Psychology of relationships: how to save a marriage on the verge of divorce?

A successful tandem of a man and a woman is one of the most important goals in the life together of most people.
Especially when it seems that everything is serious: there are certain plans, sincere desires to be together always.

But mutual ambitions, inability to hear each other and many other circumstances can prevent even a harmonious and loving couple from building a happy union.

In this case, it is necessary to admit in time: the relationship needs to be saved, and this is daily and difficult work for both men and women. Let's take a closer look at how to save a relationship, a marriage on the verge of divorce.

Signs of discord in a relationship

The main signs that a tandem is on the verge of breaking:

  • insincerity, concealment of details, lack of trust, desire to isolate oneself from a partner with a wall of personal space;
  • a feeling of distance from each other, giving rise to lies and hypocrisy;
  • lack of passion in the intimate sphere, reluctance to physical intimacy and sensual contacts;
  • frequent quarrels, disagreements with all the ensuing consequences - from unpleasant words in calm tones to breaking dishes in angry outbursts;
  • reluctance to be one whole, the desire for independence and loneliness - not just for a day, but in the long term;
  • regular rivalry, desire for leadership in the union;
  • neglect of the feelings of a loved one, disrespect for his feelings and interests, lack of understanding in basic matters.

How to Stop Pressing on Pain Points

What do you think happened? Nothing has changed in the world, your partner just pissed you off. Now you exchange “courtesy”, and both are involved in a skirmish. It didn't start out that way, but you quickly descended into personal insults.

One of the partners always changes the relationship by pulling the trigger—we call it the trigger. People and circumstances, whether pleasant or unpleasant, cause us to feel and react in certain ways.

Try to imagine how you would feel in each of the following situations. What emotions would this evoke in you?

  • Your child comes home and says: “Today one boy in our class hit me and called me a fool.”
  • Your partner says, “I love you so much. Every day I am overwhelmed with gratitude that I get to spend my days next to the best person on earth. Thank you for loving me."
  • Your boss says: “You broke the performance record! Everyone is absolutely delighted with your amazing results!”

Each statement evokes a different emotion. This is how one person's behavior causes a reaction that instantly changes your state. This happens every day and most of us don't even realize it.

Triggers are a very powerful force. But they can be used to bring out the best in a person, not the worst. You can stop pressing your partner’s pain points and, on the contrary, bring out the best in him and help him improve and become himself. Once you do this, you will learn to maintain the love and passion you dream of.

What to do before taking action?

Before starting an operation to save a relationship, you need to:

  1. Find out from your partner the reasons why you wanted to leave . Admit to yourself that not everything is so smooth and do not try to manipulate, encouraging you to be with you against the wishes of your loved one.
  2. Take a break, don’t force your communication right away . Cut off contact at least until there is a real chance to fix everything.
  3. Ask for help - a close friend or a specialist . Any person who will help to adequately analyze the situation, understand it, overcome difficulties and, finally, start a new life.
  4. Turn the emerging hole in your personal life into new opportunities - learn something new, go on a trip, etc. Remember that life goes on and does not end with the end of a relationship.

General recommendations: how to prevent divorce?

Discord happens in every family. Modern techniques make it possible to detect problems at an early stage and help resolve them. A family psychologist will give practical advice on how to save a family; for this, spouses are asked to take a test.

Talk to each other, don’t accumulate dissatisfaction, work on relationships, surprise, thank, praise and just love each other. Your goal is a diamond wedding.

And the videos on this channel will tell you how to deal with personal problems, fears, and how to improve relationships with others.

What to do if the other half wants to break up?

Let's try to figure out what is special about active actions for both sexes.

To a woman

The main tips are:

  • The main tool for resolving any disagreements is an honest conversation.
    It is necessary to prepare for honest revelations - this is the only way the desired results will appear.

    Here's what you need to understand:

    1. What do we think is not working in a relationship and how does it manifest itself?
    2. What external factors influence this and what to do about them?

  • How does personal character and behavior influence this?
  • How does the character and behavior of a loved one influence this?
  • What exactly is the most difficult thing to accept in your case?
  • What concessions are you willing to make to prevent separation from happening?
  • Why do you want to improve family (partnership) relationships?
  • What effects do you expect to see and feel?
  • By preparing honest answers to the above questions, you will be able to provide a basis for a conversation in which it will be easier to control your emotions and express your feelings.
  • If you notice that in your relationship with a guy something has ceased to work out, and “everything is not the same as it was before,” you definitely need to make contact, but always taking into account the desired method of communication. Men usually expect a problem to be presented to them clearly and legibly so that a concrete solution can then be found.

