How to please a boy: tips for girls that really work in practice

From this article you will learn:

  • Which boy should you please?
  • Some general tips
  • How to get a boy to like you at school?
  • How to please your beloved boy?
  • How to please your ex-boyfriend?
  • How to please a stranger?
  • How to please a boy who loves someone else?
  • How to please a pen pal?

Every girl once has to decide how to please a boy so that he pays attention to her. You really want to stand out from the crowd for him, so that his amazing smile is addressed only to you. Not everything always goes smoothly: sometimes you need to overcome serious difficulties - a boy may like another girl, he may not notice you at all, or you may not even know you. What to do? How to achieve what you want? If you take into account a few useful tips, you may succeed.

General tips and tricks

  • Don't forget that you are, first of all, an attractive girl, and your clothes and shoes, regardless of the chosen style, should always be neat .
  • When choosing an outfit, don’t go for heels , minis and a daring neckline, stick to the style that suits you. This way you have a much greater chance of attracting attention.
  • Knowing what kind of girls guys at this age are interested in, don’t focus on your appearance and skillfully demonstrate your strengths. Don’t be shy to share your bright emotions and your hobbies with him.
  • It would be useful to find out what he values ​​in people and in girls in particular, in order to know how much you meet his ideals, and he yours.
  • If you are in the same class, then try to be close so that you can catch his eye more often . If this is not your classmate, try to go where you are most likely to meet him.
  • Try to stand out among your peers not only with good academic performance, but also with a cheerful character and sense of humor. Don't be afraid to be sincere and open, it's very captivating.
  • Be sure to explore your love interest's hobbies and interests and find out what they can connect you with. It’s completely normal if not all of his interests interest you very much, because you don’t just need a friend. You shouldn’t pretend that you are incredibly interested in this if this is far from the truth.
  • Be natural and happy with yourself and don’t focus only on fashion magazines and the advice of more experienced friends.
  • Treat your chosen one and those who are dear to him with care, even if he doesn’t show it, he will appreciate it subconsciously.
  • And yet, you shouldn’t make a guy fall in love with you if he’s seriously busy with someone else , no matter how much you want it. Even if at first his feelings are mutual, your relationship has poor prospects.

In order for these wise tips to work for sure, you must take into account the age of the boy you like.

Rule #1: Lose weight

If, when you started reading the advice, you already knew for sure that the desired object likes exclusively thin girls, then there is nothing to advise except to lose weight.

Yes, for a long time. But if you can’t imagine life without this guy, and he’s made it clear to you that you’re not his type, then you have no choice.

Losing weight is not difficult. The main thing is to choose a certain diet principle for yourself. You don't have to eat after 6 pm. You can do separate meals. Or choose the Dukan system.

There are many diets, and the choice is strictly individual. The main thing is to pull yourself together. Then you will succeed. However, if your figure resembles an hourglass shape, think about whether you really want to lose weight?

Most men are simply crazy about this type. Perhaps you are looking for “your” man in the wrong place?

How to make an 11 year old boy fall in love with you

At this age, boys are not yet in love. And in order to interest him, sometimes it’s enough to keep him in cool company in an exciting game, watching an interesting movie or eating his favorite delicacy.

Be open and friendly, manage to surprise and interest him with your imagination and activity. Then you will definitely become his close friend and can count on his love in the future.

How to make a 12 year old boy fall in love with you

Communication manners will also have to be adjusted, but at the same time not overdo it with coldness and arrogance and remain sweet and friendly. If you are still strangers, then do not be afraid to stand out among your friends with your attractiveness and charm. At this age it is easy to play on jealousy by demonstrating communication with other equally interesting boys. To do this, you should first highlight him from the general circle and show your interest, and a little later you can ignore him a little.

But don’t get too carried away with this game so that you don’t think about how to get the guy back, as this may offend him and push him away. And of course, do not focus only on friendly relations, since your chosen one is already ready to perceive you not only as a friend.

