What is personality degradation and why do people lose their individuality?

Causes of degradation

Having analyzed what degradation means, let’s move on to the reasons that can cause this phenomenon.

  1. Loneliness. Scientists have proven that lonely people, those who have suffered the death of a loved one, are subject to gradual degradation. This is due to the fact that a person is depressed, he develops apathy, lack of interest in life, passivity, and there is a misunderstanding of life guidelines. Lonely people are also often subject to gradual degradation, in most cases these are pensioners: they begin a kind of preparation for death. People renounce interests, hobbies, and stop adapting to the dynamically developing world. This phenomenon is theoretically called delayed suicide.
  2. Feeling of uselessness. When a person’s potential and abilities are not fully realized, personal disintegration occurs. If a person stops seeing a personality in himself, then he will not develop it in himself, and this is a clear example of degradation.
  3. Feeling of uncertainty, especially after several failures in a row. For some, it creates a desire to fix everything and still achieve their goal, while for others, on the contrary, a state of apathy arises.
  4. Spiritual poverty, cruelty, lack of will are direct prerequisites for the formation and development of personality degradation.
  5. Addictions such as drug addiction, substance abuse, and alcoholism are serious problems that cause dullness in a person. For example, to understand what it means to degrade from an addiction, let’s look at alcohol degradation.

Why do people degrade

The most common causes of degradation are addictions. Any addiction affects a person’s personality, be it alcoholism or gambling addiction. If the problem is detected at a late stage, then it is almost impossible to return a person to a normal standard of living. But there are other prerequisites for degradation.


As a rule, a degenerating person is lonely. The situation becomes aggravated due to the death of relatives, friends, major quarrels, moves, and cessation of communication. Deep melancholy and the absence of people nearby with whom you can share your experiences make life unbearable. The individual becomes disillusioned with himself and the world around him.

The meaning of self-improvement and taking care of oneself is gradually disappearing. Against the background of loneliness, depression often develops, which entails a decline in personality. Suicidal tendencies are not uncommon.

Social isolation

The exclusion of an individual from society is possible due to:

  • retirement;
  • dismissal from work;
  • separation or divorce.

In such a situation, a person is left alone with himself. He is afraid to make new acquaintances. While he had a narrow circle of friends, there was also motivation to take care of himself, to develop in order to be a pleasant interlocutor. When this disappears, the usual routine of life changes, which can trigger the process of degradation. More often this happens to people who do not communicate with their family or do not receive proper support from loved ones.


This is a painful state of indifference to the world around us, lethargy, and lack of motivation. A person has no desire:

  • go for walks;
  • communicate with other people;
  • exercise;
  • work;
  • have an active rest.

In this state, the person degrades because he does not find the energy to do anything. I can recommend you an article about what to do if you have no strength - it describes in detail how to overcome apathy. It will be useful if you or your loved one is faced with a similar problem.

Low self-esteem

When failures occur in your personal life, you fail to achieve your goals, and self-esteem drops. A person stops believing in his own strength. The resource for further struggle runs out, and depression occurs.

A person analyzes a lot and remembers his past mistakes, driving himself deeper and deeper into a feeling of his own worthlessness. In the end, a moment comes when he thinks: “The barn burned down, so does the hut.” He has nothing more to lose, which means there is no point in developing and becoming better. But there are specific methods that allow you to increase your self-esteem - try it, it will be an excellent prevention of degradation.

Psychological trauma

They are the root of many problems, including degradation. These can be either shocks suffered in childhood or adult troubles. The following factors can contribute to personality decline:

  • abusive parents;
  • controlling, strict parenting;
  • an example of degradation from someone close to you in childhood;
  • deep love experiences;
  • serious bullying (aggressive bullying).

For example, if a child grows up in a strict family, where parents cruelly suppress his personal opinion and try to fit him into an “ideal” that only they understand, he develops a rejection of this lifestyle. Growing up, he does the opposite. I have come across examples where, in a wealthy, intelligent family, an adult child degenerated, unable to find the strength to cope with the pressure.

Alcohol as a provoking factor

Alcohol addiction is becoming the scourge of society, which provokes rapid disintegration of the individual in working age and deprives society of its full-fledged member. Not enough attention is paid to what scientists and doctors have been saying for a long time: even a small amount of alcohol is deadly to brain cells.

The whole danger of degradation in alcoholism lies in the fact that a person cannot fully give himself a full account of what is happening to him, to understand that he is losing his own “I”.

