Personality changes during alcoholism and stages of degradation

How to prevent development?

Degradation, on the contrary, is development.
If you regularly improve your level and engage in social activities, this unpleasant phenomenon will not occur. Reading books will be beneficial. It is not necessary to read only scientific literature: works of fiction can also provide food for thought and help you become a better person. Among films and TV series, preference should be given to educational ones; watch not too much.

Give up destructive habits or prevent their emergence: social degradation often begins in dependent individuals. If it is difficult to relax without alcohol or a computer game, you need to be wary and seek help from a specialist who will help you choose healthier methods of relaxation.

Sports will also be beneficial. Physical activity promotes the formation of neural connections, improves mood, and helps make new contacts.

In difficult situations, you should seek help from loved ones or specialists. Looking for relief in alcoholic drinks is dangerous: drinking cannot solve the problem, but can cause great harm.

Treatment of alcoholism

Treatment of alcohol addiction is a very important, lengthy, complex process. If you can’t cope on your own, you need to go to a specialized clinic.

Alcohol addicts for a long time do not realize their problem and do not attach importance to what is happening, denying their dependence on alcohol. And when understanding comes, it often becomes very difficult to find a way out of the situation. You need a lot of willpower, which only a few have. If there is none, you need the help of specialists from a drug treatment clinic. Both the treatment process itself and the restoration of the destroyed body, as well as the rehabilitation period, when it is also important to prevent recurrence of the disease, are important. Control, support for the patient, and care for him from people close to him are of great importance, since there is a huge likelihood of breakdowns and a return to addiction.

If you set the goal of your recovery and engage in treatment, then even hopeless, completely drunk patients can return to normal life and see the world with sober eyes. Not all cases can be successfully fought against addiction. A very important step towards victory is the desire of the patient himself to overcome this addiction.

Professional treatment and coding of alcoholism is provided by a narcologist.

Personality degradation: how not to sink to the bottom?

I will never believe that God, Darwin, the Supreme Intelligence (whoever believes in what) created man in order to admire his degradation.

It is the human individuals themselves (fortunately, not all) who manage their lives in such a stupid way.

12 ways to prevent personality degradation:

  1. Read a lot.

    It is books that contain wisdom that does not allow our brains to dry out, and the process of degradation often begins with them.

  2. Take care of your appearance.

    Even if all kinds of troubles surround you, make them afraid of your beauty, slender, fit body, fashionable clothes.

  3. Don't give in to bad habits.

    Alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, even overeating are activities unworthy of a normal person.

  4. Believe in the best.

    Sad pessimists are the first candidates for the group of lost individuals.

    In any situation, you need to see the light at the end of the dark tunnel and strive with all your might to bring it closer.

  5. Love.

    Parents, friends, your soulmate, animals, life, in the end.

    A person in love will not suffer from personality degradation.

  6. Don't absorb all the suffering in the world.

    Most lost individuals argue for their condition: “The world is so cruel, why fight, why live, etc.”

    If you can help with something, help, but if not, don’t reflect on someone else’s tragedy.

  7. Books, videos, courses, classical educational institutions will not allow you to go to the bottom.
  8. Believe that for all the atrocities committed, retribution will definitely follow.

    Most villains commit crimes because they feel impunity, both before the law and before the highest court.

  9. Don't ignore moral standards.

    You cannot lie, steal, envy, gossip, or do nasty things.

    All this destroys your personality every day.

  10. Don't swear.

    Bad words destroy our souls, drive money out of our wallets, and let me not say that swearing turns us into primates!

  11. Don't forget about the rules of decency.

    Picking your nose, publicly scratching your genitals, loudly yawning with your mouth open, slurping, licking a plate - these are already clear signs of personality degradation.

  12. Never give up.

    Even if everything in your life is bad now, you are able to turn the situation upside down and improve your situation.

    You just choose something else: give up and sink to the very bottom.

I recommend watching the educational video

about the degradation of modern youth

according to the observations of N.V. Levashov (famous writer, scientist, academician).

But it's the honest truth. Think about where this all leads!

Preventing the degradation of your personality is not so difficult, although weaklings think differently.