Preparing for dating

Before planning an acquaintance, it will be useful to find out as much information as possible about the boy you like. To do this, you should use the following sources:

  1. Social media. At school age, the majority of teenagers are active users of social networks such as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc. The profile contains a lot of useful information about the young man - hobbies, exact date of birth. You can see the number of mutual friends and in the future turn to them for help in organizing acquaintances. In addition, from the photographs in the album you can see what the guy is interested in and how he spends his free time.
  2. Mutual acquaintances. They can tell a lot of useful information about the guy’s leisure time, where he spends his time outside of school. It will be much easier to arrange a casual meeting.
  3. Timetable of classes. You should find out what time the boy is released after school and whether he goes to any additional classes.

Important! Having found out everything about the guy’s hobbies, interests and main pastime, you can begin to think through options for an original acquaintance.

How to make a 13 year old boy fall in love with you

Slightly forgotten by adults, the time of the most violent love, for which girls make many sacrifices. The main thing here is not to overdo it with exploits in order to achieve your love and remain to love and respect yourself in this relationship for who you are.

Of course, you can change your appearance for the better. For beautiful skin – reduce fatty and sweet foods. For your figure – connect the pool and sports. For style – change your hair color and hairstyle. And also, don’t ignore some important advice from harmful adults: don’t neglect your studies, don’t be rude to your loved ones, as you will still need their support.

And most importantly: don’t do anything stupid because of love on the topic of spice, alcohol and other adult permissiveness, even if the guy of your dreams likes it. This is a risky love that is not worth your future and health. In general, to understand that a boy likes you, you don’t need to be afraid to take the initiative to have a pleasant time together. You will immediately understand that he is interested in you if he wants to communicate with you in a more open and warm atmosphere.

Tips for girls on meeting guys

If you want to hit on a stranger, you don’t need to come up with complicated plans:

  • Be in a good mood. It is much more pleasant to communicate with a person who smiles and is not averse to a joke than with a cold and unapproachable girl who seems to have stepped out of a screen. Guys may simply be embarrassed to approach such a person.
  • Play to your strengths. If romantic femininity is not your thing, focus on your superpower and become the life of the party. A person who laughs at your jokes every day may one day fall in love with you.
  • Be friendly, but without hypocrisy. And with his friends too, even if you don’t like them. Boys often listen to the opinions of their friends, so do not allow yourself to be considered boring or rude: this is not the best advice.

Don't be afraid to take the first step. Say hello!" will be quite enough. This is not an aggressive approach. The greeting is not annoying; people respond to it better than to primitive flirting.

How to make a 14 year old boy fall in love with you

It is at this age that a young man is able to fully perceive you as a potential couple, and will prefer your company to his hobbies. In this case, the determining factor will be appearance, although much depends on the character of the chosen one. Look after yourself and find your own original and natural style of clothing that will make you stand out among your friends. Moreover, do not overuse cosmetics and inappropriate adult outfits, as they will not be able to emphasize your femininity, but will simply make you look much older.

Appreciate yourself and your style in your comfortable sneakers, and you will become unique and attractive to your guy. Don’t be afraid to make it clear with your glances that you are interested in him, but don’t think around the clock about what the guy you like in your dream means and how to make him fall in love with you. Live your full life, be yourself, and he will probably be interested in what you do, because confident and happy girls are always attractive.

How can you make a 15 year old boy fall in love with you?

The best, but hectic time to build a relationship with the boy you like. At this age, the perception of the world and the feeling of openness and sincerity on the part of others are heightened. Therefore, to attract the attention of a guy you like, there is one reliable piece of advice - remain yourself, don’t give in to other people’s influence , and you will be happy.

To stand out from the crowd, you don’t have to wear what your friends are wearing, dye your hair blonde or adopt bad fashion habits, it’s enough to have your own head on your shoulders and your own view of the world around you. The time for love is also limited by upcoming exams. But here social networks come to the rescue, making the task of making a pen pal fall in love with you significantly. Subscribe to public pages that interest him, discuss and communicate with him, but do not forget about your own opinion.