With frequent or constant consumption of alcoholic beverages, after about 5-6 years, alcohol dependence or alcoholism occurs, which leads a person to mental and social degradation.

Personality degradation in alcoholism occurs in three stages.

First stage

First, dependence is formed on a psychological level. A person is looking for ways to relieve stress, an opportunity to “relax.” But the insidiousness of alcohol is not taken into account: the volume of alcohol consumed is not controlled, and over time, a person is not so responsible about the quality of alcohol-containing drinks consumed.

Priorities change, a person loses interest in self-education and development

If you switch a person’s attention in time to factors that stimulate a positive goal, you can stop alcohol degradation, prevent its further development and, after rehabilitation, return the person to a full life

Alcohol addiction

Physically, a person becomes dependent on alcohol, which has become a “natural” need of the alcoholic’s body, as valid as the need for food and sleep.

Without drinking alcohol, a person becomes aggressive and uncontrollable

He loses professional skills, copes much worse with both the physical and mental tasks assigned to him, loses the ability to highlight key information, concentrate attention, and quickly respond to what is happening. As a result, the risk of industrial and domestic injuries increases

A person’s range of interests narrows to ways to get alcohol. The sense of shame is lost, the ability to feel guilty for unseemly acts committed, one’s own behavior, deceit and hypocrisy appear. Because of this, disharmony arises in family relationships.

An alcoholic is vulnerable; it seems to him that others are unfair to him. In some forms of alcohol addiction, a person suffers from low self-esteem.

Complete degradation

Alcohol degradation reaches its highest point: complete disability, social alienation, self-absorption sets in. A person does not come out of a state of intoxication for a long period of time, called a binge. His brain loses many of its functions, which affects the ability to think rationally, remember information, and objectively perceive reality. Speech is simplified to template phrases. A person suffers from mental and neurotic diseases, but is often unable to recognize his pathological dependence. Many internal organs undergo irreversible changes.

Without the help of doctors - a therapist, a narcologist and a psychotherapist - treatment of alcoholic personality degradation will be ineffective.

Examples of degradation from literature and cinema

Works of art help us understand what degradation means. I will again remember A.P. Chekhov and his novel “Ionych”. This is a story about a doctor, an educated and sensual man. He fell in love with a girl, but she refused him. Having a hard time experiencing a love trauma, this person began to degrade. He thought that no one in society needed his intelligence, love and education, so he became grumpy, gained weight, gambled and became a hoarder. And he shouted and hit his patients with a stick.

If you feel that love experiences discourage you from developing and moving on with your life, read the article on how to get over a breakup.

As a more modern example, I will give the series “Patrick Melrose”. This is the story of a man with addiction who deteriorates due to a very cruel father and an alcoholic mother. Such works clearly show why people degrade. To some extent, this is a defense mechanism of the psyche - it tries to protect us from strong emotional shocks.

Alcoholic dementia

The pathology develops over a long period of time (over fifteen to twenty years) and occurs due to constant exposure to alcohol, a toxic substance for tissues. Alcohol-containing drinks have an effect both independently and indirectly by reducing the performance of the liver and cardiovascular system.

Many alcoholics, during life or after death, have atrophic foci in the cerebral hemispheres, which indicates the last stages of a sluggish inflammatory process, in which there is an active proliferation of connective tissue.

The symptoms are almost the same as those of other types of dementia: deterioration of memory, attention, speech, motor activity, and perception of the outside world.

When diagnosing alcoholic dementia in the early stages, the reverse process is possible with complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages. However, due to indifference to one’s own health and unwillingness to have patients themselves examined, such cases are quite rare.

The prognosis depends on the duration of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body. The disease usually ends in complete personality degradation and death.

Alcohol degradation

This phenomenon is worth considering separately. Due to the specific effect of alcohol on the brain, some parts of it do not work properly, triggering the process of degradation. This can be not only alcohol, but also drug addiction.


  • total lack of self-criticism;
  • hatred of people who try to help or interfere with drinking;
  • erasing moral standards and boundaries;
  • ignoring one’s responsibilities to family and employer;
  • tendency to deceive, luring out money for drinks.

The consciousness of such a person concentrates on only one aspect of life - alcoholic beverages. These people are subject to mood swings: from aggression to declarations of eternal love, from depression to euphoria. When a formerly erudite, balanced person becomes an alcoholic, he sinks to the very bottom - this is the reverse process, which is degradation.