I believe that among my subscribers there are strong, persistent and smart people who will never fall to the bottom, and if they stumble, they will always find a way to climb to the top again.

Why personality degrades with alcoholism

Everyone knows that alcohol is poison in its pure form. Now we will find out why the alcoholic’s consciousness changes with alcohol consumption?

This happens because the substance that is formed when ethanol is broken down in the body deals the main blow to the brain.

When ethanol enters the blood, a destructive process occurs in the protective membrane of red blood cells. Instead of repelling each other, they begin to stick to each other, which should not happen. When they adhere, they form emboli.

Due to frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages, brain neurons become permeated with microcapillaries. Embolisms begin to clog them, causing a severe form of hypoxia. Which means a lack of oxygen, as a result of which brain cells begin to die.

Of course, they can be restored, but the process of their restoration itself is quite slow.

If the husband is a slob

Many men are convinced that it is the woman who should keep order in the house, put away their dirty socks, wash the dishes, and take care of other household chores. Living with a slob is very difficult. A woman’s task will be complicated if such a man has been taught this way since childhood, and he is sure that this model of behavior is normal. If his mother always looked after him, then he will expect the same from his wife.

Undoubtedly, the right action is to have a timely conversation about how responsibilities for caring for the home will be distributed after the creation of a family union

It is important that the man understands that you do not intend to live in the dirt. If a clear distribution was not established at the time and you already live with a sloppy male representative, then you can proceed to the following actions:

  • if a man left a cup on the table and did not take it to the sink, do not hesitate to pour kefir or compote into it next time, whatever the husband asks for;
  • in the evening I scattered my clothes all over the room - don’t be too lazy to collect everything in one pile, but leave it in the middle of the room, so that when the man wakes up, he will immediately see it;
  • left your tools on the kitchen table - put your cosmetics on the dashboard of the car or on another corner of it.

It is worth considering that these recommendations are suitable only for a man who himself is eager to improve, but simply cannot change himself on his own, since such a manifestation is a consequence of his upbringing.

First stage

First, dependence is formed on a psychological level. A person is looking for ways to relieve stress, an opportunity to “relax.” But the insidiousness of alcohol is not taken into account: the volume of alcohol consumed is not controlled, and over time, a person is not so responsible about the quality of alcohol-containing drinks consumed.

Priorities change, a person loses interest in self-education and development

If you switch a person’s attention in time to factors that stimulate a positive goal, you can stop alcohol degradation, prevent its further development and, after rehabilitation, return the person to a full life

Why does personality degradation occur?

A person degrades when he stops developing spiritually. His brain seems to begin to atrophy “as unnecessary.” There can be many reasons why a person gives up and loses faith in himself, he becomes uninterested in life, he stops following events, develops intellectually, and forgets about his previous hobbies. This happens to someone when they lose a loved one, someone loses their taste for life after a collapse of hopes or a series of failures. The most susceptible to personality degradation are lonely people who feel like losers and useless to anyone.

But these factors in most cases threaten degradation not in themselves, but because a person begins to seek solace and oblivion in alcohol and sooner or later goes on a drinking binge. The concepts of alcoholism and personality degradation are inseparable. Moreover, alcoholism can be both the cause of degradation and its consequence.

Unfortunately, quite often personality degradation develops in older people after retirement. Psychologists even say that retirement is very harmful. Lack of duties, responsibility, and the need to load the brain lead to gradual spiritual death.

At the same time, there are many elderly people who have retained a lively and clear mind. If a person remains a multifaceted personality in old age, does not sit idle, if retirement frees up time and energy for new activities, then he is not in danger of personality degradation. Personality degradation can be a consequence of mental illness or organic diseases of the brain (schizophrenia, epilepsy, intoxication, trauma, etc.).

Types of degradation

Not only people can degrade, but also society, culture or its individual sectors. There are many varieties of this concept.

  • Environmental degradation is the destruction of the planet’s ecosystems, which, unfortunately, is only gaining momentum every year.
  • Chemical decomposition of molecules - which means more complex types of molecules begin to degrade, splitting into simple particles.
  • Biological decay/degradation is the destructive effect of microorganisms, fungi or algae on various organic substances.
  • Telecommunication degradation – deterioration in signal quality.

