mountains of medications to no avail. Nowadays it is very rare for a person to be correctly diagnosed and given effective treatment for depression from the first visit. In Moscow, when treating depression, this has already become natural. Imagine the surprise of doctors when the result of psychotherapeutic influence is the disappearance of chronic pain, restoration of the functioning of internal organs and normalization of the autonomic nervous system. Such depression is called somatized (from “soma” - body (lat.), since it affects bodily functions) or masked (the true manifestations of depression are masked by physical equivalents). In any case, it is important that the patient comes to the right specialist (psychiatrist or psychotherapist) on time to begin proper treatment for depression in Moscow or any other city.

Treatment of depression in a private clinic

Due to the low efficiency of medical care from government medical organizations and the high likelihood of subsequent consequences of contacting government agencies, people turn to private clinics. Treatment of depression in a private clinic is carried out on an anonymous basis and registration is excluded here. And the quality of medical care in most private clinics is much higher. Although, there is a fairly high chance of ending up with ordinary swindlers in white coats.

Treatment of depression in Moscow clinics can be carried out using medications, psychotherapy or complex methods. In most cases, a course of treatment with antidepressants is required.

It is important for the patient to understand that the effect can be felt no earlier than 10-14 days from the start of therapy. This is due to the peculiarities of the interaction of drugs with the human body. The side effects that occur in the first days will disappear over time. As the condition improves, the frequency of visits to the doctor will decrease to 1-2 times every 2 weeks. But you should not lose your vigilance and complete the course of treatment before your doctor cancels therapy in order to reduce the risk of relapse of depression.

In the case of treatment of severe depression, hospitalization may be recommended for the patient. The advantages of this medical care system include higher efficiency.

Tips for treating depression

It is important to determine what is causing your depressive symptoms. It is necessary to establish the true cause of the formation of this disease. The severity and true causes of your condition are the most important factors determining the treatment method for depression. The more severe the depression and the more severe the complaints, the more intensive the treatment you may need.

Do not try to cope with the disease on your own. Since what worked well for one person, it will be contraindicated for another. This is due to various individual characteristics of the body and various formation factors. It takes special knowledge, experience and time to find the right treatment. Finding the therapy and recovery that works best for you may take some time. If you decide to begin treatment for depression, you may not immediately be able to find a doctor with whom you can overcome depression.

If you need to take medications, do not forget about physical activity, which will be determined by your attending physician. Do not ignore your doctor’s recommendations about the need for psychotherapy and other types of therapy. Follow your healthcare provider's recommendations. And, be ready for change!

Don't rely on medications alone. Medications can help relieve symptoms of depression, but this is not usually enough. Other types of treatment, including exercise and psychotherapy, can significantly increase the effectiveness of treating depression. If you are taking drug therapy, remember that medication works best when you make changes in your lifestyle.

Social support. By expanding your social connections you reduce the time and increase the effectiveness of therapy. If you have complaints of depression, do not hesitate to talk about it with loved ones or friends, seek support in group psychotherapy sessions. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, and it will not mean that you are a burden to others. Often, simply talking to someone face to face can be a huge help.

Treating depression takes time and personal commitment. Remember that all treatments for depression require time and your active participation. Sometimes patience is lacking and can cause frustration in treatment. This is fine. The process of restoring the nervous system has its ups and downs.

Because atypical symptoms of major depressive disorder (MDD) are heterogeneous, researchers have sought to determine whether biomarkers can detect neurovegetative symptoms of MDD, such as changes in appetite and sleep. Some patients with MDD experience greater weight gain, while others may lose weight due to loss of appetite [2]. Sleep also has similar variability.

Overall, 29 scientific reviews on MDD examined biomarkers such as neuroendocrine homeostasis, inflammatory factors, neurotransmitters, hypothalamic neuropeptides, and growth factors. Specific metabolic and endocrine biomarkers in MDD merit further research: leptin, adiponectin, ghrelin, cortisol, growth hormone, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein, glucose, insulin and albumin [2].

Other potential biomarkers for studying sleep patterns include serotonin and melatonin due to their regulation in the hypothalamus. Candidates for studying changes in appetite include ghrelin, which regulates body weight, and leptin because it is secreted in patients with depression [2].

To find the cause of depression, Rebecca Strawbridge, PhD, of the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King's College London in the UK, and her colleagues reviewed the literature on biomarkers of MDD [3]. They suggested that biomarkers could provide insight into why depression is resistant to treatment, which could help clinicians provide more effective treatment.

While biomarkers can help researchers identify targets for MDD, they have yet to establish specific parameters for diagnosing MDD. “Until now, no biomarkers have been identified that are clearly associated with the development of MDD, and their recognition today seems to be sudden,” Dr. Strawbridge said. “If a biomarker reliably and accurately indicates depression before the onset of typical symptoms, this will undoubtedly be useful for prevention and early intervention.”