If your points of view on many things are different, then it is not a fact that it is worth developing this relationship. And if you have a lot in common, then you are on the right track, and soon you can count on mutual tender feelings. You are a smart, attractive, self-sufficient girl. Be bold and you will succeed.


How to get a guy to like you?

The question in the title of the article interests all young girls. You, beauty, want to arouse the interest of one handsome guy... But how to do this? How not to spoil anything, not to alienate him, not to seem funny or strange? Men's advice will come in handy!

Create a natural look

“Acid” hair color, “combat” makeup, stupid miniskirt and creepy platform shoes? Not the best way to get attention. There are guys who will enjoy this, but they are in the minority. Don't make yourself a scarecrow. Your beauty should be natural.

Almost invisible make-up. Elegant stiletto heels. Lack of “wild” accessories. A skirt will be better than pants, and the best thing is a dress. Be sure to show your knees, but don’t overdo it. Let him dream a little! Imagination is a powerful thing.

Always be yourself

Loud chewing of gum, deafening cackling and demonstration of super activity? No! You push him away immediately. Just relax and be yourself. Your natural behavior will perfectly complement your image. Don’t be afraid to appear “somewhat different” to the boy.

Laugh genuinely at things that are funny. Go where you want. Offer your leisure options. Express your opinion freely. Don't you dare play a role! You will quickly get tired of always pretending. He will either appreciate you for who you are, or you are simply not on the same path.

Find out about his hobbies

You didn't like the fool, right? He's definitely into something! Your task is to find out what. Ask why he likes the hobby. Listen carefully to everything. Read about it at your leisure. If you can keep up the conversation intelligently, “your” guy will look at you with interest.

Does he like to skateboard? Try and learn a couple of tricks. Collecting huge puzzles? Unobtrusively offer your help. Do you do aikido? And you've been wanting to try it for a long time! Go to workouts together. Nothing brings people together like joint action.

Stay mysterious

Don’t rush to fully open your soul to him! You have to remain a little mysterious. Take your time to become clear, simple and easily predictable. Guys appreciate the “zest” in girls. Sometimes a mysterious smile is the best answer to a question.

Don’t try to impose your society! The guy will immediately feel it. Understand that “your” boy is a hunter. The stronger sex has it in their blood. A man likes to conquer a “fortress” that does not give up without a fight. Who is interested in taking a fortress with the gates wide open?

Praise him for his success

Kind word and nice to the guy! When you spend time together and you see his success in something, you should definitely praise him. Praise the boy for the flowers, for the wonderful evening in a cozy cafe, for the renewed concern. Be grateful and notice everything.

The guy protected him from the rain with his jacket? Did you buy a bouquet with your last money? Brought home in your arms when you annoyingly broke your heel? There is nothing in the whole world more valuable than such “little things”! Praise him! You will immediately see how your friendship becomes stronger and tension disappears...

A little flirting wouldn't hurt

A smile and charm are your “trump cards”. The boy has strength, and you have beauty. A simple, natural smile can light up the stars. Read more, learn new things, be able to tell interesting stories and argue. Your intelligence and your erudition will be a great help in communicating with a guy.

Be different, like life itself! A little flirting won’t hurt: today you’re romantic, tomorrow you’ll be vulnerable, and the day after tomorrow you’ll want to dream. It's great to dream together! Monotony kills communication. Just don't be sad for a long time! You don't like gloomy guys, do you?

PS There is a lot more advice that can be given. About the main thing: always remain yourself and do not try to “remake” anyone. Are you having fun and cool with him? Great! Don't pretend to be the queen on the throne. You need to work on relationships! Communicate more and be kind to him.

Then, perhaps, a nice guy will become your faithful friend and companion.

Author: Ilya Trudnikov


How to behave as a girl

Attracting guys is based on their sympathy for girls purely on a physiological level. Their appearance comes first. To attract a classmate (neighbor, classmate), you should work on your “wrap”: tidy up your hair, skin, nails and teeth, learn to dress and do proper light makeup.