  • The soil can also degrade – this process is also called soil depletion.


Asthenia is a painful condition characterized by high fatigue with light exertion and an inability to undergo prolonged physical and mental stress. A person has persistent sleep disorders; he cannot fall asleep without alcohol. The mood constantly changes, self-control decreases.

Characteristic manifestations of this type of degradation are the following changes:

  • the psyche becomes more labile;
  • a person often experiences severe irritation;
  • restlessness, inability to concentrate on a task;
  • severe fatigue, constant weakness;
  • decreased ability to remember, memory disorders;
  • decline in libido, sexual dysfunction.

Personality degradation: main causes

Among the causes of degradation, there are different ones, but without exception, they cause harm to humans.

You should have an idea of ​​the causes of degradation and their main components:

1. Loneliness, loss of loved ones

. The state of degradation is more common among lonely people. Death, distance from loved ones, loss of mutual understanding with friends, lack of blood relatives nearby are among the possible causes of loneliness. A person suffers from not being able to share his emotions. He feels that he is not in demand, and the feeling of uselessness for people and society as a whole increases. Based on this, a reluctance to live and take care of oneself makes itself felt. Loneliness provokes depression and suicidal tendencies.

2. Social isolation

. Personal regression is possible in a situation where a person is excluded from society. Deprivation of work, retirement, and a person sees himself cut off from a life in which there was significance for him. Day after day I had to follow a routine and reckon with time - in connection with work, family, and communication with colleagues, although forced, gave life a feeling of fullness and meaning.

3. Dismissal

— as if revealing empty horizons, prompting you to give an explanation for your existence. The usual way of life is disrupted, and along with it, the attitude towards oneself. Family is a means of feeling your own importance, no matter how it is expressed: cooking meals or participating in a conversation when your opinion is taken into account. If family members ignore a person or are absent, without attention and support, there is a prerequisite for degradation.

4. Laziness and apathy. Regression can begin due to laziness, a banal refusal to perform basic actions. This is expressed as avoidance of duties that require effort or responsibility.

As an employee, he can create the appearance of a process in the workplace, but carry all his thoughts home, and upon arriving from work, completely ignore all matters vying for attention.

5. It would seem that the need for pleasure to go out into the world, into nature, or another reason would prompt a person to show all sorts of activity. But such a person is also too lazy to do anything nice for himself. His experience extends beyond drinking alcohol with fast food in front of the TV. Mental development is supported by watching television programs that do not provide spiritual or intellectual food. Relaxation with indulgence in bad habits can be partly useful - in very small doses to eliminate overwork.

6. Low self-esteem

, guilt. Any person is not immune from repeated defeat in the personal and professional spheres. At the same time, self-esteem suffers, faith in oneself and in one’s luck disappears. Some people are motivated by failure, while others are irrevocably discouraged. A person does not stop blaming himself, he is not able to start something new, getting down to business, to become motivated, but only continues to dwell on the past with its mistakes.

The famous psychologist Abraham Maslow preferred to consider human degradation in the form of stages:

  • Refusal of responsibility for one's own life. The individual occupies the position of a follower in relations with people, allows decisions to be made instead of himself, and does not realize the importance of his own personality, the strength of his will.
  • The need for development and respect is not felt. Only physiological needs are a priority.
  • The personality loses the perception of the multidimensionality of phenomena: people become friends or strangers for him; things are “black” or “white”.
  • Feelings of guilt predominate. A person becomes overly self-critical and considers himself guilty of things that do not depend on him.
  • Dependence on stereotypes: a person adheres to rules created by himself, which he is not able to rethink.

Alcoholism and drug addiction should be separately mentioned as causes of degradation. These diseases fetter a person’s will, as a result of which they have a fatal impact on his fate.

Stages of degradation

Conventionally, psychologists classify the entire process of degradation during alcoholism into the following stages:

  • first;
  • second;
  • third.