To demonstrate the benefits of a micronutrient diet as part of an employee wellness program, 71 participants were instructed on how a healthy diet could improve overall health. Although there are no dietary recommendations to reduce depression, research has demonstrated that a diet rich in micronutrients, rich in plants, containing phytochemicals, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals can improve mood in people with depression [4].

Jay T. Sutliff, PhD, a nutritionist at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, and colleagues conducted a non-randomized study that included 14 hours of live lectures, educational materials, online training, 1-hour meetings over 7 weeks, and 1-hour meetings. 1-hour monthly meetings lasting 6 months. The study assessed weight, waist circumference, blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, blood glucose, hemoglobin A1c, gastroesophageal reflux disease, depression, sleep, pain, and workplace productivity before, during, and after the intervention [4].

Depressive symptoms as measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire 9 had an average decrease of 2.0 (P < 0.001), and sleep quality as measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index also improved by an average of 1.3 (P < 0.001). 0.001) [4].

“We would recommend a holistic approach to depression that takes into account healthy habits. They are often disrupted in severe depression,” Dr. Sutliff said. He suggested Harvard's blog on diet and depression and the National Alliance on Mental Illness's blog on sleep hygiene.

In an anonymous survey of 558 college students (mean age 20.4 years; 71% women), Lina Begdache, Ph.D., assistant professor at the Decker School of Nursing at Binghamton University in New York City, and her colleagues asked about college students' sleep patterns, academic performance, and mood. [1].

The study found that students with disrupted sleep patterns had decreased academic performance (P < .001). Additionally, students who reported severe mental fatigue experienced daytime sleepiness and had a low GPA (P < 0.05) [1].

At a young age, the situation is aggravated by an imbalance between the excitatory effect of glutamate and the inhibitory effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid. It is also a period during which the prefrontal cortex has not yet fully developed. In addition, researchers have suggested that poor nutrition may lead to the development of minor inflammation, which in turn can provoke mental fatigue [1].

“Sleep disturbances can be caused by poor diet (diet provides precursors to brain chemicals), stimulants such as caffeine, or depressants such as alcohol, which also disrupt normal circadian rhythm,” Dr. Begdache said. “Therefore, clinicians should assess these variables along with others, such as stress.”

Recognizing that people with lower socioeconomic status and racial or ethnic minorities have poor health outcomes that negatively impact sleep quality, Dr. Shazia Joan of the Division of Population Health at New York University School of Medicine and her colleagues sought to characterize how sleep deprivation influences poor health outcomes [5]. Lack of sleep is associated with cardiometabolic disease, obesity, depression and anxiety.

Light-skinned women sleep the longest on average, while dark-skinned men sleep the least. This is alarming because sleep-deprived black people are twice as likely to develop diabetes. One of the factors contributing to poor sleep in black people is obstructive sleep apnea. In addition to race and ethnicity, female gender and low socioeconomic status also increase the risk of developing sleep disorders and related mental and physical disorders [5].

Causes of depression can be found in sleep patterns, diet and exercise. Clinicians should obtain detailed information about patients' lifestyle and sleep habits when they suspect depression.

Author of the translation: Safi A.I.


  1. Begdache L, Kianmehr H, Sabounchi N, Marszalek A, Dolma N. Principal component regression of academic performance, substance use and sleep quality in relation to risk of anxiety and depression in young adults. Trends Neurosci Educ.
  2. Caroleo M, Carbone EA, Primerano A, Foti D, Brunetti A, Segura-Garcia C. The role of hormonal, metabolic and inflammatory biomarkers on sleep and appetite in drug-free patients with major depression: a systematic review. J Affect Disord
    . 2019;250:249-259.
  3. Strawbridge R, Young AH, Cleare AJ. Biomarkers for depression: recent insights, current challenges and future prospects. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat
    . 2017;13:1245-1262.
  4. Sutliffe JT, Gardner JC, Gorman MM, et al. Impact of a 6-month micronutrient-dense plant-rich nutrition intervention on health and well-being at the worksite. J Nutr Metab
    . 2019;2019:2609516.
  5. Jehan S, Myers AK, Zizi F, et al. Sleep health disparity: the putative role of race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Sleep Med Disord
    . 2018;2(5):127-133.