Figure is another element of attracting the opposite sex, based on physiology. Preference is given to girls with large breasts and thin waists - this is the “natural program” of men. But even if your build is far from generally accepted standards, it’s worth getting yourself into good physical shape. Disadvantages can be easily corrected by the correct choice of clothing style and color scheme.

In addition to appearance, the inner content of a girl is important: intelligence, manners, the ability to flirt and flirt without crossing the line of vulgarity. To win over the guy you like, you need to stay positive. Nobody likes gloomy pessimists.

Stay confident

It is important to carry yourself with dignity and look confident. Posture signals the level of inner confidence, so it must be correctly positioned. A deliberate gait or sitting with a straight back, on the contrary, reflects the girl’s stiffness and uncertainty.

Correct posture implies a slight bend in the shape of the letter S. When talking with the object of your affection, you should try not to show strong excitement. Regular breathing and a positive attitude will help with this.

Love yourself

You need to stay true to yourself regardless of your surroundings. When trying to please a guy, it’s easy to lose yourself and change your behavior. The girl is afraid to appear before the real object of her adoration, because she is imperfect.

You need to understand: if you are ashamed of yourself, it is impossible to build a harmonious relationship with another person. First of all, you need to try to love your own personality with all the shortcomings and advantages. Accepting yourself does not mean giving up self-development. But belittling your self-worth for the sake of dubious feelings is a bad idea.

Show attention first

Sometimes it is obvious that a guy likes a girl, but he is embarrassed to take the first step. In this case, you can take the initiative yourself. For example, slip him a note inviting him to a game or asking for advice, and then monitor his reaction. You shouldn’t scribble a confession right away - it will take the guy by surprise.


How to surprise your wife: the best ideas for different occasions

Another option to start a conversation is correspondence in instant messenger or social network. Phrases like “Hi, how are you?” It’s best to avoid it, since it’s difficult to develop a full-fledged conversation with such a beginning. There is no need to write message after message and demand an instant response from the guy, otherwise the intrusiveness will scare away the chosen one. He cannot constantly be on the Internet, he has a real life and everyday affairs.

You can also use the help of a friend who will convey a message or unobtrusively in a conversation will direct the boy’s thoughts to his friend. But in grades 5-6 this method will not work: the boy may think that this is just another cruel joke from “cunning girls.”

You can express your attention with a nice gift. It can be any little thing, but it is important to take into account the boy’s tastes and preferences. The necessary information can be found on social networks. For example, give a game on the Steam platform.

Laugh sincerely

A sparkling smile and infectious laughter are a great way to make a guy your fan. A cheerful disposition and positive energy rarely leave anyone indifferent. It’s worth keeping track of what your chosen one usually laughs at, and if necessary, make a joke in a form that will amuse him. This could be a joke, a funny grimace, a popular meme sent to VK, etc.

You can joke about what is happening here and now: food in the buffet, canceled classes. You shouldn’t be sarcastic about other people, otherwise you run the risk of seeming cynical and embittered.

A few simple rules:

  1. A girl needs to look impressive. Just don’t overdo it so as not to look provocative. The goal is to highlight your natural beauty without resorting to excess makeup.
  2. Behavior should be natural, without conspicuous attempts to attract the boy's attention. If a boy notices an increased interest in himself on the part of a girl, he may begin to treat her with disdain, and then his idea can be considered a failure.
  3. It will be a great success to gradually find out what this boy is interested in, what fascinates him. Common interests can bring you closer to him.
  4. You can provoke interest on the part of a boy by remaining a kind of mystery to him. The desire to solve the riddle will make the boy take a closer look at the girl. If he is slightly confused and puzzled, that's half the luck.
  5. You should not boast about your merits: let the boy have the opportunity to verify them for himself. A girl can show her intelligence and abilities in studies and other activities, this should arouse interest and respect. It’s better to let someone else praise you, but you can’t praise yourself.
  6. A boy will like a friendly and cheerful girl. You can’t look soggy, sad and dissatisfied with something. Even when you are in a bad mood or “critical days” have arrived, you must find strength in yourself so as not to betray your condition in any way. We need to smile more often.
  7. A girl will attract the boy's interest and will please him if she develops intellectually and expands her horizons. The boy should be interested in communicating with her.
  8. In order not to get bored of a boy, you need to be able to be unexpected and different. Originality of thinking and originality of judgment are the key to success.
  9. A boy will like a girl who will listen with interest to what he has to say. It is necessary to show that his opinion is interesting to the girl and she shares it.
  10. It is useful to indirectly praise the boy by expressing approval of some of his actions. Just don’t flatter rudely, it can look primitive and insincere.