Personality degradation

A phenomenon that is in the spotlight and is being studied by many scientists from completely different sciences and fields. Man by himself does not contain the potential for destruction, but such cases are still observed. What does personality degradation mean? This is, first of all, the appearance of two important signs - depression and apathy. A person begins to lose balance, learning ability, the desire to understand the world around him, develop, and constantly be in dynamics.

What does human degradation mean? This is the process of loss of inherent qualities and properties of a person; feelings, judgments, and abilities inherent at birth are lost.

Memory, ability to concentrate, deteriorates, lack of interest in life and the world around you

Is it possible to avoid degradation

It is worth noting that degradation does not affect all people. This condition can be avoided if you make daily efforts: take care of your appearance, strive to become better, give up bad habits, read books.

Psychologists have proven that a reliable defense against personality degradation for any person is such a simple action as communicating with friends. Discussing with loved ones a book you have read or a movie you have watched supports a person’s ability to cogently express his opinion and accept the point of view of his interlocutor.

Personal disintegration will never happen to a person who has a goal. If a person, even in old age, is engaged in self-development and realizes himself in creativity, they will never say about him that he is being destroyed as a person.

What is degradation?

It is generally accepted that human degradation is the gradual destruction of personality. We are social creatures and need the support of our own kind. At the same time, for the growth and development of personality, new knowledge, impressions, and events are needed. If we lose the opportunity to learn something new, we find ourselves in a limited world, and our needs are gradually narrowed to the most primitive. And aspirations and aspirations turn into a set of base instincts.

The same applies to mating, sex becomes promiscuous, and partners become random. Control over actions is lost, the line between good and evil is erased. A person becomes capable of murder even without a reason.

Critical thinking disappears, as does the feeling of responsibility for one’s actions. A degraded person can be dangerous to others.

Sometimes degradation creeps up unnoticed and it can happen to anyone. It is so arranged by nature that acquiring new knowledge and skills also forms new neural connections in the brain, which contributes to its effective functioning. If interest in life is lost, due to apathy, depression or for another reason, there is a risk of becoming a degenerate. Of course, not like binge alcoholics and drug addicts, to a much lesser extent.

It has been noticed that even women who have been on maternity leave for a long time begin to degrade. Their interests are narrowed to the family circle, and new information concerns exclusively one area. If there is no diversity, we partially degrade as professionals in our field and lose valuable knowledge and skills. The same thing happens to pensioners. Leaving your job means unexpected freedom and time to occupy yourself with something. Production tasks are being replaced by TV series and alcohol.

In old age, the brain already loses some of its functions, and such “leisure” provokes its gradual decline. It has been noticed that people who are engaged in creativity and science (artists, designers, architects, scientists), even in extreme old age, maintain clarity of mind until the end of their lives and continue to develop, although according to the laws of nature it should happen differently. "Degradation" literally means moving backwards. There is no point of balance. We either move forward and develop, or we retreat and degrade.

Signs of human degradation

According to experts, there are the first signs of personality degradation:

1. Reluctance to take responsibility for yourself, for your actions and for your own life. The so-called “pawn” psychology.

2. There is no need to engage in spiritual growth and intellectual development. Needs are limited to physical needs.

3. For such a person, the world is divided strictly into black and white, people into good and bad, friends and strangers.

4. Increased feeling of guilt. Painful self-criticism and excessive feelings of guilt can be a sign of regression.

5. A strict set of life rules, beyond which it is not possible. (Often observed among prisoners and those who consider themselves to be part of the AUE community).

What does personal degradation look like based on external signs:

6. Untidy appearance. Dirty hair, a body that has not been washed for a long time, a strong smell of sweat and dirt, unwashed and torn clothes are signs of the final stage. A person can wander the streets drunk, sleep on the road, without being ashamed of his appearance and repulsive behavior.

7. Loss of interest in life. Needs are narrowed down to food, drink and alcohol (drugs). The view of the world narrows to the size of a keyhole, nothing evokes emotions. The surroundings become insignificant, illusory and invisible.

8. The vocabulary is reduced to a few interjections, verbs and obscene language.

9. Shame and disgust are lost. Food from the trash becomes the norm, and the views of others, like those around them, do not exist.

10. Deterioration of memory and intelligence. Primitive reasoning.

11. Mental instability. Irritability, aggression, frivolity, tearfulness and other manifestations of unhealthy psychological reactions.

Degradation - what does it mean in simple words

Degradation is a process opposite to development. The personality loses its mental balance, its characteristics.

In relation to a person, the concept is used in the context of deterioration in mental activity, performance, spirituality and other components of the human personality.

When a person begins to work worse, does not keep up with progress, or performs his duties poorly, he degrades.