To a man

The main advice of a psychologist:

  1. It is easier for women to talk about their feelings and show them, including negative ones. If you often quarrel, hear numerous accusations from your chosen one, and you get the impression that the conflict is growing, taking the initiative and offering to talk will definitely be appreciated by a woman’s heart.
  2. Try to show closeness, tenderness and understanding to her. Keep in mind that in addition to solving your problems, it may be very important for her to let go of accumulated emotions and receive support from you.
  3. Announce specific changes, because non-empty promises are an important guarantee for her. When telling her your expectations, emphasize what you value and like about her. If a conversation becomes dangerously tense, break it off and return to it later.

How to save a family if the husband has grown cold?

Ladies have learned to be forgiving of some shortcomings, such as scattered socks, an unscrewed tube of toothpaste, and an unopened toilet seat. It's a completely different matter when it comes to intimate relationships. If your spouse is cold towards you, as they say, you need to ring all the bells. And let's start with ourselves. Take a short excursion into the past, remember the days when everything was fine. Analyze what has changed since then. And start taking action.

How to save a marriage, advice from a psychologist to wives will help you find the answer:

  • learn to smile, do it sincerely, enjoy even the little things;
  • unobtrusively ask how your spouse’s day went (just don’t interrogate);
  • thank you for any kind of attention and help;
  • ask for help, make it clear that you need it;
  • always watch your appearance, because even if you go to the store, put yourself in order, do not make an exception at home, for your spouse you should be the most attractive;
  • let your husband be alone, take the children and go to your parents for a week;
  • get involved in a common cause. As the cartoon cat Matroskin said: “...joint work, for my benefit, brings us together”;
  • involve your husband in various activities related to your children;
  • try to surprise your spouse, do something unusual for you. If you used to cry quietly in a corner, start a scandal, maybe by breaking dishes. If you can’t stand football, buy a couple of cans of beer, a vuvuzela and sit down next to your beloved on the sofa.

To save the family, you will have to mobilize all your best qualities, but you must not forget that working with relationships is a constant process that lasts a lifetime.

What should not be done to protect the union?

So, what not to do:

  1. Take action and don’t put off dotting the i’s for a long time.
    Try not to beat around the bush and pretend nothing is happening.
  2. Don't use empty words - use exactly those examples that best illustrate true feelings.
  3. Don't attack, but communicate and demonstrate your willingness to work on your relationship.
  4. Avoid arguments and keep the conversation going in a way that makes both of you feel at ease and that external environmental factors do not cause disturbance.
  5. Remove the high-pitched tone and pretension in your intonation: the more specific and gentle you are, the more likely your partner will be to work with you, inspired by the common goal of preserving the relationship.

What not to do

All efforts aimed at avoiding a divorce from his wife and protecting his family can be annulled by mistakes made in the process. If the husband wants to save the family, you should not shift responsibility for problems in the marriage only to him. It’s the same with a spouse—in an unhappy marriage, there is no one person to blame, both partners are responsible. There are other mistakes that can provoke a deterioration in relationships and speed up divorce:

  • silencing complaints, unwillingness to speak openly about them;
  • unwillingness to give in or compromise;
  • mutual reproaches and complaints instead of a constructive search for solutions to problems;
  • reluctance to take the initiative in reconciliation.

Relationships cannot always be restored. You need to be able to understand when everything is over and stop in time, without wasting your emotional resources on futile attempts.

Consequences of keeping a family on the verge of breaking up

In the further preservation of a relationship on the verge of divorce, much depends on what were the reasons for the failed separation. Understanding them, in fact, is the key to adopting the right strategy to restore the former union.

Problems that can arise include a lack of trust and one party being too involved. Remember that mistrust, excessive control and conflict are the first steps to betrayal, which usually begins with you telling the other person about it.

On the other hand, if you see that your partner is less interested than you in maintaining the tandem, perhaps you should admit to yourself that further “cooperation” does not make sense .

Reasons that keep people together

Often unhappy couples continue their relationship and are constantly on the verge of breaking up. What are the reasons for this behavior:

  • they do not see more attractive options for themselves with other partners;
  • a lot of time and effort was invested in this relationship, so it’s a pity to ruin it;
  • people are actually satisfied with the relationships they have.

Stages of relationship restoration

When starting to work on relationships, you need to develop an effective strategy. Consistency and taking into account all the nuances will help bring love back into the family and avoid divorce:

  1. Someone has to take the first step, so the change starts with yourself. Seeing a positive example, the second partner will also begin to advance in development.
  2. It is important to decide on the vision of happiness in marriage. When you realize what it should be, you can direct your efforts towards creating the relationship of your dreams.
  3. Next you need to tackle conflict resolution. They cannot be suppressed, hidden or avoided. Constructive communication and clarification of relationships will help identify marriage problems and eliminate them.
  4. It is important to be positive and create a favorable atmosphere. You can change the environment, for example, unwind on a joint vacation, or simply harmonize the emotional background.