Effective treatment for depression

We use only effective and completely safe psychotherapeutic techniques together with modern restorative medicine. All therapeutic programs are selected according to the individual’s individual parameters. Hospital replacement technologies of therapy and rehabilitation of restorative medicine are used. The most modern developments of leading scientific and practical institutes, which are recommended by the WHO International Ethics Committee, are recognized as the safest and most effective means of treating depression. We are guided by the fact that depression is not just a chemical imbalance in the brain. Medicines traditionally used to treat depression can help relieve symptoms of even severe depression. However, they do not always correct the underlying problem. Often therapy requires a long-term solution to the problem. Therefore, we use not only the most modern technologies, but also our own complex techniques, which have shown high effectiveness in treating depression.

We are fighting the cause, not the effect. There will be no reason, this oppressive state will go away. We consider depression from a modern perspective, as a syndrome that indicates the presence of one or another disorder of the nervous system and we eradicate the cause of depression, and not the syndrome - depression.

For new mothers - Postpartum depression

Modern approach

Depression does not always require treatment. Very often we come across cases where one meeting between a specialist and a person is enough, and that’s where the treatment for depression ends. These symptoms leave the person forever, and the mood, sleep and general condition of the body are restored. Various physical ailments also go away, and the quality of life improves significantly.

It is no secret that when depression develops, the brain begins to process incoming information incorrectly, so a person’s condition worsens and he can no longer get out of depression on his own. This requires specialized assistance from a psychotherapist for differentiated treatment of depression, which will be based on suppressing the true causes of depression, and not just relieving symptoms.

The most common, but not always correct, advice for treating depression is to use psychotherapy as monotherapy, as the main and only method of treatment. The use of hypnosis or psychoanalysis, breathing techniques. These techniques for many types of depression are either not effective on their own or are strictly prohibited. Psychotherapy can and should be included in the treatment plan for depression only after the person’s condition has completely stabilized. Only in this way will psychotherapeutic techniques be most effective. When the brain is able to correctly perceive and process specific therapeutic information, psychotherapy becomes necessary in the treatment of depression of any origin.

Who has depression?

Depressive states can be observed in every person, but not everyone develops these states into painful, long-term disorders that reduce the quality of life. However, our treatment for depression always produces a positive effect, regardless of the patient’s gender and age.

Depressive states of a person are associated both with the social environment and with various individual life situations and characteristics of the development of the nervous system of each person individually.

Establishing an accurate and complete diagnosis and identifying the true causes of depressive conditions is the key to obtaining positive results in the treatment of depression.

Depression is curable!

And this is worth remembering for everyone, especially people suffering from this disease. It is important to know a few rules so that the result is complete and the treatment does not take a lifetime.

How to treat depression

  • Find a competent and conscientious specialist;
  • Seek help in person;
  • Follow all the doctor’s instructions, completely trusting him;
  • Don't look for shortcut solutions to the problem;
  • Any questions you may have during treatment should only be resolved with your doctor;
  • Remember, treatment for depression is carried out only by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist;
  • Contacting psychologists of different directions will lead to complications;
  • If treatment for depression takes an unreasonably long time without results, look for another doctor;
  • Therapy should be comprehensive, combining several techniques;
  • Do not violate the prescribed regime.

Only in this case will the treatment of depression be complete and safe.

Remember that you can always find effective help and support from our specialists. Treatment for depression in our clinic is completely tailored to each individual.

Don't panic! Despite the fact that depression is often accompanied by various somatic disorders and feelings of physical illness (pain, gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular disorders, impaired autonomic nervous system, etc.), diseases with similar symptoms respond well to treatment!

Such disorders are described on the pages of our website in the “Psychosomatic Disorders” section.

You can learn more about the problems of treating depression and the types of depression in the article - Depression.

We do not use methods that are not effective or proven.


So much has been written about sleep deprivation that you don’t even want to take up the keyboard, but want to sleep. So you can sleep right on the keyboard, because the distance from the chair to the trestle bed (about five meters in a zigzag) seems unrealistically large, there is absolutely no strength. But there is a lot of urgent work, and you have to code right in your sleep, while feeling a persistent split personality in a powerless attempt to answer the question: who writes all this after all? I?! Or is my “I” just a “conductor”, a stupid executor of someone’s will, someone’s thoughts - a huge archipelago of the unconscious, lying beyond the boundaries of our perception...

The Koran also describes a state in which a person does not sleep, does not stay awake, does not react to external stimuli (well, perhaps with an oar in the balls), but is able to perform the work for which he was previously trained. The hallucinations are just like that. Time and space change places, bits and bytes materialize, the flat surface of the LCD monitor acquires quite tangible depth. From the gloomy abyss of memory, deeds of bygone days jump out, associations flare up, forming new creative chains, creative energy breaks up into separate clumps that live an independent life and generate millions of new ideas, which in the normal state one has to struggle with for weeks, or even months...