A girl who acts smartly and prudently will be liked by a boy who is interested in her. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the boy does not misunderstand her.


What qualities do boys value in girls?

Tormented by the thought of how to make their chosen one like them, girls try to imitate successful women their age. Psychologists have proven that guys at any age value sincerity and naturalness.

Among other qualities a boy may be interested in:

  1. Mind. Guys prefer to date girls who can carry on any conversation. VK, cosmetics and the latest iPhone are top topics, but intelligence should not be limited to consumer interests.
  2. Attentiveness. It’s not just women who love their ears – boys also enjoy girls’ compliments and participation. A sincere conversation, sincere interest in his successes is the first step on the path to conquering the heart.
  3. Originality. If a young lady stands out from her peers, admiring glances will always be attracted to her. There is no need to resort to shocking – just a special twist in the image.
  4. Beauty. There are no unattractive girls - each has a unique charm. Banal sloppiness can spoil the impression: dirty nails, bad breath, greasy hair. You need to shower twice a day, brush your teeth, wash your hair promptly and use deodorant. It is advisable to use cosmetics in moderation so as not to become like the leader of the Redskins who are on the warpath.

Every girl is different, but in order to open up to the cute guy at school, everyone needs a little confidence. You can be modest and not give up when you fail. You need to set a goal and get the boy’s attention before he is fascinated by another.

How to please a boy?

Sympathy appears in children as early as the age of eleven, which is accompanied by the onset of puberty. However, an earlier manifestation of affection is also possible, which is where we will start.

At 10

If falling in love occurs at an early age, the main thing is not to perceive such emotions with distrust and shyness. Falling in love at this time is perceived by adults with condescension.

But this is not a reason to feel uncomfortable, because it is biologically proven that a teenager experiences emotions even more than adults due to hormonal changes!

Every person, and a teenager in particular, needs sympathy and recognition from others. Therefore, the main advice on how to please a 10-year-old boy is not to be shy about showing feelings. But you shouldn’t take active measures right away: walking in the same company or alone will be enough. Even frequent everyday communication with the object of your desire will bring you closer.

At 11 years old

Eleven-year-old idols are already less passionate about games and are beginning to be interested in girls. In this case, it is better to use the same tactics: spend more time with your lover, but without scaring him. The likelihood that a boy will be ready to show reciprocal feelings increases with age, so you should still be careful during this tender period.

If the question arises about how to please a boy at 11 years old, but at the same time the boy is older, act wiser.

It is important to understand: older boys try to look more masculine in the eyes of their peers, so first of all, establish yourself among his circle of friends.

To join the company, follow these simple rules:

  • communicate with boys as equals;
  • show that you understand their hobbies;
  • get them interested;
  • bring them positive emotions.

As soon as you feel comfortable with the group, pay increased attention to the object of your sympathy. Support him more than others, meet him alone more often, show him that he can open up. Soon he himself will begin to seek your company and become attached on a subconscious level.

The main thing at this age is to show that you are at the same level of spiritual development as the boy you like.

At 12 years old

This age is a time of self-discovery for teenagers. By acquiring new hobbies and joining new clubs, children quickly expand their social circle. And your chosen one is no exception. Therefore, in order to understand how to please a 12-year-old boy, you need to find the answer to the question of how to stand out among his many acquaintances.