Going through these stages in a relationship, partners will become closer, gradually eliminating all the shortcomings in the marriage. This does not mean that quarrels and conflicts will completely disappear from the family; on the contrary, they will be present, but will no longer be able to have a destructive influence on the relationship.

What relationships don't make sense to preserve?

Unfortunately, there are also situations when an attempt to save a partnership or marriage is doomed to failure. If all your dreams of a wonderful and bright future together are crumbling in a series of delusions, you should not put off the final breakup for a long time. You need to be able to say goodbye to a person forever in time.

This should be done without hesitation in cases where the other party:

  • subject to bad habits and addictions;
  • often uses physical and moral violence, exerts psychological pressure;
  • refuses to take on responsibilities, such as working and providing for a child, or parenting;
  • regularly has sexual relations on the side.

How to restore warm family relationships?

To restore a relationship, you will need to make every possible effort, even try something new, learn something.

Become wise, tactful, restrained, patient. Arm yourself with a smile, a good mood, an attractive appearance, and charm.

Show originality in everything related to the family. Let your husband again see in you the girl he once wanted to call his wife.

Why is your husband always unhappy and criticizing you? What to do about it?

Signs that a marriage is falling apart at the seams

You are having quarrels more and more often.
The fact that the relationship is no longer the same, your union is no longer as strong as before, may be indicated by the presence of such changes in your life:

  • frequent conflicts - you get worked up over any reason, sometimes as if you are deliberately provoking a scandal;
  • constant complaints and accusations that lead to strong grievances;
  • you criticize each other, constantly reproach each other with something;
  • mutual respect disappeared;
  • there was a feeling of mutual charity;
  • there is no mutual gratitude;
  • tender feelings disappeared;
  • Intimacy is rare or non-existent.

When you notice such changes in relationships, it's time to reflect on your life and behavior. Often, a woman is able to make certain improvements in her marital life, gradually putting relationships in order.

Causes of the crisis in family relations.

Hot temper

Quarrels arise instantly and often out of nowhere; they throw people off balance. Over time, this destroys the nervous system. Screaming, swearing and noise sometimes even turns into the norm of communication.

Complex nature

The partner has a very difficult character and does not want to change. She withdraws into herself, does not communicate, and does not respond to questions. He is constantly dissatisfied with everything, radiates negativity and puts the whole family into a state of depression.








These are frequent and regular infidelities of a husband or wife. The desire to leave family and start another. Then the family ceases to be a formality and it is rarely possible to save them.


Family violence is scary. Gradually, the screams and threats from the husband turn to physical violence. Having allowed this to happen once, it cannot be stopped again. On the part of women, aggression is mainly transferred to children.

If you have such a situation in your family, you don’t need to hide behind the notion that I will tolerate it in order to preserve the family and so that the children have a father. Nobody needs such a father and husband. RUN!

The desire to change a loved one

An active desire to remake a person for oneself. Always do as I say.

Underestimated your partner

Everything is clear here, I thought all my life I would be a kitten, but it turned out to be a lion.

Desire to control

If you don't trust, you check everything. He'll soon get tired of it.

VIDEO TESTS: Love test. What awaits you during the year on the love front.

Expecting a baby

“I want this and this, but now I don’t want it, I want this, and faster.”

The birth of a child

I have no time for you right now with a child.

Problems at work

From there, irritation and anger are transferred to the family. Even a simple question, “How are you at work,” causes an explosion of emotions.

Financial problems

Their absence or lack is annoying, annoying, and angry. Where can I get money? What to do? Everything is projected onto the family.


This is rarely forgiven. He betrayed me once, he will betray me again. Traitors have always been disliked, even in war.

Blame and avoidance

Constant accusation of all sins, while avoiding communication.


Baby, tell me, who is better, me or dad?


Criticism with or without reason.

Moral crisis

Prenatal or postnatal crisis. Dismissal from work. We need to be more tolerant, understand, help.

Power and authority, struggle for leadership

The struggle within the family is who is more important.

VIDEO TESTS: Relationship test. What should your ideal relationship be like?


But he turned out to be not what he seemed at the beginning.

Lack of mutual understanding

There are constantly different views, concepts and lack of compromise on the same event.

All this only means that you are on the verge of a crisis. Something needs to be done urgently.