This is what sleep deprivation is, if you apply a scientific approach to it. Otherwise, wild irritability, causeless aggression, complete or partial disorientation, memory loss, terrible drowsiness and incessant headaches with other side effects are guaranteed to us, not to mention other delights, many of which are fatal in nature, leading to irreversible changes in our “ carcasses."

Eh, there was a time when mice regularly did not sleep for five to six days in a row (which is quite a bit away from the world record for deprivation lasting 264 hours, i.e. 11 days). Now, at the age of 31, I have to pay a heavy price for this - if my husband doesn’t sleep 9-12 hours, then the whole next day he feels overwhelmed and dysfunctional, and not long ago, working 18-20 hours a day was the norm.

So, deprivation is not a big deal for you! You have to pay for everything in this world. However, if you use deprivation wisely and not be maniacal, then perhaps you won’t find a better ally.

The main problem is incompleteness, inconsistency and unreliability of information. In particular, on Wikipedia, deprivation is simultaneously described in the articles Sleep and Sleep deprivation, and the first article is more detailed, although it contains internal contradictions, which is quite strange, especially considering that deprivation has been studied for a long time. There is a lot of experimental data, scientific papers, etc., but I don’t know of a single popular book that describes complex scientific insanity in simple human language.

Since mice are perpendicular to medicine, not everything written below should be trusted. You use this information at your own risk and tail!

Methods used in the clinic

Medication method - drugs are used that improve and normalize the metabolic processes of the brain, stabilizing hormonal levels and physical condition. Depending on the condition, the causes of the disease and individual characteristics, drugs can be used in various combinations and doses. We use antidepressants, neurometabolic therapy, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, vitamins, and amino acid therapy. Also, if necessary, other drugs may be prescribed for individual therapy.

The use of drug therapy is always justified and rationally selected on an individual basis. Self-medication causes complex complications. In some cases, antidepressants, tranquilizers and other drugs may be strictly prohibited for use!

Psychotherapeutic method - we use a wide range of techniques that our specialists masterfully master. The main methods of psychotherapy for depressive disorders are existential psychotherapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, trance methods of psychotherapy, etc. The methods are usually used sequentially, in reasonable combination with each other. The use of only one technique in psychotherapy in the treatment of depression is usually either ineffective or does not bring the desired result at all. In most cases, hypnosis and trance psychotherapeutic techniques are strictly prohibited!

Physiotherapeutic methods are used in the treatment of certain types of depressive disorders. They are prescribed individually and are carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist. In most cases, physical therapy is contraindicated. Physiotherapy may include procedures such as light therapy, color therapy, music therapy, therapeutic sleep, mesodiencephalic modulation, etc. Physiotherapy techniques cannot be the main method of treating depression.

Types of deprivation

There are total and partial sleep deprivation.

With total deprivation, a person does not sleep during the day, night, and subsequent day, which in total amounts to ~36 hours of wakefulness. After which a healthy long sleep of ~12 hours begins, and then the person sleeps/wake as usual.

At first, it is recommended to use total deprivation no more than once or twice a week. Naturally, these are very approximate figures that do not take into account individual characteristics, which vary widely. When using total deprivation for medical purposes to combat depression, it is recommended to start with deprivation twice a day, which at first causes a short-term improvement in mental state, and after the effect is consolidated, depriving yourself of sleep only once a week, so as not to force the body in vain. Usually six to nine sessions are enough to get out of a depressive state (and you don’t need to take antidepressants!).

With partial deprivation, sleep duration is reduced to two to three hours over the course of one to three weeks (and for some, chronic sleep deprivation becomes the norm).

According to some reports, partial deprivation is much easier to tolerate than total deprivation, but according to others, it’s the opposite: problems arise with falling asleep (and you have to resort to sleeping pills), sleep becomes nervous, shallow, and after waking up, the whole body feels weak, and the head feels like it’s been filled with lead. In short - much worse than after a hangover. Sometimes the body enters a new rhythm already on the third day, and sometimes... stubbornly refuses to function on the reduced “rations”. The feeling is like between life and death. You want to sleep, but you can’t. The work is going sluggishly, no creative thoughts are appearing in my head... It’s a complete mess...

So the preferred type of deprivation is determined by the type of personality (in particular, a muscleman belongs to the first type and easily endures a 36-work “marathon”, after which he falls into a long hibernation, waking up cheerful and rested, but chronic lack of sleep really unsettles him, requiring a long period self-healing and regeneration of the body).

There is also the so-called REM deprivation , but it is very difficult to implement at home, since it is carried out under the control of an EEG and recording of eye movements. When characteristic signs of the REM sleep phase appear on the EEG, the person is woken up, after which he falls asleep again until the next REM phase. And this repeats all night! Due to the low prevalence of this technique, there is no reliable data on its effectiveness.

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