If the guy is a beginner athlete, support him at important competitions by taking a bottle of water with him. If he’s still looking for a hobby and is torn between several mugs, treat him to a sandwich on a busy day.

Small signs of attention will be effective at this age, when a person especially needs support. And over time they will become mutual.

At 13-14 years old

The developmental features of boys between the ages of 13 and 14 are considered to be:

  • rapidly changing appearance;
  • disproportionality of development;
  • breaking voice.

Some perceive these changes painfully, so you will need patience and the ability to give worthy compliments in order to conquer your idol.

It is important to understand: with all your desire to support the object of your desire, do not forget to feed your self-confidence! Do not be influenced by complexes and remember that you are unique!

Girls who are wondering how to get a boy to like them at 13 face a difficult task! You will have to fight for the guy’s attention both with his childish habits and with other girls in love. If you have already found yourself in his circle, thanks to previous advice, all that remains to win is to create a memorable image. To do this you need:

  • look for an individual style;
  • develop a special manner of behavior;
  • develop charm;
  • choose a memorable perfume.

Thanks to four components, you will be able to build a chain of associations in a guy, which will every time lead his thoughts to good memories associated with you. As soon as he smells the familiar aroma of perfume, your smile and how comfortable he felt next to you at that moment will immediately come to mind.

In addition, you need to correctly recognize his signs of attention. To avoid mistakes, read this article.

What really attracts guys

When we understand a person, he feels sympathy for us (this happens on a subconscious level). He is drawn to us, but he himself does not know why.

This is a special warmth, trust, reciprocity, sincerity, a desire to open up.

We invite you to a free online training by Yuri Burlan “System-vector psychology.” It is broadcast at a convenient evening time, and can be watched from any device: phone, computer, tablet. You can get a guy to like you faster and naturally. You will also learn how to build relationships full of feelings so that the love between you is long and bright.

Author Ekaterina Gusarova

Editor Karina Kashapova

Proofreader Ekaterina Zhavoronkova

The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan’s online training “System-vector psychology”

How to impress a boy?

In fact, there is nothing easier than establishing a relationship with a boy. This is also called “intergender relations”, and, unfortunately, even for many adults this area is very sensitive and problematic. How can a teenager figure this out? You can read how to behave correctly with a guy so that he falls in love here.

At school

In adolescence, girls have a problem: how to please a boy at school? The common answer “study with straight A's” reflects an incomplete picture. Of course, academic success affects likeability, but academics are not a one-size-fits-all option.

At school, freedom of action is significantly limited by norms of behavior, but there is nothing wrong with the communication of boys with girls. You will have to postpone active actions for free time from studying: for example, you can find out how many lessons your lover has and “accidentally” meet after class.

The requirement to behave discreetly at school extends to clothing, but don't take it lightly: business attire can be attractive too! A discreet and neat style will highlight your figure and avoid awkward situations when the teacher scolds you in front of the boys.

The only problem is that this method takes time, while more and more girls are asking their mothers how to please a boy at school in 1 day.

Impatient lovers can use a trick: pretend that they injured their leg during recess. If the person for whom the performance was performed was nearby, there would be a good reason to ask him for help. This will make him feel irreplaceable, strong and will emphasize your attractiveness in his eyes.

In the camp

In the summer, when teenagers go on vacation, the first thing they do is figure out how to please the boy at the camp. There is much more freedom during the holidays than during the school year, which makes it possible to take more active steps.

Relying on your instincts and knowledge of the character of the boy you like, you can arrange small surprises: treat him to his favorite dish, come up with a joint prank for his friends. However, you should avoid popular mistakes, do not:

  • behave cheekily;
  • be around all your free time;
  • interfere with communication with friends;
  • deprive him of freedom of action with his plans.

If suddenly it comes to the first kiss, then you shouldn’t hesitate. You will find practical advice on this matter here.