Each has its own symptoms. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

The first stage of destructive personality changes in alcohol addiction

Changes in personality are subtle. They manifest themselves most clearly when the alcoholic is exposed to irritating factors. The patient tries to restrain himself, but periodically breaks down. His relations with his immediate circle are gradually deteriorating. When drinking alcohol, behavior becomes inappropriate.

The second stage of personal degradation of alcoholics

Psychoneurological disorders are added to personality disorders. They are caused by damage to the central nervous system. Observed:

  • desire to drink alcohol frequently;
  • pronounced euphoria from the mere thought of the upcoming drinking session;
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • binges;
  • alcohol amnesia;
  • high level of anxiety;
  • occasional paranoid behavior;
  • lack of motivation to do anything useful;

  • quarrels with others;
  • internal tension;
  • touchiness;
  • aggression;
  • frequent attempts to offend relatives;
  • tendency to lie;
  • smoothing of moral and ethical standards;
  • suicidal tendencies.

In the second stage of personality change, the drinker's mood often changes throughout the day. The more the patient drinks, the stronger the maladjustment.

The third stage of degradation of alcoholics

It is the most difficult and dangerous. All symptoms of the disease become more severe. They are joined by somatic pathologies. The functioning of the nervous system deteriorates at the physiological level.

An alcoholic almost always behaves strangely. After drinking, he plunges into a sweet state of euphoria. They ignore all established norms and rules. The person becomes unspontaneous, lethargic, and aggressive. His sense of attachment to family members disappears. He also forgets his social duty.

All a drinker lives for is drinking. If it is not there, life loses its meaning. Degradation is gradually reaching its peak. It is impossible to interact constructively with an addict at the third stage - he is an absolutely inadequate person, whose behavior is dominated by animal instincts.

If you delay the treatment of alcoholism, negative changes in the psyche and thinking will not keep you waiting. It may get to the point where it will no longer be possible to fully restore intellectual and mental activity. Therefore, there is no need to try to cope with the disease on your own. Moreover, you should not experiment with folk recipes and “miracle pills” sold via the Internet.

The most sensible thing a drinker can do is to get help from an experienced addiction specialist. This way he will protect himself from degradation and will be able to return to normal life.

How to avoid degradation

Spiritual degradation of personality may well overtake anyone who does not engage in self-development. Thus, any person has every chance of coming to complete, comprehensive collapse. It is necessary to invest time and effort to maintain yourself at a consistently high level. Build, improve and do - this is what those who do not want to degrade need to concentrate on. Otherwise, spiritual death will overtake a person much earlier than physical death.

To avoid degradation, you should be able to fight your passivity. This skill allows you to increase a person’s internal energy and strengthen willpower.

There is physical and social death. The second concept implies that a person, being healthy, is of no value to society. Moreover, such a person can also cause harm to society, since he is a burden and is far from the best example. In order to avoid social death, it is necessary to make efforts to maintain an active physical state and be interested in everything that is happening in the world. A person should strive to be useful to the people among whom he lives. To maintain high life potential, you need to live not only for yourself, without surrendering to the hands of internal passivity. It should be understood that the main food for the mind is both the information that we consume when reading or through auditory perception, and what we talk about and are interested in.

Those who have a fairly active life position and live in mission mode will never face the problem of degradation. Usually such people do what they love and have many interests.

You need to understand that the environment has an incredible influence on the development or degradation of the individual. If a person mainly comes into contact with people who are going downhill, then this will not have a beneficial effect on him.

There is a parable about a cucumber that tried with all its might to preserve its freshness. Having got into a jar of pickles, he was very unpleasant at first, since the brine did not help maintain freshness. In addition, the appearance of a fresh cucumber was a reproach to its salty counterparts. However, after a while, the pickle was no longer disgusting to the cucumber, and its neighbors no longer seemed so salty. The cucumber thought that it was very convenient to be like everyone else. However, to avoid becoming a salty snack, you need to follow the right direction in life.

Now you know what human degradation is. Having a general understanding of this problem, you can easily avoid the fate that is prescribed for a huge number of people.