In a normal state, a person should be active, efficient and cheerful. If there are any deviations from the norm, or if there is a loss of interest in life, a person feels completely different.

This may indicate personality degradation and the presence of mental disorders. Symptoms include irritability, depression, and decreased attention.

These signs are not as scary as their consequences. Severe consequences include complete apathy, dementia, and a tendency to alcohol. Alcoholism kills a person’s brain, the individual loses himself and stops communicating in society.

Personality degradation - what is it?

“Degradation” is not only a definition used by psychologists. This word means decline, development with the opposite sign. This happens when a certain object loses its inherent good qualities, positive characteristics, and falls one step or several steps lower.

As for human degradation, it means a loss of mental balance, a final decrease or significant deterioration in the ability to work and any other manifestation of oneself. Gradually, everything useful that a person has learned in the process of life disappears, the boundaries between the concepts of “good” and “bad” are erased.

Not only the ability to think adequately, but also to feel and respond emotionally to events is under threat. Gradually, interest in understanding the world around us, the desire to learn, to learn something new disappears. And what is well known does not bring joy.

Little by little, all positive emotions disappear, replaced by indifference to one’s own life and to the lives of loved ones. Responsibility ceases to be felt, one’s own and other people’s feelings lose meaning.

Such personal disintegration is more often observed in the elderly, but it can also begin in able-bodied people who are still far from retirement. There are more than enough pensioners who lead active lives and maintain clarity of thought, and at the same time there are young people who have nevertheless lost their human appearance - there are plenty of examples.

A person affected by degradation loses the ability to develop, does not pay attention to any norms and prohibitions, and his behavior goes beyond the scope of moral concepts. Figuratively speaking, only a physical shell remains of a person, and it becomes difficult to call him alive in spiritual terms.

Signs of a depressed person are noticed by those around him: his gait changes, his posture deteriorates, sloppiness appears - unwashed clothes, torn shoes. There may be sudden weight gain or loss.

Little by little, all human hobbies and interests are reduced to satisfying the most primitive needs, and even physical survival may at some point be in jeopardy.

Alarming signs of personality decline

The degradation process occurs gradually and is accompanied by symptoms that may not be immediately noticed. A person becomes less trainable, he loses the desire to learn about the world around him. Cognitive abilities decrease, the range of interests narrows.

Behavioral changes

Signs of human degradation are noticeable long before the complete destruction of the individual. The first symptom is a limitation in the range of interests. Human:

  • stops attending social events;
  • does not read books or articles;
  • cares only about biological needs (drink, food, sleep, intimacy);
  • has difficulty fulfilling his duties at work;
  • does not manifest itself in the professional sphere at all.

Behavior becomes more cheeky, the feeling of shame and disgust disappears.

Mental changes

If you don’t know how to understand that a person is deteriorating, watch his speech. The following manifestations indicate a decrease in intelligence:

  • reduction in vocabulary;
  • abundance of swear words;
  • memory impairment (forgets what he said, what he agreed on);
  • primitive speech without emotionally charged expressions.

A person becomes prone to categorical judgments, that is, he divides the world into “black and white.” In a conversation, he talks only about himself, not paying attention to the condition and needs of his interlocutor. The circle of contacts is changing and shrinking. Among your friends there appear people with the same signs of degradation.

Emotional changes

The inability to control oneself is a clear sign of degradation. Hot temper, irritability and anxiety interfere not only with the person himself, but also with those around him. He also tends to be prejudiced and think negatively. Other features:

  • deceit;
  • moodiness, grumbling;
  • impermanence;
  • discontent.

A person believes that nothing depends on him and blames external circumstances for his problems. He does not know how to admit his own mistakes, let alone accept someone else's point of view.

External manifestations

By reducing the feeling of shame, the individual stops worrying about what other people think. The appearance becomes sloppy and sloppy. A person neglects the rules of personal hygiene in general (especially in advanced stages).

It all starts with little things, for example, refusing to get a manicure or a haircut. A person can wear dirty clothes and does not care about his appearance. Often these are overweight or extremely thin people who do not engage in physical activity.

Here I note that completeness is only in some cases a sign of degradation. The point is how a person feels about his body. There are people around me who are overweight. But they either try to change this, or accept themselves as they are and pay attention to other areas of life. A degrading personality does not think about this at all.

Alcoholic syntonic type

A person who drinks develops optimism, cheerfulness, and is usually in an upbeat mood. To himself he seems beautiful, worthy, prosperous, and those around him are also usually assessed complacently. Everything would be fine if such an approach helped limit alcohol intake and contributed to a person’s personal growth. But that's not true.