The biggest mistakes in conflicts

Pressure on the partner's painful points. Sucker Punch. This is humiliation, a decrease in his self-esteem. Leads to almost instant destruction of the family.

  • You are like your mother, the same...
  • You can’t do anything, you can’t do anything, you’re not capable. Devaluation of a person.
  • I heard you, we’ll talk later, I’m busy right now, we’ll see. You don’t allow me to express my opinion, you interrupt me, you make fun of me.
  • Demonstrative and complete disagreement with the partner’s opinion. This means you are not on his side, but with others - this is insulting.

Test: Should I get a divorce or not?

Find out with this test whether you need to get a divorce or whether it is still forming and will become the same as before or even better. Time is Up!

Time's up

What to fight for ↑

Every couple experiences family crises. For some, the reason for thinking about divorce is the eternal dissatisfaction of the husband/wife, for others it is betrayal, for others it is lack of attention, etc.

The most important thing for you now is to clearly identify the cause of your “collision” and analyze the situation.

What was your relationship like before this? Surprisingly good? Such that you did not doubt the reliability of your marriage? Was there love, a spark between you? If you have something pleasant to remember, then perhaps you just need to endure it and not stop fighting for your mate.

Important! Keeping a family together is a constant job. It’s not that lovers got to know each other from all sides only in the first year, and then everything goes on as usual. In any relationship there are quarrels, disagreements, jealousy and other problems that may seem global to you.

If you are sure that your friends do not have this, then take into account the fact that they simply do not want to wash dirty linen in public and flaunt their scandals and dissatisfaction with each other. That is, you are not alone in this regard. And first of all, stop feeling sorry for yourself, look at the situation from the outside.

So, if you are determined, let's move on!

The most common causes and solutions

There are countless reasons why families break up. From misunderstanding, discrepancy between expectations and reality, inability to find compromises, “role pulling” to betrayal and the quarrelsome nature of one of the spouses. We will not analyze each reason now; we will focus only on the most common ones.

Lack of mutual understanding with husband

This reason is associated with the appearance of small children in the family. The life of a wife, as a rule, becomes cyclical and monotonous. She doesn’t have days off, she doesn’t have the right to have a headache, she can’t even get enough sleep. The wife becomes tense, irritated, angry, and increasingly takes out her bad mood on her husband. He does not notice or sincerely does not understand why his missus is so “tired”, because it is HIM who has to work from morning to night. A misunderstanding arises between spouses, which leads the relationship to the brink of divorce.

To improve relationships, the wife needs to feel like a socially active person. To do this, ask your grandmother, grandfather, friend, sister, godfather to sit with the child at least a couple of times a week. Take this time for yourself. What you need? Watch a movie, lie in bed, go get a manicure, chat with a friend in a cafe? If there is no help from relatives, hire a nanny for a couple of hours. Just let your leisure time be relaxation, and not doing household chores. You will see that your mood will immediately fill the relationship with a happy atmosphere. The husband will want to return home sooner, the child will become calmer, and you will feel at peace.

Husband is tense and emotionally unstable

Relationships are on the verge of divorce if the spouse has psycho-emotional problems. The reasons are not important: overwork at work, tense relationships with parents, health problems, dissatisfaction with anything, chronic stress, lack of sleep. The result is the same - the husband becomes depressed, constantly tired, apathetic, “sick,” sad or irritated. The wife interprets his condition in her own way, which brings hysteria and discord into the relationship.

What should be done? First of all, a wise woman needs to understand that her husband is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. And this means that he needs to be given much more care, affection, love, and attention than he had before. The husband will reconcile as soon as he understands that you sincerely wish him happiness and fully share your fears, anxieties and feelings with him.

The husband categorically refuses to engage in dialogue

Oh, this character! If your husband is one of those who withdraws after a quarrel, gets offended and categorically refuses to talk, your patience is limitless! But that's okay, everyone is different, and some of them need a little more time to cool down.

How to improve relationships on the verge of divorce in this case? Take a break, be patient, but don’t let things take their course. If your husband is tightly withdrawn into himself, simply show your goodwill and love. When walking him to work, say: “Bye, dear,” cook his favorite borscht, invite his mother (if they are on good terms), a married couple with whom you are friends, to visit. Let your husband not reciprocate your feelings, be patient. After a while, try to start a conversation on a friendly note, and if everything succeeds, carefully, without shouting or reproaching, explain your vision of the problem in the relationship.

The main thing is not to get into a pose, otherwise divorce will be difficult to avoid.

The husband is childish, spends a lot of time with friends

There are couples in which the wife has an additional child in the person of her own husband. Such relationships quickly find themselves on the verge of divorce, since the spouse cannot reach her partner and convey to him the importance of family values.