An online brain trainer will help you avoid degradation. It is based on scientific methodology developed by neuropsychologists and psychophysiologists

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Degradation as a chemical process

All organic and inorganic compounds have their own structure. The process of interaction of various substances occurs at the level of chemical reactions (redistribution of nuclei and electrons of the starting substances).

The consequence of the chemical reaction that has occurred is the destruction (destruction or degradation) of the previous structure of the compounds and the formation of a new structure.

If we talk about the destruction of polymers, then as a result of this process the degree of polymerization or molecular weight of the polymer decreases. The process of destruction ( chemical degradation ) can be activated by the following factors:

  1. warmth;
  2. radiation;
  3. mechanical stress;
  4. oxidation (exposure to oxygen);
  5. water;
  6. enzymes of biological organisms.

The impact of these factors can occur either individually or in combination. For example, exposure to water and alkali initiates a hydrolytic reaction, which results in degradation of the original structure of the substance.

And enzymes (what are they?) that are produced in the human body lead to the destruction of certain cells and, as a result, body tissues.

Without going into medical nuances, we can say that some of the destruction processes are positive for the normal functioning of the body, and some have a negative effect.

The process of destruction (chemical degradation) is used to obtain new properties and characteristics from substances. For example, mechanical-oxidative destruction (as a result of mechanical deformation in the presence of oxygen) of artificial rubber improves its technological properties.

Alcoholic syntonic type

A person who drinks develops optimism, cheerfulness, and is usually in an upbeat mood. To himself he seems beautiful, worthy, prosperous, and those around him are also usually assessed complacently. Everything would be fine if such an approach helped limit alcohol intake and contributed to a person’s personal growth. But that's not true.

Such a person is sociable, but indiscriminate in contacts. He can easily talk about himself, but such frankness is perceived as excessive, intrusive, and is often directed at unfamiliar people.

Example. Anton, “alcohol experience” – 14 years. Likes to visit establishments and events where you can eat and drink deliciously, and sit at the table. If possible, does not miss birthdays, celebrations, holidays, anniversaries of relatives, acquaintances and colleagues.

Talkative, sociable, not averse to gossip, tries to look caring and helpful. Offers toast and pours more for the neighbors at the table. He disturbs guests, “pulling” them out to dance, participate in competitions, etc. He usually has a naive and benign appearance.

After drinking, he becomes clingy, obsessively asks questions, compliments women, tries to joke, not noticing that some of his jokes are frankly vulgar and greasy. Confident in his rightness, the correctness of his conclusions, he becomes caustic and verbally aggressive when someone doubts the truth of his judgments, cheerfulness or goodwill.

He really doesn’t like to admit he’s wrong. Sincere repentance after “extra” words or actions was not noticed behind him. However, he never crosses certain boundaries in aggressive behavior and is not prone to fights. He can bring new casual acquaintances home, introduce them as his friends, and give them money.

Methods of influence should be based on the cheerfulness of a person of this type. Joy is always an opportunity to get rid of illness. If a person feels that his joy is needed, that he can realize himself in this area, there is a real chance for change.

These people need to be captivated, preferably by example, they need to be taught etiquette, conversation, methods of argument, shown the prospects and possibilities of reason and knowledge. Such people, as a rule, love enthusiasts, but more “punchy” and enthusiastic than themselves. They respect good specialists, masters of their craft. They can forgive such people both tediousness and severity.

Types of degradation in alcoholics

Narcologists distinguish four main types of the disease:

  1. Functional. Trying to eliminate the negative consequences caused by alcohol, the brain works more intensely. This leads to changes in the alcoholic’s behavior and disruptions in the functioning of certain organs. With a functional disorder, the usual symptoms of intoxication may be absent, even if the dose of alcohol used was quite large.
  2. Acute tolerance. They talk about it after the first protracted binge. In the first days of using alcohol, sensitivity to it is high, but gradually it decreases. Then the drunkard begins to take stronger compounds or increases their doses.
  3. Metabolic. It develops against the background of a high rate of metabolic processes. This type of tolerance, when degraded, helps to avoid severe poisoning, but, on the other hand, it makes the ongoing anti-alcohol therapy less effective.
  4. Behavioral. Over time, the alcoholic becomes accustomed to performing certain actions when he is intoxicated. He repeats them every time he drinks. At the same time, very often his behavior turns out to be inadequate and does not correspond to the situation.