Such a person is sociable, but indiscriminate in contacts. He can easily talk about himself, but such frankness is perceived as excessive, intrusive, and is often directed at unfamiliar people.

Example. Anton, “alcohol experience” – 14 years. Likes to visit establishments and events where you can eat and drink deliciously, and sit at the table. If possible, does not miss birthdays, celebrations, holidays, anniversaries of relatives, acquaintances and colleagues.

Talkative, sociable, not averse to gossip, tries to look caring and helpful. Offers toast and pours more for the neighbors at the table. He disturbs guests, “pulling” them out to dance, participate in competitions, etc. He usually has a naive and benign appearance.

After drinking, he becomes clingy, obsessively asks questions, compliments women, tries to joke, not noticing that some of his jokes are frankly vulgar and greasy. Confident in his rightness, the correctness of his conclusions, he becomes caustic and verbally aggressive when someone doubts the truth of his judgments, cheerfulness or goodwill.

He really doesn’t like to admit he’s wrong. Sincere repentance after “extra” words or actions was not noticed behind him. However, he never crosses certain boundaries in aggressive behavior and is not prone to fights. He can bring new casual acquaintances home, introduce them as his friends, and give them money.

Methods of influence should be based on the cheerfulness of a person of this type. Joy is always an opportunity to get rid of illness. If a person feels that his joy is needed, that he can realize himself in this area, there is a real chance for change.

These people need to be captivated, preferably by example, they need to be taught etiquette, conversation, methods of argument, shown the prospects and possibilities of reason and knowledge. Such people, as a rule, love enthusiasts, but more “punchy” and enthusiastic than themselves. They respect good specialists, masters of their craft. They can forgive such people both tediousness and severity.

Features of degradation

The following characteristic features of this phenomenon are distinguished:

  • Relativity. Dependence on criteria that differ greatly depending on the social group. In our society, the number of people going to prison determines the degree of degradation, and in a criminal society - the degree of development and authority.

  • Stealth. Often a person degrades without noticing it. For example, a person who drinks often goes downhill unnoticed. The same applies to any weakness that a person indulges excessively.
  • Ease. Often the process of degradation is much simpler than development. It requires no conscious effort. But this does not apply to those cases when it is connected with social groups, where the development of some is assessed by others as degradation. To become a skilled thief, one needs to put in a lot of effort, but that does not stop one from being a thief. However, it would be foolish to deny the fact that he is developing his thief skills.

Spiritual degradation

This is a very serious problem that modern society faces more and more often. What does spiritual degradation mean? This is a decline in morality, in which people forget the basic values ​​laid down since the formation of society. These include kindness, sincerity, dignity, empathy. Money comes to the center stage; it creates a deceptive feeling of happiness, security, joy, because it can fulfill any need. In fact, this is not so, money accelerates the process of degradation of society. People increasingly think that they don’t have to work to get money and a decent life, but this is not true. Along with this, the level of cultural needs decreases, we notice less and less the beauty that is around us, we stop enjoying what is nearby. The spiritual degradation of society gradually leads to decay and ultimately, the collapse of society.

Let's sum it up

Once, at a lecture on self-development, I learned about the Japanese wisdom of “Kaizen”, which means constant, continuous self-improvement. I remember the phrase: “If you don’t develop, you degrade.” This is what degradation is - a powerful rollback that, like a snowball rolling down a mountain, becomes increasingly difficult to stop over time.

Of course, if you are lying on the couch and are too lazy to wash the dishes, then you don’t have to worry that the process of degradation has begun. Most likely, you are just tired. But if you notice serious negative changes in someone close to you or in yourself, pull yourself together and start reading, exercising, or seeking professional help. Also watch the video, which hobbies will prevent you from degenerating.

Write in the comments, have you ever felt like you were degenerating? And have you struggled with this condition?

Types of alcoholic dementia

Depending on the location of the dead areas of nerve tissue, several types of dementia are distinguished, each with its own distinctive characteristics.


The main manifestations include a violation of cause-and-effect relationships, fixation on imaginary problems, the inability to sensibly assess life situations, the so-called tunnel (narrowed) consciousness.

