Neuroplasticity of the brain: how to develop the most important organ

As an epigraph, I would like to cite the words of the famous scientist, researcher and popularizer of science Konstantin Vladimirovich Anokhin, who devoted most of his life to studying the phenomenon of the brain:

“The human brain is nature's greatest mystery. Today we know more about the laws of the world around us, the cosmos, the universe, than about ourselves. But if man is created by nature, then we can hope to understand the nature of this phenomenon.”

The main signs of a modern successful person

  • high intelligence;
  • good memory;
  • creativity;
  • intuition;
  • efficiency;
  • the ability to quickly make the right decisions;
  • the ability to easily absorb new knowledge.

The psychological functions of the brain are derived from the work of millions of cells. Among the average person who is far from academic science, a superficial judgment has long been strengthened, the essence of which boils down to the statement that the average person uses his brain only 3-5%.

Many people ask the question - how to make the brain work at 100? The answer is not easy to find. The core of the central nervous system is a highly organized structure, which, in addition to cognitive processes (memory, thinking, imagination), is responsible for maintaining life in the human body and regulates all biological processes occurring in it.

It is the brain that makes our heart beat, controls our lungs, and makes us pull our hand away from a hot object at the first sign of pain (thanks to the ability to feel pain, we can hope to live to a ripe old age).

Most of the processes occurring in the head should not be realized, otherwise it can lead to disaster. Epilepsy is a disease that leads to disruption of the brain structure. The brain is unable to control the activity of certain areas, which leads to memory loss and convulsive fainting.

How to make the central nervous system work faster

Chess will help us answer this question. High-level chess players spend a huge amount of time preparing for tournaments and this is not surprising.

Memory training, reaction speed, the ability to make important decisions under limited time, calculating game options 30-40 moves ahead - all this makes playing professional chess not an easy task.

All premium class chess players are actively involved in sports, and this despite the fact that chess is difficult to associate with physical activity, and opponents spend most of the game sitting in comfortable chairs.

Our body is an interconnected system. Proper brain function depends on many factors:

  • clearly defined regime (sleep, eating, walking in the fresh air, physical activity)
  • proper nutrition, diet
  • competent alternation of periods of stress and time for rest
  • correct emotional state
  • motivation
  • household comfort

One of the simple answers to the question of how to make the brain work as efficiently as possible will sound like this - lead a healthy lifestyle!

The brain, like the muscles, should be exercised!

Don't avoid new things. When you find yourself in an unfamiliar environment or face another problem that requires a non-standard solution, you force your brain to work. This should become a habit.

Over time, many problems that previously seemed like complex equations will turn into entertaining puzzles. The power of the main processor is directly related to the amount of information processed.

The main thing is a sense of proportion. You shouldn’t overload yourself with work, but you won’t be able to stand still. Either you develop slowly and surely, or you go down a notch.

New peak abilities?

I will make you happy. If you are 20,40,60 years old, then your best years are still ahead of you. What does it mean?

This means that everything is in your hands. You can move mountains even after 60 years. And all this is confirmed by specific examples.

Yes, a person is born with a huge number of neurons. So that in any country, in any living conditions, as a child he can develop.

How does the brain develop and learn? When the child did something, a brain cell sent a signal (an eclectic impulse) to another cell, which, using special chemicals, created a connection.

When the child performs the same action again, this process is repeated and a connection is created. Thanks to these connections, the baby thinks and learns.

By age 3, a child's brain has formed more than 1,000 trillion active compounds. If we compare it with the brain of an adult, then the latter has half as many.

Why? Because it is at this age that the creation and consolidation of those processes that the child will use throughout his life occurs.

In fact, as early as 10 months, unnecessary neurons are removed. For example, only phonemes of the native language remain in the child’s language map.

And he loses the ability to hear the features of another language. Therefore, it is important from birth to let your baby listen to the rhythms of foreign languages.

As for the opportunities for brain development in children during this period and what else is important to do, read about this in the article Makoto Shichida’s Method for Children. How can busy mothers do it anyway? (opens in a new window).

Therefore, the loss of neurons is not as bad as the absence of new connections.

In addition, maturation is a “specialization” of the brain. Forming and strengthening connections that specifically help you live, work and study as needed.

There are benefits to this specialization.

Work on yourself

How to get your brain to work at 100 percent on Monday morning? No self-pity. No matter what happened to you yesterday, put your feet in slippers and take a shower. Preferably contrasting. Several arm swings, squats, abdominal exercises.

Physical activity in the fresh air promotes the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness), which is responsible for a good emotional state. Light breakfast, vitamins. That's it, you are ready for the new work week.

Our brain “remembers” our moods. Artificially create a feeling of uplifting within yourself. Over time, this will become a habit and become second nature. You need to learn how to properly manage your time and not waste it on bad emotions.

Stop using tobacco and alcohol

The path to perfection passes through self-restraint and discipline. You should not only lead a correct lifestyle, but also force yourself to constantly develop and increase the level of intellectual activity.

It has been proven that tobacco use significantly reduces performance. One hundred grams of alcohol can temporarily improve your performance, but then there is a decline, loss of attention and concentration.

But you shouldn’t turn into a hermit or ascetic. Just don’t lose your sense of proportion, and do everything you do with pleasure. A good mood is the key to high performance.

What are the practical recommendations on how to develop your brain 100 percent? The easiest way to develop cognitive abilities is to solve intellectual problems. The development of memory, thinking and intuition is well promoted by playing chess, solving crossword puzzles, writing articles or keeping a diary.