Regardless of what type of degradation is identified in an alcohol addict, he needs urgent drug treatment. If a patient refuses to be treated, it makes sense to call interventionists to his home. They will convince him of the need to undergo complex therapy.

When selecting treatment for alcoholics, doctors at the Alkoklinik clinic use the entire arsenal of medications and psychological techniques. This approach allows them to achieve positive dynamics even in situations that seem very difficult and insoluble.

Psychiat-like type

This type most often occurs in young people. Alcoholics become very irritable. They withdraw into themselves, become gloomy and indifferent to relatives and friends. They often drink alone. They hide alcohol throughout the apartment in secret places.

Some alcoholics behave absolutely adequately when sober, but after drinking alcohol they become very irritable and aggressive. And some begin to become hysterical. An alcoholic may begin to threaten others (for example, grab a knife), throw objects (dishes, equipment) around the room, or run away from home. Degradation occurs continuously. Gradually, a person loses the ability to fully exist in society.

Alcoholism is one of the causes of human degradation

Alcoholism is a disease, the cause of which is initially the promiscuity of the person himself, and then chemical processes in the body come into play, which, unfortunately, are irreversible. The only way to stop the disintegration of personality for an alcoholic is to completely stop drinking alcohol.

Alcohol has a destructive effect on many human organs - the liver, kidneys, and to a large extent - the brain. Memory deterioration and weakening of intelligence occur unnoticed and irreversible.

One of the first signs of an alcoholic’s degradation is the inability to remember new phenomena and skills, routine work, and lack of creativity.

At first, a person copes with work responsibilities quite well and can take care of himself at home. As the disease develops, at its last stage, degradation reaches its climax and simple actions become impossible.

We are talking about the fact that with degradation, the range of interests of an individual narrows sharply. For a dependent individual, it boils down to the need to get another dose of alcohol. And this is understandable from a physiological point of view. The body is so accustomed to alcohol being involved in metabolism that it does not function well without it. Hormones of joy and happiness can only be produced when a new portion of alcohol is received. But such “happiness” does not last long. It is replaced by aggression, anxiety and self-deprecation. It turns out to be such a vicious circle.

The distinctive features of alcohol degradation are


  • Complete lack of self-criticism
    . The person believes that he drinks “like everyone else” and completely denies that he has any serious problems.
  • People around who try to stop an alcoholic from drinking become his enemies and persecutors
    . After all, these people want to deprive him of the only available way to get pleasure.
  • Moral norms cease to matter to the individual
    . The feeling of shame first dulls and then disappears completely.
  • When drunk or waiting for a dose, a person forgets about his responsibility to his family
    , does not care about absenteeism and the threat of dismissal.
  • The person becomes extremely deceitful and resourceful
    . Wanting to drink, he comes up with different ways to get alcohol, hides it, carries it in a rubber hot water bottle, if he has drinking buddies, he finds any excuse to run away from home.

The emotional sphere suffers the most: from aggression to lisp, from self-flagellation to self-praise, from depression to euphoria. When alcohol becomes the goal of life and the only source of positive emotions, then there can be no talk of any spiritual development. A person is not interested in walking, reading, discussing any issues; the whole world for him fits at the bottom of a glass.

Characteristic symptoms

A degraded personality is easy to recognize, even just by external signs.

There are also deeper symptoms that can be recognized in person


Loss of appearance. Unwashed hair, dirty clothes, heavy body odor - these signs appear already at the final stage. A man walks down the street drunk, not embarrassed by it, and does not cover the bruises on his face with dark glasses. Complete loss of shame. And it all can start from refusing to do a manicure and cut your hair regularly, not paying attention to the cleanliness and integrity of your clothes - these are the first signs of degradation. Loss of interest in life, the scope of needs is narrowed to food and drink. Politics, painting, sports cease to matter as such. There is nothing in this world that could evoke emotions in a degraded personality. The world narrows so much that it becomes almost invisible. Loss of feelings such as shame and disgust. Base instincts are not controlled, food from a garbage can does not cause disgust

A person no longer hides from judgmental glances, he simply does not notice them or does not take them into account. Decreased intelligence, memory, primitiveness of judgment

A person’s speech changes, the set of words and expressions becomes minimal. Remember Sharikov from “Heart of a Dog” - this is roughly how a degraded person thinks. The person becomes psychologically unstable. Here the manifestations can be different - irritability, grumpiness, frivolity, aggressiveness, tearfulness. In any case, it is not appropriate to talk about healthy mental reactions.