A person with such a pathology falls into dementia slowly. In the first stages, even for those closest to him, changes in his intelligence are not obvious

Frequent disturbances in the emotional state, pettiness, and irritability are noteworthy. The patient freaks out for no apparent reason, is offended like a child, and may cry for no reason. Possible sleep disorders, withdrawal, fearfulness, lethargy, depression, depressed state

During conversations, the meaning of what was said takes a long time to reach a person. In severe cases, inappropriate behavior appears: fear of being in an empty room, uncontrolled gluttony, causeless aggression, hostility, prolonged insomnia. Memory functions are usually the last to be affected in this type of dementia.

Possible sleep disorders, withdrawal, fearfulness, lethargy, depression, depression. During conversations, the meaning of what was said takes a long time to reach a person. In severe cases, inappropriate behavior appears: fear of being in an empty room, uncontrolled gluttony, causeless aggression, hostility, prolonged insomnia. Memory functions are usually the last to be affected in this type of dementia.

We recommend reading Personality degradation in alcoholism in men


It has a severe course. The main symptom is memory impairment. A sick person completely loses the ability to remember new information and cannot remember many events from the recent past. Memory loss due to damage to parts of the cerebral cortex affects the most important areas of life: a person becomes distracted, stops recognizing loved ones, forgets his own place of residence, his name, and loses everyday skills. The condition is often accompanied by clinical signs of Korsakov's syndrome: the appearance of false, including the most fantastic, memories. The patient realizes that he is a different person or talks about events that actually did not happen.


Necrotization of areas in most parts of the brain - thalamus, cerebellum, myoclonus - is manifested by disturbances in perception, thought processes, and behavioral reactions. At first, the person becomes distracted and sloppy, starts talking, and behaves strangely. Then he gradually loses the ability to navigate in the surrounding space, speak coherently, write, and serve himself. There is complete degradation of personality. This form of dementia progresses very quickly - the patient can completely lose intelligence within a few months.

The line between types of brain damage is very thin - starting with behavioral disturbances and aggressiveness characteristic of subcortical dementia, the disease can develop into a multifocal form with disruption of all parts of the central nervous system.

Types of degradation

Degradation can be classified in different ways. For example, based on the level at which it manifests itself.

  • Level of social norms. If a person does not conform to the rules of society, he will be considered a degenerate. Moreover, he will often treat them as such, even if the norms are outdated. Behavior that does not conform to social norms is called deviant. The structure of deviant behavior is as follows: Social stereotypes. If a person violates some social stereotype with his behavior, he is considered a degenerate or a degenerate . An example is a freak (like the famous synthol drug addict, about whom there has been a lot of talk lately).
  • Moral standards. If a person does not correspond to the moral ideas of certain people. There are many examples: teenagers who make noise under their windows, alcohol-dependent people drinking drinks on the street, and so on.
  • Religious norms. If a person does not profess any religion or violates the instructions of some religious cults, then he immediately becomes a deviant in their understanding. For example, totalitarian sects. In some respects, this also applies to world religions, but only to that part of the population called fanatics. The teachings themselves (for example, Christian) call for loving sinners and not judging them. Therefore, calling them degraded according to religious canons is the same sin, since this is a value judgment to which only God has the right.
  • Legal norms. Here, deviant behavior is divided into two categories - delinquent (minor offenses) and criminal (offenses with serious consequences). They are considered the most condemned category in society, although they are not always degenerates. Some laws of the criminal code turn out to be irrelevant, and people who violate them actually keep up with the times, but in the society in which they find themselves they are considered degenerate .
  • Skill level. A person cannot follow some social, moral and legal norms due to the lack of certain skills. For example, a person would be glad not to steal, but he cannot imagine life differently, he has undeveloped professional, social and other skills that would help him. Or an alcoholic who is condemned by society and would be glad to quit, but does not have the skill of self-control , because of which he breaks down again and again. This level also includes smaller forms of degradation such as decreased competence (for example, due to insufficient attention paid to development in a certain area).
  • Character level. Character is a set of stable forms of human behavior and habits. You know the saying “habit is second nature”? So, it's wrong. Not the second, but the first. What is called the subconscious in psychology is a set of habits that are not consciously realized. Habits can be formed consciously (in this case, development is most often said) or unconsciously (which is why a person often degrades). The habit of drinking in the evening is an example of an unconscious automatic behavior pattern. Alcoholism (as a form of degradation) is not one habit, but a whole combination of them: a glass on holidays, a glass for joy, a glass for grief, a glass for treatment, a glass for pleasant communication. It is habits that determine whether a person degenerates or develops.
  • Society level. Degradation of society is a favorite term among various politicians, religious leaders and grandmothers on benches. From the perspective of science, it represents a change in social norms relative to the rules of behavior accepted in another society. The more striking the difference becomes, the more society seems degraded. In Russia, homosexuality is condemned, but in the United States they are tolerant. These are opposite social norms. And that is why Russia seems to be a degenerate in the eyes of the United States and vice versa. There may also be other relationships like “individual - society” (a striking example is the condemnation of the younger generation by the older generation due to different norms of behavior). One of the possible reasons for this is the inability of the older generation to adapt to the realities of the current one.
  • This is one possible way to classify this phenomenon. But it is the most fundamental.