What to do if your husband keeps trying to disappear for the whole weekend? Psychologists recommend relaxing and finding something to do to your liking. It is important for some men to feel free and not infringed upon by anyone. If you are confident in his loyalty, then let it be so, there is no need for scandals. Be smart, make an agreement with him: today one goes for a walk, tomorrow another, this week you bathe your son, next week your husband. As soon as your spouse understands that you do not claim his freedom, the relationship will improve on its own.

Wrong priorities in the family

Relationships are often on the verge of breaking down if roles in the family are mixed up. For example, a wife becomes a despotic boss, a generator of business ideas, the one who will hammer a nail and stop a whole horde with her scream. If one partner is the first to occupy a free position, the second, as a rule, adjusts in the relationship and takes the remaining space. Otherwise, if the companions “butt heads”, it is impossible to maintain the relationship.

Discord in relationships begins because a woman breaks down and shows her dissatisfaction to her husband: he refuses to take responsibility for the family, is used to his wife deciding everything, is lacking initiative, weak, spineless, etc. This is a failure. If a woman wants to revive the relationship, she needs to give her husband a feeling of need and importance in the relationship. Do not order/lead/adjust, but gently ask, guide, adjust.

If your spouse's addiction is to blame

Addiction is a terrible disease, which (as you probably already know) is impossible to fight without additional help. Sometimes dissolution of a relationship is the best way out of the situation, but it so happens that wives become codependent on their sick husbands, trying with all their might to preserve the crippled union.

What to do with such relationships? Don’t let the situation take its course, don’t sacrifice your life, don’t threaten, blackmail, beg - it doesn’t work. At the moment when your husband is in a sober mind, having previously called relatives and people significant to him, explain that he is sick and no one except himself will help him. Nowadays there are many smart specialists who help overcome gambling, drug, and alcohol addiction; all you need is his consent and desire. Tell me honestly that you are not ready to carry an unbearable burden on yourself, no matter how strong your feelings are...

The same problems apply to cruel, authoritarian men who are used to proving they are right with their fists.

Yes, and be sure to read R. Norwood’s book “Women Who Loved Too Much.”

The husband has grown cold, has fallen out of love, or is stingy in expressing his feelings

If your husband has cooled down, you must realize that the relationship is about to be on the verge of divorce. Think, has your husband always been stingy in showing love (is it normal if so) or did something happen somewhere?

Pretending that nothing happened means that you have come to terms with it and are completely giving your husband a free hand. The main and only advice: frank conversation. Calm, unobtrusive, serious. Say that you have noticed a chill in the relationship and want to help overcome a temporary crisis, but you don’t know which direction to move. Say that you are incredibly pleased when your husband kisses you when you meet, covers you with a blanket, or calls you during your lunch break.

In addition, smile constantly, no matter what mood your husband is in, praise him more often, thank him, give him compliments. Contact him for help, let him know that you need him. Always ask about how his day was and what to cook for him to eat. Be stunning even at home, let him realize that an attractive woman lives with him, surprise him, delight him. If you feel that your spouse is tired, give him the opportunity to relax (get a massage or go for a walk with the children, let him lie in front of the TV).

Making peace with a spouse can be difficult, especially if a woman feels that the quarrel is not her fault. But it’s not for nothing that the fair sex was dubbed the keeper of the hearth. Who else but them can revive a fading relationship on the verge of divorce?

My husband cheated

If you decide to save your marriage, then for reconciliation, find the strength to understand some things:

  • if a man has not left you now, he will not do this in principle;
  • he cares about you, the house, the children, otherwise it was just a physical affair;
  • keep silent about his betrayal - yes, your mother can support you now, but then her attitude towards your son-in-law will bring you a lot of pain (it is strictly forbidden to initiate children into such secrets);
  • sincerely forgive your husband, try to understand his motives;
  • be open, don't close yourself off.

In addition, take the advice of family psychologists: do not pretend that nothing happened, show your husband that the betrayal hurt you. Do this only once, but then close this topic forever. If you are afraid to start this conversation, write him a letter. Show that you are ready to make peace with your husband and are open to working on the cracks in the relationship. It would be ideal to take a vacation together and change the environment.

Do not forgive your spouse right away, even if you have already forgotten everything in your heart, otherwise he will understand that the path was too simple. Evaluate his behavior: if your partner repents and asks for forgiveness, you have a chance to build a harmonious relationship. If the husband remains silent, blaming his wife for everything that happens, it is unlikely that you will be able to save the union. Yes, you can give him a second chance, however, according to psychologists, this does not calm down such men.

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