Of course, it takes a certain amount of time from not wanting to develop yourself to lying drunk on a bench. Degradation does not happen overnight. Therefore, if we notice its first signs in ourselves or our loved ones, then we need to take measures to nip them in the bud.


  1. Physiological causes of the disorder
  2. Diagnostic methods
  3. Stages of degradation of alcoholics
  4. Types of degradation in alcoholics

Alcohol degradation is an irreversible process of physiological and psychological destruction provoked by prolonged and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. It should be understood that the negative toxic-organic effects of alcoholic beverages are determined not by their type or name, but solely by the total volume of ethanol.

Thus, drinking a large amount of beer every day for a month can be put on the same scale as a week-long vodka binge. The strength of the drinks is different, but the result is the same. True, in beer alcoholics, degradation manifests itself smoothly, so others may not notice pathological changes. Especially if you don’t want to see these first alarming symptoms.

And they are present in huge quantities. Psychological, social and behavioral signs of alcoholic personality degradation constitute the basic symptoms of alcoholism. Rudeness, deceit (and without cause), sudden mood swings, the occurrence of neurological disorders, narrowing of horizons and many other negative personality changes are difficult to ignore.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, sleep disorders, loss of strength, apathy, decreased performance, irritability, rudeness, limited interests and even suicidal tendencies are not uncommon. All these and many other psychopathological manifestations have become firmly established in our lives and have long ceased to be symptoms of the degradation of an alcoholic.

That is why the most eloquent indicator of alcoholism is considered to be the attitude towards drinking alcohol. The addict sees the consumption of strong drinks as the main purpose of the feast. Not delicious food, dancing or socializing, but only drinking! And the further the degradation develops, the stronger this symptom manifests itself.

The next day after drinking alcohol, the alcoholic behaves in a special way. If a healthy (not suffering from alcoholism) person needs a break from binge drinking at home the next day or just a few mugs of cabbage pickle, then the alcoholic does not need this, since he is simply not going to stop drinking...

You need to understand that it is impossible to treat human degradation from alcohol as such, but it is quite possible to identify it at an early stage and prevent it.

The essence of the concept

Personality degradation is the gradual loss of human appearance. When irreversible changes occur for the worse in character, habits, inclinations and hobbies. The development of such traits as irritability, passivity, and then aggressiveness is manifested.

What does degradation include?

Signs of degradation

A degraded person does not come to his condition in one moment. Sometimes regression takes several decades to develop. The main distinguishing signs by which one can suspect a decline in personality include the following symptoms:

Gradual loss of the ability to think soberly and reason sensibly. The ability to concentrate on any one task/goal disappears. There is a attenuation of all feelings exhibited by a person in a normal state. One notices a gradual withdrawal into oneself, into one’s inner, artificially created world. Conversational and familiar speech becomes more primitive and incoherent. Busyness in business and work decreases sharply. The circle of human contacts is also narrowing

An apathetic state occurs in which the person stops showing any care and attention to others

A person, being in the developing stages of regression, eventually loses mental stability. All manifestations of activity and performance are stopped. They are replaced by nervousness, global disturbances of attention and memory. All interests disappear, giving way to lack of initiative, lack of will and carelessness.