    Personality degradation

    A phenomenon that is in the spotlight and is being studied by many scientists from completely different sciences and fields. Man by himself does not contain the potential for destruction, but such cases are still observed. What does personality degradation mean? This is, first of all, the appearance of two important signs - depression and apathy. A person begins to lose balance, learning ability, the desire to understand the world around him, develop, and constantly be in dynamics.

    What does human degradation mean? This is the process of loss of inherent qualities and properties of a person; feelings, judgments, and abilities inherent at birth are lost.

    Memory, ability to concentrate, deteriorates, lack of interest in life and the world around you

    Prevention of degradation.

    Lack of development leads to degradation, but is explained by many reasons: the need to think about today, low motivation, loss of interest in life, downshifting or other tricky words. But sometimes your own development is stopped by your own laziness. Even if we want to stay where we are, we have to make an effort. But if you’re really stressed, why not just maintain the same level, but regularly bring something new to life.

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    Get up earlier than usual.

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    Read, expand your vocabulary.

    It has been scientifically proven that language affects brain development and shapes thinking. It’s amazing how rich, metaphorical, filled with quotes and beautiful comparisons the language of the classics is. And how dry, colorless speech has become now. But the ability to understand the world depends on how we speak. Reading is not just a useful habit, but a way to expand your vocabulary, improve your analytical skills, improve your concentration and empathy skills, and give you moral superiority over those who don’t read.

    Invest in your development.

    You can learn everything, even what you didn’t dare to dream about as a child. New skills that will make the brain more flexible and help in life will be beneficial: speed reading, mnemonics, public speaking, improvisation, presentation art. For your mood, outlook, sense of beauty, and the ability to be an interesting conversationalist, you can master cooking, drawing, playing a musical instrument, and photography.

    Avoid foods that kill your brain.

    Many successful entrepreneurs adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. Which is not surprising, because unhealthy foods not only lead to obesity, but also reduce the brain’s ability to learn, impair memory and speed of information processing, and lead to senile dementia. In addition, stomach problems lead to a sharp decrease in happiness hormones, leading to depression and mental disorders. Refusal of sugar, trans fats, preservatives in favor of nuts, greens and fish will invigorate the brain and hormones.

    Take a mental health test

    Review the list of sites you visit daily.

    Severe Internet addiction causes the same brain changes as drug addiction. But a computer is just a thing that everyone uses in their own way. Using a phone, one takes photos of food, while the other goes on a virtual tour of art galleries around the world or takes online courses. In order not to fall into the sad statistics of those obsessed with virtual life, scientists recommend asking yourself the question: how and why do I use the Internet? But it’s even better to review the list of sites you visit and remove those that make your brain lack initiative.

    Forget about age.

    Life is a period limited in time and resources. As long as we are alive, there will be resources for growth

    The only question is the desire and readiness to use them, no matter how long you have lived and how much is left until the end of your life


    • Degradation is a downward movement, the opposite of progress and personal development.
    • Degradation looks like a crutch - a person relies on an invented reality and is afraid to throw it away.
    • It is impossible to stop new technologies. But instead of scrolling through sites, you can use them for learning and self-development.

    Take the self-esteem test

    Possible reasons

    Single people are more prone to personal disintegration than married or cohabiting people. Prolonged stay in depression leads to personal decline, sometimes to suicidal attempts.

    In addition, regression of personal development is one of the symptoms of various mental illnesses and neurotic disorders. Thus, regression of intellectual and personal development can be observed in schizophrenia, epilepsy and traumatic brain injuries.

    Most often, personality deformation is observed in those who suffer from alcohol or drug addiction. In this case, personal degradation will be accompanied by somatic symptoms and problems in the functioning of the nervous system.

    Additional Information. Alcoholism can be both a cause of personal degradation and a bitter consequence of the collapse of a person’s psychological structure. The same goes for gambling addiction.