The easiest way to bewitch a guy is to use modern technology. Pages on social networks themselves give a hint on how to please a boy via correspondence in contact. They provide all the information about the person of interest:

  • family ties;
  • Friends;
  • The favorite music;
  • hobby.

After studying the subscriptions, photographs and groups in which the boy is a member, you will receive a complete dossier on your idol. And then it’s a matter of technique: all that remains is to correctly combine the facts to create the impression that you read his thoughts, that you are ideal halves.

What are teenage boys interested in?

Starting from childhood, a person lives in a diverse society. Everyone has their own interests, preferences and tastes, but in preschool age personal priorities become blurred. Boys and girls play hide and seek, tag, snowballs and hopscotch together. A little time passes, and the guys begin to realize that they are interested in different things. Guys become less controllable with age, so their range of hobbies is wider than that of girls.

Among the main preferences, psychologists name:

  1. Active sports and competitions. A 14-year-old boy wants recognition from his peers, so harmless sparring often turns into real fights without rules. With proper upbringing, boys are able to transfer aggression into active games: basketball, football, volleyball. The spirit of competition is important to them, where they show leadership qualities.
  2. Computer and Internet. Guys' interests are rarely limited to banal shooters and online battles. The Internet is a sea of ​​information, social networks and communication with friends.
  3. Board games and useful leisure. Chess and checkers are suitable for rainy evenings, but for relaxation guys will prefer a swimming pool, billiards or bowling.
  4. Films and music. Interest in art is formed in preschool age, so a teenager has ideas about musical compositions and follows the latest cinematic releases.
  5. Books. Reading has ceased to be synonymous with being a nerd thanks to the emergence of new modern authors.

How to understand that you have truly fallen in love with a guy: a selection of sure signs

Without communication and the inclinations of collectivism, it is easy for a boy in his class to become a “black sheep,” so the guys try to surround themselves with friends with similar interests. Such friendships last for years, but a fascination with girls should not be ruled out. Hormonal changes dictate their own rules, thanks to which young ladies are able to interest boys.

What to do if he doesn't like you?

First love is not always mutual, and you often have to think about how to get a boy to like you if he doesn’t like you. In this case, you will have to analyze what traits in you are unpleasant to him.

A bad option is to stop communication completely, since you need the opportunity to find out what is not satisfactory. But you shouldn’t insist on daily meetings.

It is important to remember that you do not have to completely change for the sake of one person.

A good option is to use women's solidarity for exploration and subsequent change. If you are faced with the question of how to please a boy who doesn’t like you, then the best way is to ask a friend for help.

Let her talk about you with her idol and find out the reasons that are preventing you from getting closer. All you have to do is think about which habits you are willing to give up for the sake of love, and which habits your chosen one will have to put up with.

Is it worth changing yourself radically?

When a person falls in love, he is ready to change himself completely in order to meet the ideal of his beloved. But you cannot sacrifice your own personality under any circumstances, including love.

There is no need to put your loved one at the forefront, forgetting about family and friends, because this will not bring happiness in love. Moreover, a girl who devotes herself entirely to a guy will quickly get bored with him. A person with a bright and interesting life attracts the opposite sex like a magnet.

It’s easy to interest a classmate you like or a stranger at school or on the street if you act in the right direction. You shouldn’t try too hard to please, but you also shouldn’t wait for initiative from your chosen one. Careful actions, work on your external image and internal content will soon bear fruit.

What if he loves someone else?

Before the final words, one more situation needs to be discussed. Recently, a friend had a question: how to get a boy to like him if he loves someone else? In this case, she can be given one piece of advice: take your time.

If you and your guy are meant for each other, it's time to take action. Analyze the pros and cons of the girl who likes the boy, and find similar qualities in yourself. Exaggerate the first ones, and try to get rid of the second ones. When the work on yourself is finished, it’s time to “attack” the object of love.

Unobtrusive communication at the beginning will allow you to become closer to him, and here you will have an advantage over the current girl: she will panic and become too annoying, while your calmness and slight detachment will charm the guy.

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