Degradation can also follow the spiritual path

Human degradation and Abraham Maslow

A medical psychologist who lived in America last century, he devoted his life to the study of human nature. A psychiatrist has compiled a hierarchy of personal needs. The world-famous scientist noted the main qualities that manifested themselves in all people walking along the road of degradation. According to the psychologist, people with regression tend to have the following perceptions:

  1. The degenerate considers himself to be a “pawn.” That is, I am sure that his actions, as a conscious individual, depend entirely on someone: other people or external forces. This phenomenon is called “learned helplessness.”
  2. The priority of degraded people becomes survival, only the desire to achieve all the needs necessary for the functioning of the body. Food, sleep, natural needs.
  3. The regressed personality divides the entire society into two camps: bad/strangers and good/our own.
  4. He is fully confident that his opinion is not subject to any discussion/criticism and is the only correct one.
  5. The brain of such a person stops expending active efforts on the implementation of verbal functions. Therefore, those who are degraded will have a poorer vocabulary.

Degraded man - who is he?

Despite such a wide range of areas in which this word is actively used, most often it is attributed to the breakdown of personality due to the use of alcohol or drugs. However, human degradation is not always associated with addictions; sometimes it occurs due to natural causes, for example, a disease that gradually causes dementia.

To understand what it means to degrade as a person, you need to imagine how a certain person gradually loses the ability to control his emotions and actions, loses clarity of judgment, and begins to suffer from forgetfulness and loss of concentration. But its negative traits only intensify with degradation: laziness, apathy, indifference and unreasonable carelessness increase. The interests of such a person gradually narrow and soon concentrate only on basic physiological needs or on the desire to get a dose (in case of drug addiction and alcoholism).

If degradation occurs as a result of senile dementia, then such a person begins to live like a vegetable: he only has reflexes aimed at maintaining minimal physiological needs.

From all of the above, we can conclude that degradation is not only a problem of alcoholics and drug addicts, but also a completely possible natural result of the aging of every person.

How to avoid degradation

Spiritual degradation of personality may well overtake anyone who does not engage in self-development. Thus, any person has every chance of coming to complete, comprehensive collapse. It is necessary to invest time and effort to maintain yourself at a consistently high level. Build, improve and do - this is what those who do not want to degrade need to concentrate on. Otherwise, spiritual death will overtake a person much earlier than physical death.

To avoid degradation, you should be able to fight your passivity. This skill allows you to increase a person’s internal energy and strengthen willpower.

There is physical and social death. The second concept implies that a person, being healthy, is of no value to society. Moreover, such a person can also cause harm to society, since he is a burden and is far from the best example. In order to avoid social death, it is necessary to make efforts to maintain an active physical state and be interested in everything that is happening in the world. A person should strive to be useful to the people among whom he lives. To maintain high life potential, you need to live not only for yourself, without surrendering to the hands of internal passivity. It should be understood that the main food for the mind is both the information that we consume when reading or through auditory perception, and what we talk about and are interested in.

Those who have a fairly active life position and live in mission mode will never face the problem of degradation. Usually such people do what they love and have many interests.

You need to understand that the environment has an incredible influence on the development or degradation of the individual. If a person mainly comes into contact with people who are going downhill, then this will not have a beneficial effect on him.

There is a parable about a cucumber that tried with all its might to preserve its freshness. Having got into a jar of pickles, he was very unpleasant at first, since the brine did not help maintain freshness. In addition, the appearance of a fresh cucumber was a reproach to its salty counterparts. However, after a while, the pickle was no longer disgusting to the cucumber, and its neighbors no longer seemed so salty. The cucumber thought that it was very convenient to be like everyone else. However, to avoid becoming a salty snack, you need to follow the right direction in life.

Now you know what human degradation is. Having a general understanding of this problem, you can easily avoid the fate that is prescribed for a huge number of people.

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Degradation is...

The term “degradation” is not recognized by all psychologists and psychiatrists. It is generally used to indicate noticeable deterioration in the quality of an object. Using this concept in relation to a person, one can distinguish intellectual, social, professional, spiritual degradation, as well as some other types of regression.

Degradation is a synonym for the word “deterioration.” If a person becomes worse at his job, he degrades. Loss of interest in life in general can also be called degradation. In a normal mental state, each of us should be cheerful and active. During degradation, a person feels completely different. This condition can be a symptom or complication of a number of mental illnesses. How does degradation manifest itself?

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