    Alcoholism and degradation

    Apathy and personality disintegration can occur when a person has experienced severe emotional stress: the death of a spouse, loss of a job. Some regression in personal growth is observed among people after retirement: they lose their usual connections with colleagues, fall out of business communication and “lag behind” the pace of life of working friends and relatives. In addition, carelessness and the absence of daily work responsibilities will relax the brain and help reduce the expression of socially significant personal qualities of a person.

    Spiritual degradation is becoming an urgent problem in modern society. It occurs as a result of devaluation of love, lack of compassion, disregard for moral standards, and self-centeredness. Young people today are degrading, since reading fiction has ceased to be an interesting activity for them. Their jokes are flat, their topics of communication are banal, their judgments are superficial and frivolous. They tend to destroy themselves with electronic cigarettes and spice.

    For your information. A rare visit to cultural events, theater, cinema, and concerts can provoke spiritual degradation.

    Fighting methods

    A person with degradation must realize his problem and try to change something in his life, change his attitude towards himself, change his priorities, attitudes, and worldview.

    Therapy should be aimed at eliminating the consequences caused by personality degradation. Psychological assistance is mandatory, and the support of relatives is also important.

    In addition to working on yourself, psychotherapy can be represented by:

    • hypnosis sessions;
    • group therapy;
    • cognitive behavioral therapy.

    If this condition is a consequence of mental disorders affecting the brain, in particular the development of senile insanity, then the patient may be prescribed special drugs that maintain degradation at a certain level; atrophy is an irreversible process.

    Treatment of alcoholism

    With alcohol degradation, things are somewhat more complicated. After all, a person does not admit that he is sick and needs help. In addition, there are often cases when there is no one in particular to help him. The greater the dependence, the more often all social ties are destroyed. At the last stage, mental problems are accompanied by enormous intoxication of the body. Therapy should be carried out by both a narcologist and a psychotherapist

    At the same time, it is very important to ensure that the patient understands all the destructive effects of alcohol and changes his attitude towards its use. And, of course, help remove toxic substances from the body and relieve withdrawal symptoms

    Gender, the amount of alcohol consumed, and mental state also matter. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the likelihood that a person will return to a normal lifestyle. And even reasonable doses of alcohol drunk in the future will not cause binge drinking or other negative reactions.

    What is degradation or disintegration of personality

    Personality degradation is a collective term that implies the presence of psychological and physiological pathological processes that interfere with a person’s normal life and work.

    Personality degradation in the definition refers to a decrease in activity and performance, personal regression as a result of mental imbalance and passivity. Degrading, a person loses socially significant qualities, his judgments and conclusions become primitive. He loses the ability to create something new, to generate ideas.

    With a split personality, a person’s sphere of interests narrows, and he experiences difficulties in social adaptation. Mental processes malfunction, as a result of which a person becomes irritable. The characteristic features of the behavior of a degenerate are weakness of character, carelessness, insanity, and dementia. Gradually, a person loses contact with the world around him, the natural need for recognition and communication is replaced by indifference and a craving for loneliness. The pathological process also has a negative impact on a person’s professional activity.

    Stages of alcoholism

    The immediate human desire to drink more and more with everyone, and the resulting inability to control one’s own behavior, can be conditionally divided into several stages

    At the first stage, a person drinks more and more each time, which leads to a certain loss of self-control.

    The following condition appears:

    • swagger in behavior;
    • inability to remember some events;
    • bad feeling;
    • sleep problems.

    At the same time, he himself zealously condemns alcoholics, believing that he is just a hobby, which he is ready to end at any moment.

    This stage is already chronic, in which there is a persistent desire to drink, since alcohol is now the only hobby, and the morning hangover now becomes obligatory, which, of course, leads to binge drinking. Here the need to drink is already manifested at the physiological level, and a sober person already becomes angry and depressed.

    The second stage is called the late stage, during which disturbances in the functioning of the body occur. Degradation in this case already occurs at the physiological level, as brain cells are destroyed. Problems with speech, coordination and thinking are pronounced here.

    Already literally at the second stage, a person begins to form a so-called alcoholic character, which manifests itself as:

    • lack of critical perception of one's own life;
    • decreased intelligence;
    • increased emotionality;
    • tearfulness;
    • deceit;
    • inability to communicate and behave adequately in society.

    Judging by all the symptoms of personality changes listed above in alcoholism, the degradation of a drinking person is noticeable, which is obvious.

    In addition, over time, in order to return to his favorite state of intoxication, he begins to consume much cheaper alcoholic products that are surrogates, such as colognes, medicinal tinctures, pharmaceutical alcohol, and so on. Of course, this further aggravates the state of poor health.

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