But in order to achieve serious progress in developing your abilities, you need to approach the learning process systematically and regularly. There is no better assistant in this matter than higher education.

It's never too late to learn. If you want to quickly increase your intelligence, welcome to the institute. If you don't have the opportunity to spend so much time studying, sign up for some courses or get additional education.

The habit of receiving and mastering new information is the main difference between a person in the 21st century.

Be active and inquisitive. Install a new operating system on your PC, write poetry, explore new activities. Try not to be lazy and don’t be afraid of the problems that life puts in front of you. A quick way to develop your brain 100% is to use your head more.

Pharmacology is a miracle of modern medicine. Since the mid-50s of the last century, a real boom began in the world. Miracle drugs were born that immediately gained popularity. All kinds of food supplements, vitamin complexes and tinctures made on the basis of “ancient recipes”, as well as quite serious medications used in modern psychiatry.

Indeed, many of them have proven their effectiveness. But be careful. Only a qualified doctor can recommend truly high-quality medications to you. You should not experiment on your health.

Exercises to develop the left hemisphere

If you want to develop your ability to work better with numbers and precise data, as well as learn new languages ​​faster, then do exercises for the left hemisphere.

Additionally: In addition to brain development, we advise you to use the principles of time management in your life. This will allow you to better distribute tasks throughout the day and help you save a lot of time. We have described time management techniques and books on it in detail in this article.

Solving arithmetic examples for a while

Find a collection of arithmetic examples or a special workbook in which ready-made tasks are written. Solve these examples within a limited time. To begin with, let it be 10 minutes, then you can increase the interval. In order to track the improvement of your performance, you need to solve examples of the same degree of difficulty throughout the week. Write down how many you managed to solve.

Classes on the Japanese computing system

In order to develop intelligence, Japanese scientists have developed a special set of exercises that includes logic tasks. In these exercises, it is necessary to perform calculations not only with numbers, but also with the help of letter symbols or figures taken for a specific unit.

Create algorithms

Ask yourself a certain situation, and then create action algorithms with “yes” or “no” answers. Each answer must have a logical result. Create similar algorithms for a while. You can try it with friends or family, then compare the result.

Take up programming or learn how to create websites

Memorizing various codes, actions, and prescribing algorithms will help significantly develop the left hemisphere. To get started, you can check out the free website creation course - it will not only help you develop your brain, but will also give you a nice bonus in the form of the “website development” skill. Such knowledge can be useful in any industry and type of activity, as society confidently moves into the information sphere.

Learn 10 foreign words a day

Speech and new languages ​​are associated with the left hemisphere. If you constantly expand your vocabulary, you can increase the number of synapses in this part of the brain. To make connections stronger, you need to constantly repeat what you have learned in addition to what you are studying.

Cyborgs are coming

It's more like the plot of a science fiction movie. American scientists have created a device capable of regulating a person's mood. This is not fiction. A patient with chronic depression had an electrode implanted into the area of ​​the brain responsible for the release of happiness hormones. The device is equipped with a control panel that regulates the level of irritation. The man smiled for the first time in many years.

Today, scientists claim that they can increase memory capacity by 20% by implanting special implants into the human brain. But there is another side to the issue. Will the general population have access to these innovations?

Otherwise, there is a danger - the intellectual gap between the “modified” part of humanity and representatives of the protein mind will be greater than between the Europeans who discovered America and the savages. But this question already lies in the sphere of scientific ethics.

Warren Buffett's 5/25 Rule

Warren Buffett is an American entrepreneur and investor with a net worth of $84.9 billion. He knows exactly how to achieve what he wants. Buffett advises writing down 25 of your goals and highlighting five of them.

And go straight to these top 5, without being distracted by other things, hobbies, opportunities. The rule is applicable in work planning, career building, family, creativity, in all areas.

Give your brain the mindset that until the five main goals/tasks/to-dos are completed, the others simply do not exist. This will help you not miss opportunities, not waste time, and activate your brain in pursuit of achievements.

Unachieved goals create stress and guilt; they depress you and prevent you from moving on.

Child development or how age affects the performance of the central nervous system

Most scientists adhere to the hypothesis that humans have an innate ability to learn. True, this ability has its age restrictions.

A striking example of this phenomenon is “Mowgli” - a child raised in a wild environment. The boy had no contact with people. Having entered a civilized society as a teenager, he never learned to speak clearly and was unable to become a full-fledged member of society.

Professional athletes who achieved high results began their training in early childhood.

A child's brain is receptive to new things, but if the foundations are not laid at a certain age, it will become more difficult to do so over time. It is believed that physiologically the human brain continues to grow until approximately 24-26 years of age.

Further, endurance and creativity gradually give way to experience and professional intuition.

Exercises to develop the right hemisphere

If you want to develop creativity and broaden your horizons, then you need to develop the right hemisphere. There are various ways.


Express your own emotions using drawings. If it’s difficult to draw something by hand at first or you can’t draw, then print out the coloring pages. There are special anti-stress coloring books designed for adults. You can also draw pictures by numbers. Then you can move on to more complex techniques.

Read fiction with expression

Try playing with your voice. Imagine yourself as an actor. You can stand in front of the mirror and perform a whole acting sketch. If you are afraid of looking stupid, then do this practice alone. To relax, try to start with some funny monologue in which you can laugh and fool around. This task liberates and makes you freer.

Dream and make up stories

Just close your eyes and let your thoughts come up with the most incredible things. Logic is not needed here, imagination is important. Combine what cannot be one whole. Come up with unusual circumstances and dialogues. This will help you get closer to thinking outside the box.

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